
[ Sara's POV ]

It was a Thursday night, Probably around 8 or 9 at night. I was alone in my single room apartment, I was in a daze for a long while. I was sitting on my carpeted floor with my hands on knees. I don't know what I was thinking about then, Probably about what I was about to do.

When my daze was cut short when Suddenly I heard my phone buzz and light up, I flinched glancing at the phone on my coffee table. I didn't pick it up nor did I move from my spot of the carpeted floor. I couldn't move, Not a single inch.

I felt completely frozen in place.

Why? Why are you calling tonight? Go away.

My phone buzzed again and again and wouldn't stop. I squeezed my brown eyes shut and my hands clenched my brown dress as I sat still, trembling. I waited and waited and waited for the phone to stop.

When my phone did finally stop buzzing, I sighed heavily with relief and stood up from my carpet. I picked up my phone, Walking to my bedroom and carefully removing a piece of wood in the ground. I placed my phone in the crevice, Along with some other things. Then put the peice of wood back to where it was.

After that, I cleaned up my living a bit, Making sure that it was nice clean for what I was about to do. I vacuumed the light brown carpet, Wiped down the light brown walls, Dusted the shelves and Cleaned the dishes.

Once I was finished cleaning up, I walked to my small bedroom that only had a single bed and a dark drown desk in it and rummaged through a drawer until I found what I was looking for. I slightly smiled before returning to my blank expression.

Grabbing what I need, I walked back to my living room. I sat down on the ground and set down the pen and paper that I grabbed onto the coffee table.

I pick up the pen and started writing down all i felt and what I wanted to Express that I couldn't out loud. As I was writing it all down, a smile slowly crept up my lips. Some tears began pooling In the corners if my eyes as I left out a low chuckle.

As i finish writing everything down, I put the pen down next to the paper and stood up once again. My black bangs were covering my eyes yet I could still see through the cracks of my hair, What my apartment looked like.

It felt a bit nostalgic, I rented this apartment when I first entered collage. My parents were worried about me and my friends would stay over the first few days to make sure that i was safe. I was happy back then, With my friends and family.

As I recall all the wonderful times I had in this apartment, I remember all the horrible times too. Times that i don't want to remember.

As the memories began flooding back to me, I quickly slap my cheeks and shake my head to get rid of those thoughts. I Turned back to the coffee table and grab a box cutter that was laying next to the paper and pen. I had sharpened the blade a few days before so it was very sharp.

I smiled in anticipation as I went back to my seat in the ground. I brought the blade close to my arm and began making smooth cuts and slits to my left arm. By time I stopped, it was all bloody and cut up. The blood was flowing out the cuts but I didn't pay it any mind.

Soon I began doing the same to my other arm. I started giggling as I did it, I'm not insane I promise, than once I finished cutting that arm up, I moved to my legs and neck. I made sure not to hit any thing vital. I didn't want to die just like that. That wouldn't be enough to make them suffer for all they put me through. I want them to suffer when they see me like this, And finally see what was happening.

I put the box cutter down and walked into my laundry room that had a small safe in it. I put in the code, I-I-k-I, and opened the safe door.

I ignored the stinging and throbbing pain from my wounds as I picked up a pistol.

It was loaded and was off the safety pin, my smile only grew wider as I went back to my now bloody living room. I didn't want to alert anyone just yet so I picked up a big and fluffy couch cushion and held to my head. It hurt my wounds a bit but it would be boring without a little pain.

I took a deep breath, Closing my eyes.

[ Soon, Everything will be over and you won't have to suffer anymore ] I told myself as I put the gun up to the pillow and slowly pulled the trigger.

There was a muffler gun shot sound that was loud but not as loud as it would've been if there was no pillow.

Most everyone was sleeping at the moment so now one heard the sound and all kept sleeping as a young boy lay dead in his silent apartment.


[ 3rd POV ]

Sara's soul was floating alone somewhere bright. He was fast asleep and didn't seem like he noticed that he was still alive (sorta). Or perhaps he didn't want to notice that he was still alive.

All sara felt was warmth, He was comfortable and didn't want to wake up. It felt different from he had felt from his family and friends before. This warmth felt real and sincere.

Suddenly he heard a voice call out to him.

{ Sara }

Hearing the voice, Sara slowly opened his eyes and looked around him. He was unusually calm right now. His eyes were blank for a second before brightening up considerably.

He looked up and saw young man with light blue hair and blue eyes standing in front of him. They had pointy ears and a small but sad smile on his face.

Sara sat up, Trying not to be rude. Sara is someone who always has manners when meeting new or important people. Even if he had already died.

The man in front of him simply chuckled and walked closer to sara. When he was right in front of him, The man knelt down so he could look at Sara. The man was quite all, Way taller then Sara.

{ I apologize, Sara } The man suddenly apologized, Stunning Sara. He didn't know why this insanely gorgeous man that came out of now where is apologizing to him. He doesn't remember ever meeting this man before, So why would a stranger apologize to him?

" W-Why are you apologizing? " Sara asked hesitantly, Rubbing one of his hands with his other hand. He always did this when he was nervous or uncomfortable. It was an unconscious habit that he had no control over.

The man seemed to notice and softly smilied with eyes that were filled with sadness. Sara suddenly felt guilty and quickly put his hands behind his back.

{ You do not remember what happened back then but I do. Even if you have no memories of that time, I always will and I must sincerely apologize for what I did. } The man lowered his head, trying to hide his expression from the confused young boy in front of him.

Before Sara could say anymore, The man interrupted him. Rud-

{ Sara, Would you like another chance at life? }

Sara froze when he heard the man ask this, He didn't answer. He gritted his teeth and kept his head down. His shoulders began trembling and he squeezed his eyes shut to make the memories go away.

The man felt guilty for making Sara like this but he had to complete his task. He silently apologized and prayed for this to work.

{ Sara young, Do you want another chance at life?} He asked again, Using Sara's full name this time.

Sara didn't ask how he knew his last name and thought about that man asked him.

[ Another chance at life? Why would I be given another chance? After all that's happened to me and all I've done? It doesn't make sense ]

" Why? " Sara blurt out, Surprising the man.

He looked at him with confusion as if questioning why Sara would ask such a question.

As if sara could read his mind, He elaborated what he meant." Why would I get another chance at life? After all I've done? I don't deserve another chance "

The man straightened his back and looked at Sara with seriousness and helplessness. He sighed a bit before speaking again.

{ You do deserve it, Sara. I've watched your life and you struggles. I know that you feel like you're a sinner and deserve to go to hell but you don't. You simply made poor choices because of you're poor circumstances. None of it's your fault, You just had bad luck } The man answered with a sincere tone as his gaze softened as he looked at Sara.

Sara's eyes started tearing up but he stopped himself from crying. He wiped the tears away and calmed himself. " Would my life be different if I take this chance at another life? " Sara questioned the man, his gaze steadying on the man in front of him.

The man stiffened when Sara looked at him with a complicated expression in his eyes. He nodded his head.

{ Yes, You won't ever experience what you did in your last life again. You can live a peaceful life and start a happy family with a nice girl. You won't be as unlucky anymore, I can promise you that } The man smiled as he caressed sara's cheek affectionately.

For some reason, Sara really wanted to tease this man. His appearance made his look handsome but pure. It actually felt a bit familiar to him but he doesn't remember why. Weird.

Sara has always loved pure people, Especially men with long hair. Though he has no recollection of why? He never met men with kong hair before.

The man in front of him had light blue hair that was in a long braid with a golden cloth tying it at the bottom. His eyes were a lovely a shiny blue that looked like that sparkling. He had long pointy ears, Like an elf but they also made the man look cute in a way. He was wearing a white robe and a light blue cloth wrapped around his waist. He had no shoes on and was bare foot which just added to his charm.

The man had a baby face which made him look like a young adult. He was so cute that sara could barely keep control of his hands.

Then something hit sara, He smiled at the man and opened his mouth to say something.

" Who said anything about settling down with a woman? Why not a cute young man? " Sara teased the man in front of him that looked a bit confused before his face turned red.

Sara chuckled, [ He's so cute !! ] He roared in his mind.

The man in front of Sara was frozen stiff,  His face had a considerable amount if blush and he didn't know what to say.

Sara lightly smiled, " Why is your face so red? Did you catch a fever or something? "

He continued to tease the poor young man as he raised his hand and felt the man's forehead.

The man's face reddened more and he looked like he was about to explode so Sara decided to stop teasing the poor man and give him a break.

" I'm kidding, Relax " Sara chuckled, Petting the head of the young man. The young man was still blushing but tried to compose himself as he remembered what god had told him before coming here.

{ Sara, Will accept being reborn? } The young man asked, Trying to keep a straight face as he asked but he couldn't hide the blush still visible on his face.

{ You will be reborn into an otome game called

' Lovers world : Sweet garden of men '. You will be reborn as the Heroines uncle and Male leads and villains spotted father. Your character doesn't get involved very much with the plot of the story so you can live a comfortable life with your family. } The young elf answered, Glancing at Sara.

" ' Lovers world: Sweet garden of men ' I believe I've played that before. Its such a cheesy title that I can't not remember it. Alright, I'll accept being reborn there. Thank you and thank your god for allowing me this " Sara smiled as he sincerely thanked the young elf.

The young elf went red before bowing his head so Sara could not see his blush.

{ You're welcome. My god would say the same.

We are very sorry for what happened in your previous life and hope that your next life will be more peaceful and without problems } The young elf lifted his head revealing a gorgeous smile that seemed to just radiate light.

Sara covered his eyes as blood dripped from his mouth as he saw as absolutely adorable the creature in front of his was when he smiled.

" I don't blame you or your god for any of my choices. You don't have to worry " Sara gently sighed, Petting the head of the young elf.

{ Then I hope you live a good life there. Oh! And do try to do your best to take care of the 3 main characters till they become 15 years old. They will be going to a magic academy and that's when the game will officially start. I wish you luck and prosperity, Sara young } The young elf quickly hugged Sara as parts of his ( Sara's ) body started disappearing.

" Thank you, I'll remember your words. Also will I be reborn with my memories? " Sara quickly asked, Hugging the elf back.

{ You can choose which memories you would like to keep and which memories you will forget but there is a possibility that you will remember things that you have forgotten. So be careful }

The young elf informed Sara's dissipating body.

" Alright. Again thank you very much for giving me this opportunity " Sara sincerely smiled before the rest of his body disappeared into specks of light and floated away.

Thus begins Sara's journey to Live a peaceful life while taking care of 2 young children. As if its possible to have a peaceful life with 3 children but poor sara doesn't know that . . . . . yet.

Sara turned serious too. He considered all the pros and cons of being reborn.

" Where will I be reborn ? " Sara asked, Looking up at the young elf. The young elf looked back at Sara, Hesitant to answer but seeing the look of curiosity and Some loneliness, He couldn't help but answer truthfully.