Anton was in his early twenties now, he was tall and skinny. A lanky young man with bright green hair. He was kind of goofy, and probably didn't get too much of a second look at women his age. But he was still handsome in his own way. High cheekbones, red hair that she wanted to run her hands through, and as he passed the house she noticed not a bad butt on him either.

Sadie watched the young man get bummed out the street by the dog until he eventually turned a corner out of sight. Sadie kept her eyes fixed on the location where she last saw him. Thinking about that boy. Sadie was startled to notice that her robe had fallen open, her left breast was exposed and her hand was slowly sliding its way down her stomach.

She quickly covered herself up and walked to the bathroom. She sat on the toilet. What had come over her? Was she so starved for attention that the young kid from down the street was turning her on?