"Darien,' he called. "Darien,' he fiercely whispered and tugged his arm, calling him. Darien was just clicking and writing some texts on his Android as he frowned and raised his head. "What is it and why are you calling me, can't you see that I'm busy right now.' He said, in a low and fiercely tone.

 "Seriously,' Nick was not going to believe this. "I can't believe you are working at a time like this, specifically on our parent's anniversary." 

 He veered his attention away from his phone and gave a frustrated sigh. "Are you being serious right now? Can you leave me the fuck alone, Nick, I'm working here?!"

 "Yeah, always work, work, work all the time," he grumbled. "Even on a substantial occasion like this, you are working…"

 "Nick, I think you were not deaf when I said those words initially that you should fucking leave me alone."