"Okay, okay," she laughed and clapped her hands on Ava's face and Ava who was still annoyed pushed her hands away from her face and Scarlet stepped forward. "I shouldn't insult you, right? Why are you having regrets, because you left him and you wished you had stayed with him. Then, would you have preferred to be childless for the rest of your life or maybe it would be preferable, you were a whore, after you cheated on him,' she yelled at Ava who also got angry and slapped her hard across the face with her palm and with a solemn tone.

"I've warned you several times to stop talking about him that and don't you even dare to even think of bringing up my past again, because if you try it again, I will make sure you get dealt with. So, never speak of him like that again, because if it were me I won't speak of your boyfriends that way," she glared. "And make no mistake about that and don't act like you are any better than me when you also sleep around too." She shouted.