Reborn as Jin mori power in Naruto

chapter 1:- In dark black space you can see a soul. Original it a void. soul is no other than our MC Jin. in his past life he is an otuka. he love manga ' comics and novel. he is orphan live in America. in fatefull day he by car by saving and old man. now Jin soul in void. our soul wonder in void don't know what to do. more time pass Jin remember how he live his life and in car accident. more time pass Jin forget to count time pass than suddenly a omnipotent being notice this soul Jin and come to him. Jin suddenly fear about suddenly a golden light come to him stare at him. Jin:who are you? Jin asked questions to the being god: oh you don't have fear about me. I am the one you can't not imagine. to simply to take your language I am your God or ROB Whatever you think that is I am. Jin: I am shock hear this being call him god. although I am never thought I in front of god. so god why I am here? god: so you did not thought you come in front of me? to answer your question answer I will give you a chance to reborn with favorite world and don't ask why I give you a chance. now what do you think. Jin : what you can read my mind and what you give me chance to reborn like those fan fiction. and can I get wishes like those novel. god: yes I will given you chance and give you 2 wish to limit. now tell me your wish and you have to wish for you past life what your wish. Jin : ony to 2 wish. it really difficult. now there nothing I can do. now thin about wish. few times late Jin thought about wish ready tell about his wish. ok my first wish all my past life memories with photography memories or eidetic memories. and last wish all power inheretence of Jin mori whith all his weapon and equipment like ruyi jingu bang 'gourd and kinto- un with all his memories and experience. god: hu fast wish easy but for your wish you have to train your body or you can not handle your power. evin I give you all his power your body can not han dle your power. you have to train you body to use his full power. and chose your world to reborn. Jin: ok I will agree. and I chose Naruto world and timeline will be same time when Naruto born and make sure when I get my memories back I am 8 years 3 month before get admission to ninja school. and also make me male same look as jinmori. god: ok I can do that. and also you will your weapon when you are 12 years old after graduation exam. good luck for next life. then god snap his finger and Jin soul disappeared from his sight. oh I forgot to him that he can practice all in martial arts for and cultivate. forget it he can later find out that I give him a gift which later help him. l like you never change my friend. I will meet you again after you reach my until than goodbye and take care I will watching from here.

Jin: where am I. I remember I am in front of then I feel tremendous pain and pass out. after some time later oh I remember my nae Jin. I reborn 1 month before Naruto. and my parents die in kurma attack them I replace in orphans centre. I remember I am practicing for to become ninja and fall and pass out. caretaker take me to bedroom. I have 3 month before enter ninja school. I have to train harder and hide my existence from those bastard danzo and old fox hiruzena until I become stronger. time to star my training my taijutsu. I know mighty guy can help me to train my taijutsu. I have to make my body strong to use my power and martial arts of monkey King Jin mori. it time to train. oh I forgot that I did not awaken my chakra. I think it better not to awaken chakra until I go ninja academy be if someone one find out they will asked questions and also become suspicious how I awaken my chakra. I better be careful not awaken my chakra until than also train my body and taijutsu and I have to way learn more about ninjutsu specially Fuinjutsu. because it help me to counter any enemy especially those evil otsutski clan. and I have learn about senjutsu. because it is overpower and make me stronger and also it has high healing factor. better train start now. than suddenly a sound coming from door. it caretaker.

caretaker: how are you Jin. if you feel pain than tale me I will take you to hospital ok.

Jin: no I am. I don't need to go hospital. I know it take money and I don't have money. I am ok. you don't have to worry .


it been few days i reincarnation in this world. I also start my traing by body and mind through meditation. I also secretly watching mighty guy training. I am impressed how gai can train his body like that. if someone can train like this he can not handle this. I am also train my body like guy practice also doing saitama training 100 push up

100 tishup and 100 quits and 10 km run. although I don't have waight seal or weight seal but in future I can get it but now I have to train my body to increase my strength. now time to start my training.

might guy:- I thought I have been watching by someone. forget it youth.

time skip 4 years:- if you watching in forest perfect 8 pack abs and 5.6 foot boy doing hard traing his body and martial art he is non other than our ocean Jin.

Jin: it been 4 years I have train my body and train and unlock my chakra and also train 8 gait forbidden techniques and get weight seal to train my body. if you are you are thinking about how I get forbidden techniques and weight seal than I will the story 2 years ago.

guy: why did you follow me boy. are you student?

Jin: yes I am students and I am want to learn training from you. I heard you are best taijutsu user and also you are very strong. so can you become my sense I.

guy: look like I am very famous. look like you become very fine youth ninja. what do you think Lee. : I am also same think sensi. I am very happy that that sensi become famous and strong . I will work hard sensi.

guy: ok I think I can train you but you have to work hard like Lee to learn my techniques. are you sure you want me to train you.

Jin: don't worry guy sensi I will work hard. and I also learn everything thing from you.

guy: ok if you insist then your training start from tomorrow 6 am. so don't be late.

Jin: I will not late sensi than he say good bye to him and come to his room.


Jin: in 4 years I learn everything from guy and I am abe to open 3 gate and lift weight 400 kg total. but still I am unable to use any power from Jin mrie and his weapon. look like I need to train harder to use his power. I also learn shadow clone jutsu transformation jutsu and replacement jutsu. I also go library to access all knowledge but all I acess basic and low level jutsu. look like I have to wait to learn high level jutsu. and also it been 1 month left to start graduation exam and cannon will start soon. soon after I train complete I return to orphanage central than people star shout at short child with bould hairs. I think I know him. he is main carector Naruto.

people: get out of here demons fox don't come here again. why did not people kill that child.

Naruto: why people hate me. I will work hard and become hokage than people will not hate me.

Jin: so this is Naruto. and 2 ninja follows him. look like I have to be cautious not meet Naruto until that old fox hiruzena die hand of orachamure. and also I am not strong enough to protect my self from danzo and from root. I need to become stronger so I don't have to hide my strength. I have to return orphans centre. after that I come to orphans centre and fall in sleep.

Jin: it been one month after my last encounter Naruto. and I also increase my weight training. now I can life 500 kg. and I also can enter 4 gate.

now I am in class room. but some students not come to class. I am also same call as Naruto. time slowly pass. many students come one by one. some time later saskue uchiia come and after that sakura ino choji sikamaru come to class room.

but Naruto did not come . some time after iruku come to class room.

iruku: everyone today is day you become geniun if you pass the exam. now one by one I call your name. fast shikarmaru.

shikarmaru: present

iruku: ino

ino: present. looking at saskue.

iruku: sakura.

sakura: present sensi saskue kun.

iruku. next Naruto. where is Naruto did he not coming to class room. this child what should I do to him.

ino: he is an idiot

sakura: he is baka and always tried complete with my saskue. but he will never will.

hinata: Naruto kun. very concern about Naruto.

Naruto. I am present sensi.

iruku: Naruto where you have been ok it does not matter now take your seat.

Naruto: yes sensi. and he takes his seat beside Naruto.

iruku:after complete our task he tell students that today you will take exam and you don't have to wary I know you will do your best. first Naruto take your exam.

Naruto: yes sensi then he come to his place form hand sigh shadow clone jutsu but it turn sex clone jutsu. and iruku blood leak from nose.

iruku: you are fail Naruto.

mizoki: smile seen in his face.

Naruto: very sad ran away from class room.

iruku. sauska' hinata ' now last Jin.

Jin: Jin come to place do hand sigh shadow clone jutsu.

iruku : you pass and hand over Jin head band.

Jin : after some time same thing go as cannon and Naruto get his head band become genin. after that Jin come to orphans centre and think tomorrow I get my official team and become officially genin and get my personal room. I can't not weight. and he fall in sleep.

chapter 3 :

Jin mori: new day ieating my food and ready to go academy. after reaching academy I seat next seat beside shikarmaru. I asked him what do you think which team you will get.

shikamaru: is that you Jin. I think you did not talk people to that you don't have many friends. I don't know but I hope they don't give me girl in my. it really trouble some. I don't want hear always saskue kun . I know they will create again ino ski choji team again think in his mind.

jin: well that's good.

iruki: come in to his call tell the students the today you will get your sensi and become officially ninja. so good luck.

ino: I will get same team as sauska kun team.

sakura: you shut up ino pig I will get to sauska team.

Naruto: don't wary sakura I will get your team.

sakura: you shut up Naruto baka.

hinata: I think I will get his team. Naruto kun think his mind.

kiba: don't worry hinata I will get your team. and we will get together date.

hinata: don't given him answer very shy.

iruku: ok that enough. I will call your name tell you sensi ok. team8 first hinata kiba and aburama get your sensi will be kurean yui. team 7 sauska Naruto and sakura and jin your team will be kakashi.

sakura: take that ino pig.

ino: why you are lucky. feel very bad.

iruku: and last shikarmaru choji and ino team 10 yor sensi will be asuma. ok that all and team 7 your sensi will late good by .

Jin: look like story some how change. I get to Naruto team. look like it has does by that omnipotent being. it ok I can manage.

rob: oh chi. look like someone calling my name.

jin: some it been 2 hour kakashi did not came.

sakura: when our sensi come. I am bored.

kakashi: suddenly kakashi come to room one eye close mask. hello I am your sensi meet me team 7 in training ground. suddenly he disseapare from the room.

In training Ground

kakashi: tomorrow I am going take test all of you if you don't pass then you going back academy. meet me in this training ground in6 am and don't eat or you will puke.

sakura: we already given test why we all get the test again.

kakashi: that school test nothing but child play if you fail you go back academy. and my test very hard 80 percent students fail the test. so you will better preapere and the he disseapare with body flicker.

Jin: after kakashi gone I come back to orphans centre and take all thik pack leave the center because I already get my personal room. so after that I come to my room. this is small only bathroom and bed nothing else. those basterd take every money and give us this kind of room. no wonder Naruto life miserable. I think when I will become stronger I kill those old bastard and for old hokage he will die any way. after some time thinking I started my taijutsu training and try to open 5 gate. it getting harder. oh I forgot to tell you

that I am practicing all 6 martial arts from of Jin mori. it really help me to become stronger. first I practice is Renewal Taekwondo Full Contact Karate and Ssam-Su -Taekkyeon Nabong Needle Ryu and hua or heavenly arts 48 th form. in order to refine my taijutsu and fight ing style. and in order to refine my Kenjuts I practice Moon Light Sword really help me to develop new type of Kenjuts. because I can't buy sword because I don't have money and don't have licensed because I am not ninja. only ninja can buy sword. now I can by sword and I also have money. because I practice sword through kendo sticks. in 4 year practice I reach sword master. but need to reach level saint so I can develop sword intent and I also have to learn verious kind of jutsu special Fuinjutsu that I Only learn basic. because public Library and academy library didn't give me access advance Fuinjutsu. look I have to find ne way to learn Fuinjutsu. I have to collect Fuinjutsu scroll and sealing scroll in invasion time. yes that time will be perfect. and I also learn multiple shadow clone jutsu from Naruto. although I only make 10 clone because in only have genin level chakra. I have to increase my chakra level and learn more about senjutsu. only senjutsu help me increase my chakra level. for now I need increase my body train and I always have increase my seal weight 700 kg.

look like in 3 or4 year I will breake my body limit. I can not. now time to train.

next day :

Jin : I wake up 8 am and I know kakashi will late I have time. time to eat. some time later. 10 am. look like I have to go now.

team7 : sensi is late and Jin also late. suddenly Jin come to training ground.

sakura: you are late Jin.

Jin:sorry I have important work so I late and also sensi is not coming so I am in time.

11 am kakashi did not come

kakashi: look like I have to go now. they will become impatient. he come to train ing ground.

sakura: you are late.

kakashi: sorry I get lost in my path and a cat come to my path.

sakura: you don't have to give us excuse.

kakashi: you test will star now. test will simple you have to bell from me. only I have 3 bell it means only 3 person will pass. one will go back academy

the person will not pass can not eat that I buy from store. then test will start now. you only have 3 hour. came at me with killing intent. and before that give us introduction.

kakashi: I am jonin. my hobi like and dislike nothing I will tell you. first blonde.

Naruto: I am Naruto uzamaki I became hokage one day. and I like rawmin.

ssuska: my name sauska uchiia. I don't like anything. and my goal kill certain some oone.

kakashi: look like revenge path will he going now.

sakura: sakura also don't no about kill think of sauska. but did not show his face. I am sakura I like sa kun. loking sauska direction.

jin: my name Jin.

kakashi : he look like confident. ok test will start now.

team7 : Jin sakura and ssuska hide in trees but Naruto did not.

kakashi: so you will not hide.

Naruto: I will fight head on. if I hide how did I became hokage.

next chapter show how Jin will face kakashi.


Naruto: shadow clone jutsu 50 clone form and start fight. 50 clone fight against kakashi. kakashi all clone with out breaking sweet finally attack 1000 years death in Naruto ass. after Naruto beat down in ground.

kakashi: good attack shadow clone because of fox Business but about taijutsu and ninja jutsu not good.

sauska: that idiot beat down as expected.

kakashi: I have found sakura and sauska but I did not found Jin look like he is hidden very we. I have to beat down those two and take care Jin after that.

sakura: I am hidden but suddenly I sauska dead body I ran to help him but I fall in trap and I pass out.

kakashi: she can not even fight against my basic genjutsu. she need to train to become stronger and full fledge ninja.

sauska: now is my turn . I ran to him and fire fire ball jutsu burn him down but after fire diseapear he is now wear. body substitute jutsu. suddenly he attack behind from my back I barely survived. I started my fight with him taijutsu. after 10 min I lost my chakra level and drop in ground. I can't even keep up with him how I going to itachi. ineed strength. I have to train to become stronger.

kakashi: he is god at ninjutsu and taijutsu but not good at other and also did not awaken sharengen. he need to train his body other techniques. I will train him in future. next is Jin but where he is I can't even find before I think I was kicked by some fall down 50 meters in treen. this kick is strong if it in my I will be dead for sure.

Jin: I kick him from beinnd and he fall in tree. after he fight with me seriously with taijutsu I barely keep up with. so this is jonuin power. I use my Renewal Taekwondo techniques to fight. he is surprised my fighting style but didn't not aske me questions. after 10 minutes fight I lost my all stamana to fight. so I give up fight. I can't so my all techniques now. I have to it for future until I become stronger in whole world so no one in get in my way. I can easily kill him from my techniques

Nabong Needle ruy techniques to block chakra Or blood or even disrupt chakra point he will die in mi ute. but I will save this techniques for future for Trump car.

kakashi: Jin he really surprised me with unknown taijutsu fight ing style even keep up with me in taijutsu. look like he is train by someone. because I know some who fight like this . look like he is good only taijutsu. he need to train other techniques like ninjutsu and genjutsu. he became good ninja next to uchiia boy. ok all of you pass. you all work hard.

hare take break fast.

sakura: but we did not take bell.

kakashi: yes you don't take bell but work hard and if you all work hard you can even taken bell. this test is psychological test for team work. because in future as ninja need them to complete mission. you all have to remember that. I will take all of you tomorrow mission. so tomorrow 8 am good by. the he disseapare with body flicker.

Jin: look like I have to complete d rank mission. then go to his room.

hokage rom:

hiruzan: team 10

temp10 sensi: pass

hiruzena: teem8

teem8 sensi: pass

hiruzena: teen 7

kakashi: pass

everyone: look at kakashi and open his mouth.