CHAPTER 6: Playing with Inferno!

(3 weeks later)

*General Pov*

In a plain area, where green Bermuda grass is everywhere to be seen. We can see a young but tall boy in the green field holding a stick and continue to slash it horizontally. This boy is Grey Iling, son of Genji Iling, and Shiva Iling.

"998,999,1000.Ughhh Huff puff Huff,i guess this ia enough for today" said Grey as he then fell quickly to the ground to get some rest.

"it's been two weeks since I've awoken my Fire bending, due to me working my breathing everyday, and also due to the nightmare i had on that day.. Yikesss just thinking about it makes me feel imaginative torture, i mean imagine you go inside a crowded elevator with an erection, i didn't know why i even had an erection and in broad daylight outside of the house .. Then the elevator closes, then my dick goes splat!.. Fuck!! Fuck!! Fuck!! i don't wanna go on elevators anymore, i hatee themm! I think I'm traumatised now" said Grey in his thoughts

"Bwotherr greyyy! Bwotherr Greyy!" said a very cute voice loudly. Then he heard another voice but this voice was more mature and feminine"Now now Azula, minimise your voice this isn't our house, show some respect and greet them properly" said the mature Voice. "Hey Grey! It's me Zuko! Let's spar!" said another voice. "Zuko don't be a bad example to your little sister" replied the mature voice.

Grey then hurriedly rushed to the front door overtaking the Maids that were supposed to open the door and greet whoever was out there.

"Greetings Lady Ursa, Princess Azula, and Prince Zuko, may i ask what brings you here? Said Grey calmly while glancing at Azula and Zuko with a smile.

"Hey!, why am i the last! I'm older than azula and I'm also your bestfriend! "replied the voice who we now know as Zuko.

" HUHUHU!, it's because big Bwotherr Gwey likes me more than you bleee! "said the young Azula

" Why you!! I'm your real big brother you shou-" Zuko stopped talking while tilting his head and shoulders to the other side due to the immense pain he felt at his hips. (*pinching noises*)

" Not now children, i thought we spoke earlier in the house, about behaving." Said Ursa as she glared at Zuko and Azula.

"Mwe're soreyy Mommy!" said Azula while tears are slowly coming out of her eyes.

"I'm sorry Azula i didn't mean to glare at you like that" Said Ursa as she slowly bend one of her knees and reached to Azula's Forehead while kissing her.

"er-I'm sorry too mother i didn't mean to anger you" Said Zuko while putting one of his hands behind his head to show sincerity that he's already learnt his lesson. Ursa then slowly reached her hand for Zuko, the other for Azula, and then it became a Group hug.

"Hahaha-well it's good that you've made up and all, so why don't we go inside of our house, we may not have prepared anything good for your standards, and sorry for not welcoming you faster lady Ursa." said Grey in an apologetic tone.

"Well don't apologize Little Grey, we are the ones who came without further Notice. We're the ones who need to apologise for disturbing." Said Ursa

"Yeahh i want to play with Grey everyday!!" said Azula in a cheerful tone.

"Yeah I'm also here to congratulate you on awakening your fire bending, can't believe a troublemaker like you've awakened so early, i can't believe your a genius Bruv. Let's have a sparring session too hehe " added Zuko as he reached his hands forming into a fist and raising towards Grey. .

"Well if you say so lady Ursa" said Grey as he reached his fist to Zuko's creating a fist bumb"And Azula we'll play later after,we eat some snacks shall we. And Zuko, you sure you can handle me, you can't even beat me in without firebending, what now huh? "Said Grey in a Playful tone.

" Hmmph!, well see about that later" said Zuko

, Min, Xin please call mother and tell her we have a guess in our living room,tell her its her friend Ursa

and also Xin, don't go together with min, and please ask someone from the kitchen make us some snacks and also tea please." Said Grey to the two maids.

Grey:" Now!shall we? "

*Living room*

Shiva:" Ursa! It's so nice to see you, you should've informed us if you were coming for a visit. We could've prepared food and treats for the children. "

:" Sorry Shiva, my Azula was throwing tantrums saying that she wants to see your son Grey. So i hope you'll understand Shiva" said Ursa in an apologetic tone.

Shiva:"HAHAHA What are you apologising for Ursa, you're welcome to come here whenever you want we're friends after all"

"So where are the kids" Added Shiva.

Ursa:"Oh your son, Grey said that they will go out and play tag on your backyard"

Shiva:"Hmmm, is that so? Any ways how's life doing at the royal palace Ursa?"

Ursa:"Well its nothing special really, it's still the same everyday, i only ease my boredom when I'm with my children"

Shiva:"Hmm boring huh? Isn't your husband supposed to be there for you?. I thought that power hungry guy would make a number 3 with you though it seems I'm mistaken" said Shiva with a Smirk teasing Ursa

Ursa:"Stop teasing me Shivaa!" said Ursa while pinching Shiva's cheeks.

Shiva:"Ouch! Okay i wownt tewse wo awgin owkay lep mwe goww!" said Shiva as the pain of Ursa's pinch was getting to her.

Ursa:" I told you stop teasing me like that"

Shiva:"Okay Ursa!,.. anyways how's your sex life? Said Shiva with a very huge grin.

Ursa:" W-hat!? S-sex? Noo when will you stop teasing me Shiva!! "

Shiva:" Well me and my Husband has been doing it every night now and then though, i always wonder where his strength comes from. The other day we had sex for almost 5 hours, crazyyy right? Even though he is always busy he would have time for his family. And just the(so on and on and on) "

" (sighsssss) it's gonna be a long day, i wish i never came here" thought Ursa as she was ignoring the flauntings of her bestfriend's Sex life.

*Iling family's backyard*

We can see a young boy on his knees on the ground, he was sweating all over his body his lips were now a bit pale, probably due to exhaustion.

"Huff puff huff... Okayyy okayy i surrender okay" Said Zuko

"how did you get this strong so quickly Grey? The last sparring we had the gap wasn't this big. As expected of my bestfriend his a genius, he is the youngest ever to have awakened his firebending at the age of 5." thought Zuko.

"HAHAHAAHHA! Big brother Grey is amazing! He beat the shit out of Brother Zuko HAHAHAHA" Said Azula cheerfully.

"Grrrr, shut up Azula!" Said Zuko angrily.

"wait wait wait, Azula, who did you just say shit? Whay the fu-, ahem!.. Who taught you that Azula? Said Grey

" HAHAHAHAHA i heard it from father When he called Zuko's talent was a SHITT HAHAHAHA" Azula cheerfully responded.

"That motherfucker Ozai! Even his presence is a bad influence for my Angel... I swear i will not let Azula become a Crazy Psychopath in the future. I swear."

Grey:"Ohh Uh, Azula dear, don't use those words ever againn okayy? If you do that then i will be very angry at you and i won't be your friend again kay?"

Azula:"Okayyy brother! I won't use it so please be my friend still please!" said Azula

Zuko:"Why though? I mean shit is poop right?" Zuko said confusingly.

Grey:"HAHAHAHA you'll understand it when you will awaken your Firebending I'll promise you"

"yeah you will come to understand that Zuko since Ozai will continue to trash talk you and compare you to your genius sister Azula. But i won't let that happen, not on my watch" thought Grey.

Grey:"Anyways, Where's your father Prince Ozai?"

Zuko:"Oh he is at his Office as always" Said Zuko as he slightly frowned at the thought of his father.

"Should i change Ozai's personality now? I mean just like I've said i could kill him, but it'd be hard for me since I've never really killed anyone. Alice! if I somehow managed to change the firelord's personality and stopped him from his evil ambitions, would the mission be nulled? "Asked Grey in his thoughts

Alice:" Notice, Host is Correct, Mission would be nulled"

"Niceee!!, now i can finally have my own peace of mind. So Ozai it is." said Grey in his thoughts

"but when will i start my plan? May-" suddenly Zuko interrupted Grey

Zuko:"Hello!! Earth to Grey, you there?" said Zuko as he waved his hands in front of Grey's face.

Grey:"O-oh, sorry HAHAHA just had a deep thought for a while, anyways wanna play tag? Im it" Said Grey as he then slapped Zuko's back and took Azula in his back and said"i touched you Zuko, now you it HAHAJAAHAHH, Catch me if you can!!! " he then

Ran at full speed while using Sun breathing to accelerate even more.

Zuko:" Ughhhhhh!!! Grrr that Hurts bastard!, stop cheating!!! " Shout Zuko as he then runs toward them.

Azula:" HAHAHAHA Zuko is a Lozerrrr!! Bleeee! Slowpoke! "

(2 days later)

*knock *knock

Shiva:"Maids!, go greet whoever is that"

Maid 3:"Okay madam"

Maid 4:"understand Madam"


??? :"Greetings Iling family, i am Zhao, and i have come to bring a message from fire lord Azulon.and i wish to enter" said Zhao demandingly.

Maid 3:" Welcome sir Zhao, come in please"




Zhao:"Ahem! Greetings Lady Shiva, and High General Genji!, Sir, i didn't thought you'd be here. It's an honor to see you here"

Genji:"Mhmm, greetings to you too high general Zhao, it's also an honor, now straight to the point General. What message does the great Firelord Azulon have for our family?"

Zhao:"Well, General Genji, Firelord Azulon wishes the presence of your son Grey Iling. And that is right now"

"what! The Firelord wants to met me? For what!, did i do something wrong?. There's only one e way to find out and that is to go there and hear it myself." thought Grey

Genji:"Well General Zhao, i will go and tell my son to prepare"

Zhao:"Yes, i Will wait here General Genji"





Genji:" Grey, my son, as you heard earlier you are being summoned by our Firelord. It is an honor and you must go. Now wear some Nice clothes Grey, you will be in the presence of Firelord Azulon "

Grey:" okay father "




Zhao:" So your Grey Iling hm, the genius"

"doesn't look like one though" thought Zhao.

Zhao:"Follow me in the carriage, we should not let

The Firelord wait any longer

Shiva:" Dear, What could they want from our son. "

Genji:" When he comes back, lets ask him. "






*In the Royal Palace*

Zhao:" Greetings Fire lord Azulon,Prince Ozai, I have bought Grey Iling, and now i shall take my leave."


Grey:"Greetings Firelord Azulon and Prince Ozai, May i ask what I've come here for?".

"What a young boy, but he speaks like an adult. Interesting" thought the fire lord Azulon.

Azulon:"I've heard you'd awaken your firebending and at only 5 years old? That's a feat to be proud of kid. But i won't call you a genius yet. As the fire nation continues to expand. Our enemies will be many as well, and with your early blooming talent, I would like nothing more than strong firebenders in this nation. Which is why called you to inform you that from now on, you will be taught by the finest firebenders the fire nation could offer. Do you accept? "

" Well well well, seems like my plan will soon coom to fruition, it seems like fate has favored me." thought Grey

Grey:" i accept, though i have a little request? "

Azulon:" Speak"

Grey:"Can i choose someone to teach me instead?"

Azulon:"Hmmm, is it Iroh?"


Azulon:"Then who is it?"

Grey:"I want to have Prince Ozai as my master".









2072 words guys see ya next chapter!