Cat was confused and felt this dread down her spine, wondering if she did the right thing by telling him after their wedding day. What did she do wrong and why does he want to deny his responsibility towards her, by saying the child's not his child. 

 What is he up to? She was starting to ask herself what she had gotten herself into.

"Why are you saying such a thing to me, I'm your wife, are you denying your responsibilities towards this child.' Cat almost shrieked. She was getting out of line and nervousness and emotions were taking over.

'I'm not denying any responsibilities towards anyone or this child, in which I don't know if it exists to me. This child is not mine.' he yelled at Cat, which shocked her to the bones. Does she think she could fool him? God, he loved her so much. Why will she do this to him? Do women have to go to this extent and be so desperate to get a wealthy man who could believe anything they say to them?

 What is he saying?