Chapter 6. Lineage

Shawn sat down by his grandpa's bed. "Save all of your questions til the end boy. You need to learn where we came from. We come from a strong but small family called the Elwood family. We are noble's boy; my name is Carl Elwood III. Up north is our homeland, however your father came from somewhere else, a soft sneer formed on the old man's face when speaking about the man.

Our clan was declining because of the last war. Due to this we fell prey to the surrounding clans. I will not tell you about them because they are far too powerful for you right now. If you do grow strong enough then you will find out naturally. Your parents were strong, and even stronger than I. However, they fell to our enemies, our clan was still starting to address the combined suppression of the surrounding powers. Your parents had made an important discovery, they found a nature stone load, an altar, and inheritance.

The cavern that they explored held a scroll and a necklace. Shawn subconsciously touched his pendant. It was a gray stone about the size of an infant's fist. On the front was a sun on the top, a moon at the bottom, and circle in the middle. His grandfather eyed the pendent, "I don't know how it was exposed that they found what they did. However, once it was, the clan was immediately terminated by our enemies. They may have gotten the nature stones and the altar its self, but they did not get the pendent and scroll. You now wear the pendant; it looks unassuming enough but do take caution that it is not taken from you. As for the scroll it is hidden inside of a special ring, the ring lies in a trick box underneath the floor."

Shawn felt overwhelmed knowing that he had family but all were dead except for his grandfather and himself. He held out hope his mother and father were alive, he wanted to live like the other kids who would call him bastard for lack of parents. Seeing them with both parents and wanting for next to nothing was the cause of his envy of them. He and his grandpa begged almost every day, and wore rags for cloths.

Knowing he was truly going to be alone after his grandpa passed made him feel lost. His grandfather stopped talking, noticing the boy's emotions and sighed gently. "All hope is not lost boy; my cultivation was destroyed and I burnt a lot of my life force but I was able raise you up. I planned to raise you until ten but things have not gone as planned. You are the next generation and the one that will succeed where we failed."