
"What is it now? I can't even catch a break for even half a second? Why does this world intend of sending out everything it has against me?" Julius asked himself as he turned his head back towards the thing that had pushed him to the side only to see a regular human flying somehow. Seeing as it was levitating, Julius assumed that it was using a secret art which must have meant that they were from the cultivation world.

"Who are you and which kingdom do you originate from? You do realize that the war is over right? You're supposed to serve me now," said Julius as he tried to explain to the human that Julius was its true king.

"I go by the name of Jon #0405. I do not understand what you're talking about when you say what kingdom I'm from. I am from this world, more specifically the 'HRS lab'. If you are wondering where I'm actually from, that's the place that I come from," said the human as it revealed to Julius something very interesting.