Chapter 12: My Life is My Greatest Weapon

I'm aiming to do chapter updates regularly or at least try my best


"Although I hate to admit it, this place looks much better."

Pain: "I think so to, the area can now be used much more effectively in terms of strengthening akatsuki."

Deidara: "Master, when can we blow up this place again?"

Sasori: "NEVER! It took us 2 weeks to clean up my mess and I don't want to be the one to deal with yours!"

Our group of akatsuki members have been conversing over the new area Sasori 'kindly' remodelled a few weeks prior due to excessive training of anbu.

"Through my motivation, Sasori's whole mess can be put behind us. This new training ground will be suitable to practice skills confidently due to the open space and dummies but with restraint!"

Sasori/Pain/Drake: 'Deidara.'

Deidara: 'What's with them staring at me?'"But my skills is a work of art. My art is an EXPLOSION!"

Pain: "And that is why master has allowed you to only form your clay constructs to your heart's contents and not explode them."

Similarly to feeling like a parent rather than a boss I listened to my subordinates conversation for a long time. Pain would discuss matters from the point of view of my interests while Deidara continued to make fun of Sasori's incident that would be referred to in the future as his 'dark past'. After letting things settle down I looked towards the others decided to get involved again.

"Alright, until further notice all members of akatsuki will be doing physical exercises to improve your fitness and physiques. As you can tell and from Pain's information, plus our encounter with Scum Strawberry this worlds ordinary people are much tougher than the ones from your original world (narutoverse). Let along what those four emperors that were mentioned to be ruling the New World of the grandline, we can only assume for them to be monsters."

Not taking too long to converse, Pain and the other two agreed as they wouldn't want to have such an obvious weakness when facing akatsuki's future enemies. In the mornings, we all began running around the islandships forests using body flicker technique in combination to a technique used in this world called shave. Yes, when Pain was at marineford he managed to observe marine officers perform a series of techniques called marine six-style through his rinnegan. There are basically six techinques, shave, moonwalk, paper art, iron body, finger pistol and tempest kick which allow for an individual to fully control their body.

'If you include chakra on top of marine six-styles then this worlds top fighting style can be evolved and only be exclusive to akatsuki.'

Looking behind me, Pain and the other two were right behind and didn't seem to be tired at all. You could say that my subordinates were behind me just because I'm there leader and their giving me some face but you would be wrong. Recently I have developed my shadow devil fruit powers to attach my own shadow to my feet. Through this I can run at twice my speed and with half of my stamina consumed. This is only possible through a concept I remembered where your shadow moves at the same speed as yourself so if I attach my own shadow to myself then I produce double the speed and a new ability I named "Shadow Step". This development can also be implemented with moonwalk and the other styles to.

Deidara: "Can we take a break soon, I usually ride my clay constructs and don't do this much physical work. How about we eat something or explode something?"

"When complaining can kill an enemy then I will accept your suggestion but until that time doing physical training will have to do."

Sasori: "I agree master, as a puppet master I need good strength to manage all of my puppets and especially the biggest one master gave me."

Deidara: "Hmph! Kiss up!"

"That's for later and will be one of akatsuki's ace in the holes."

Deidara: "What do you mean, how could a puppet be that strong unless it's an explosive. Wait? Is it!"

"No! After claiming this island ship we also managed to get the corpse body of oars who in this world was known to be a terrifyingly powerful demon giant race. It was used by Moria through the power of the shadow fruit, he took Pain's shadow and transformed the corpse into becoming his subordinate. You weren't around at the time but it demonstrated a strength equivalent to a kage. Whether it was because Pain's shadow was used or it's body, oars is a powerful weapon. Right now it doesn't have a shadow inside it as I don't know if I would put a shadow in it again so Sasori will use his puppet mastery in the future to operate it, thus enough incentive for him to get physically stronger."

Deidara: "That's great and all but Sasori my main man can fully utilise his eternal art through oars while I can only exert my ultimate art once in my lifetime and then die beautifully."

Sasori: "My art is just superior to yours!"

Pain: "Deidara, stop being so lazy unless you are tired of living as well!"

After a while of physical exercise, I decided to head back to the castle along with Pain to develop more of the shadow shadow fruit powers while Sasori and Deidara were given some free time.

~Sasori's POV~

Continuing my responsibilities of anbu commander I revisited my puppet skills on oars corpse. It seemed I was lucky as there was a special made room located in oars stomach that would then fully utilise to control its body from the inside with my chakra threads. At least that's what I hoped to accomplish.

Deidara: "Blauh!"

"What's that matter now and if we aren't being invaded then take whatever it is somewhere else."

Deidara: "Sasori my main man, I was walking around feeling hungry when I found this weird looking fruit, so I decided to have a bite but afterwards it tasted like gravel, dirt and coal where put together and dumped in the toilet of a circus that was located on top of mountains of garbage but even then that would taste better than this devil fruit!"

I looked closer at the fruit that Deidara complained about and soon realised the situation well enough.

"Deidara, that is a devil fruit. Master talked about it before and said that there are many devil fruits in this world and each one can give an individual a special power in exchange for never being able to swim or touching a mineral called seastone. There should be some information on what your devil fruit is after you eat it so say it already."

Deidara: "This devil fruit stuff is so weird, a bunch of info just came into my head. I seem to have eaten the Yomi Yomi no Mi or Revive-Revive Fruit but I don't get it."

"Revive-Revive Fruit seems to be a paramecia type and as the name suggests has to do with resurrection. See if you can revive some of these small corpses just don't revive oars as that will be a horrible situation."

Deidara walked over to he many corpses laying around and began immersing himself with his new powers or at least he thought so.

'What is this idiot doing?'

Deidara: "REVIVE! Wake up! Get up, your late to school! REVIVE! Please? Sasori my main man, this fruit seems to be useless, none of these guys got revived. Now I just feel stupid."

"Don't worry, you were stupid before you ate the fruit. Anyways, maybe the one to be revived is yourself. You might have actually touched on immortality."

Deidara: "That's great, I can finally perform my ultimate art."

Looking at Deidara try to put exploding clay into the mouth located at his heart I could guess what he planned to do.


Deidara: "Hahaha, too bad I really wanted to test my fruits power."

Immediately without warning one of the anbu appeared before us.

Anbu: "Sir, there is a small fleet of pirates coming towards the island boat, another one of us had gone to inform Drake-sama and he said to leave it to you. Awaiting reply!"

"Tell master that I..."

Deidara: "I'll deal with these intruders. Also tell master that I just ate the revive-revive fruit and can perform my ultimate art now, he should understand what I mean."

Anbu: "Understood!"

The anbu body flickered away only a second later.

"I don't understand what your trying to do but if you fail I'll have to clean up what remains left of you."

Deidara: "Don't worry, I feel that our idea the devil fruit is right and if so this power was made for me!"

I followed Deidara towards the docks and saw in the distance a group of pirates sailing around our area. Using his explosive clay to form a dragon, Deidara flew over while I watch this scene from the island ship and felt nothing for the soon to be dead intruders.

~Deidara's POV~

Pirate: "Captain, this seems to be where warlord Pain is located."

Captain: "Excellent, the world government destroyed my village just because a celestial dragon tripped on the road well I will at least kill off those working for them. Crew what pirate group are we!?"

Crew: "We are the..."

"It's just your bad luck to be here and trying to invade master's territory just sealed the deal."

'These people would make a good demonstration of my new devil fruit powers'

Captain: "Don't be already guys, the enemy is unarmed! Attack."

Without thinking about it I calming began chewing some explosive clay and dropped tiny bombs that when exploded made some large hole appear on the pirates ships.

Captain: "Who do you think you are trying to go against us, we are the..."

"Completely irrelevant, now sit back and watch my artist self at work. I don't need a sword or a fist to fight. My life is my greatest weapon!""

Not wasting anymore time I pushed a good handful of explosive clay into the mouth located at my heart. My chakra from all over my body began condensing and I slowly began to look transparent until I was barely visible.

"Art is an EXPLOSION!"

Fading into unconsciousness, I faintly saw those horrified expressions of those pirates who are now in the next life and a tsunami heading to who knows where. As for me I felt a disturbance keeping me from joining them, this force was probably my fruit reviving me and with one last look at those dead souls I sent away I myself was sucked back into the world of the living. Once I opened up my eyes I realised I was on top of the clay dragon I made before, it apparently caught me before I fell into the sea.

'Sasori did mention how I couldn't swim anymore so it's good I had some insurance prepared.'

I then began to fly over back to the islandship as I saw that not even an atom of this pirate fleet was left.

~Drake's POV~

After the loud explosion I couldn't help but think of Deidara and the many ways he dealt with the pirates, luckily the blast didn't damage the islandship but Deidara could look worse.

"Although you said you ate the revive-revive fruit and from the explosion just now I could only assume you detonated yourself but I will ask this now, why do you look a skeleton Deidara and is this look permanent?"

Deidara: "Well master, I wanted to test this fruits power and it seems to work but after revival I'm all bones but I think I understand this fruit more. It empowers the soul and allows for revival in exchange for vitality thus only being able to revive once, but since I have chakra I can regain some vitality and my appearance overtime so I could be able to revive again. This devil fruit is my soulmate!"

Sasori: "Now you're a multi usable bomb and bomber but my eternal art is still superior."

'You too were made to be partners.'

"Sasori, Deidara, you two should get used to working together as you will be partners in the future. I want you guys to accommodate each others strengths, weaknesses and fighting styles as their will be future tasks to be done outside of the islandship and your strength must be feared by your enemies."

Deidara: "Master, what's this task that's coming up?"

"Well a while ago there has been news that whitebeard and his crew as sailing towards fishman island to claim it as his territory and I want you guys to take it first and suppress the strongest man in the world. So train hard while you can and leave soon, Pain will stay with me but you can take out a few dozen anbu for this task and come back with the best results."

Sasori: "How would we deal with the whitebeard pirates master?"

"The Fishman island is located on the seafloor so if you can force white beard to drown then that's already your win. Leave as soon as Deidara recovers his strength."

Sasori & Deidara: "Understood!"

'The only reason I'm allowing you guys to do this task is because of the environmental advantage and your specialties on area damage otherwise I would not do this type of thing so soon but the akatsuki members should start to make names for themselves so whitebeard this time is going to be our stepping stone to fame."