
After what seemed to be hours of just drinking tea and and eating biscuits, everyone in the room which Julius was in looked exhausted from simply talking so much.

"King Julius, I must ask though. Do you not feel that it is time to attack the enemy? If we manage to start moving our troops right now, we'll be able to reach at least one of the great kingdoms in a single week. In doing so, we can eliminate each one of them one by one," Ian offered.

"I see what you're saying. However I've changed how I would like to do things. I would prefer it if we all just attacked each one of the great kingdom rulers on our own. With all of us here, that would make for eight people right?" Julius asked as he counted Ian, Liam, Spike, Steph, Rosie, Dae, Knight, along with himself.

"Yes but there are 9 kings and queens. That would still leave one more ruler open to be attack," Ian argued.