Chapter 8: Positioning and Robots

I'm back,


Sailing on the high seas and not knowing when our next adventure will happen, the rest of the crew and myself were having a meeting on the main deck of our main ship.

Pain: "I am completely against it master."

Sasori: "I agree, this is something we can't allow."

"Well I don't seem to remember this as a suggestion so we will do it without your consents."

Basically I decided to mask my positioning within the Akatsuki pirates as a chore boy. The reason was quite simple, a threat you don't know of or underestimate will deal the most devastating damage to the enemy and that's what I was aiming for.

"My orders are final, Pain will act as the 'captain' and face of our pirate group and Sasori will be the doctor as you have knowledge about poisons and the human body through your work with puppets."

The faces of my subordinates showed a very obvious displeased feel but I should have expected it since they were brought into this world with the mindset that I am higher than them so acting like a chore boy is very contradicting. Seeing their objections were ignored Pain and Sasori could only accept.

"Now that we are on the same page, I'll continue relying the rest of my plan. Pain I need you to take out the shadows that were collected from Moria's zombies, they should still be in our barrels below deck. Sasori I need you to gather all of your puppets too."

Without waiting to long, I got to witness the efficiency of the akatsuki characters summoned from the system. It was time to show of the power of shadows. we opened the barrels to reveal flying shadows, activating the powers of the kage kage fruit I directed the shadows into Sasori's 100 puppets. After waiting a few moments, the puppets started to shake and then awkwardly began to rise. After witnessing the effects of the Kage Kage fruit and how Moria used it, I could see how much potential was wasted because of that bastard. All Moria managed to accomplish with the shadow power was stuff shadows into corpses and allow them to roam freely as long as they were loyal. There was a flaw with this way of using the shadows. His zombies blurted out Moria's secrets and plans when they were patrolling, thus I was not going to take any chances. As a result, ever since I obtained the power over shadow I've been planning for ways to resolve how they operate and I came up with an answer. Since I have full control over shadows, why can't I just manipulate them to have no will and only set instructions. Leaving my thoughts, I focus back to the now standing puppets that were not manipulated by Sasori at this moment.

"By using my powers, I put the captured shadows into the puppets with some simple instructions in mind like attack or defend, thus transforming them into what I would like to call robots. Anyways, these commands can be changed later but it's going to be like this for now."

Sasori: "Master, since the puppets can now move by themselves, what will happen to my skills as a puppeteer?"

"The best part about these robots is that they can still be manipulated by your chakra strings and with my enhancement just imagine attacking an enemy, they think you miss or dodge your attacks but then the robots move on their own for a surprise attack. So this will open up a whole new field for your skills as a puppet master."

Sasori: "Now I understand, thank you for this improvement master. I will strive to master these robots to meet your expectations for them."

"That's all I ask. Now for the plan of action, Sasori will stay to guard the ship and practice with his new toys while Pain and I head off."

Pain: "Understood"

Pain came beside me and grabbed my shoulder. Preparing our leave I quickly turn my gaze to Sasori one last time to see him voicing some commands to our new and improved army. With that Pain body-flickered us of the ship and into our new base of operations, Thriller Bark.


'A shadow will rise and a new dawn will consume the world and force the heavens to fear the akatsuki's strength and by heavens I mean the fake gods who aren't even close to saints. I will steal their imaginary crown and envelope this world. The shadow kage rises today.'

Pain: "Master, would you like me to escort you back to our ship?"

"I don't think so nor do I think we even have to leave this place. Right now Thriller Bark is an island ship that's not occupied by anyone at the moment so I as the captain of the akatsuki pirates Drake D Dawn declare this place as our territory."

Pain: "Understood master, I will try to improve my narrow thinking."

I looked around and saw a ruined castle, a few holes in the ground and a flooded forest.

"*Sigh* Pain, get Sasori and clean this place up. Next time try to have a little restraint, and not act like your trying to flatten an entire village."

Pain smirked at my comment and spoke

Pain: "Master, just be sure to know that I have the capability to do just that or worse to the akatsuki's future enemies."

"Your right, I should be ordering you to improve and be useful instead of asking you to hold back. Hence, be useful and get Sasori already to fix up this place! I want to sleep sometime tonight."

Pain: "Right away master."

'If this is what it's like having two akatsuki members as subordinates, I wonder what it will happen when I summon the rest of them. Just thinking about the possibilities, I can't wait.'


In a meeting room, a group of people wearing uniforms were sitting around a table while listening to a serious debriefing.

Sengoku: "Now that the seas have been put upside down due to the pirate era Roger created, the marines are having a hard time keeping control over the seas. The 5 elders have approved the idea to recruit pirates by offering benefits and have them keep the rest under control."

Garp: "Roger sure got us good, we were supposed to send a message to the pirates that the marines are an absolute power but he turned it into an opening of a pirate era, Bwawawawawawa!"

Sengoku: "Shut it Garp, anyways for the candidates for the new pirate system, we have decided of a few so far and they will be known as the seven warlords of the sea."

A navy soldier ran into the meeting room with urgency on his face, causing all of the important figures attentions to shift to him.

Soldier: "Fleet admiral Sengoku, the pirate warlord candidate Moria has not responded yet and it is believed that someone has defeated him and his crew."

Sengoku: "Well that's a little unexpected, find out who did it and give him the same offer as it doesn't matter which pirate gets recruited. Meeting over."

~Drake POV~

As Pain was body-flickering while holding me as we headed to the castle I fell into thought again.

"Pain, I feel that the world will recognise our presence sooner rather than later."

Pain: "I will make the world feel pain if it tries to oppose the Akatsuki."

"Well said, my dream of becoming pirate king will come true even if I'm against the whole world."

Leaking a little conqueror haki from speaking out my dream, Pain let a respectful grin appear on his face, happy with his masters resolve.

"The world will soon now the names Drake D Dawn and the akatsuki pirates."