Chapter 1

"Remind me again why we do this?" I groan.

"Because it's the right thing to do," Glitch says. "And with" He gets cut off.

"I swear to all the gods if you say, 'with great power comes great responsibility,' I will kill you with no remorse." The threat coming out of my mouth is a very real one and he knows it.

"Love you too Hurricane," he says in the most sickeningly sweet way.

"Y'know, you two are some of the most insufferable people I have ever met." Flare stares down at where we're laying on the ground.

"If we're so insufferable, why do you work with us?"

"I only do it because of my sister and you know it."

"Bring me into it again and see where you end up." Flare and Spark are siblings, twins to be exact. Our powers make us unique from other heroes around the country. There's not many of us, no more than ten or twelve to be exact, but since we can control the main aspects of the Earth, we are the strongest.

I can control the weather along with water. Glitch is earth and metal. He likes to mess with the particles in his face to make it look like he's glitching (hence the name) and it freaks everyone out. Flare is fire and all that entails. He is very competitive and can get hot headed extremely fast, but he's a good person. Spark can use electricity and technology. If we need access to anything, she can get us in by tapping their system.

"Oh, I'd like to see you try taking me down." The one downside of having siblings on our team, they're very competitive and love to fight just to see who can get the upper hand the fastest.

A sigh escapes my mouth. "Please not again you two."

"You know you can't stop us," Spark shots my way.

"That's what you say." I summon a gust of wind and use my left hand to pin Spark against a wall and my right to pin Flare against the opposite wall. The wind is so strong they can't teleport out or use any of their powers. "We can't be fighting. Shadow is still out there, and this is exactly what they want. I know you two are siblings but any fighting among our ranks can lead to our downfall. Understand?"

They both remain silent.

"UNDERSTAND?" I ask in my most threatening voice.

"Understood," they both reluctantly say.

"Good." I let them both fall to the ground. "Now get out of here. We've been here since lunch, and you know what's going on tonight."

Three faint pops echo throughout our headquarters as everyone uses the teleporter built into our headquarters. Unfortunately, it only works to get us in and out of here. Everywhere else it is one hundred percent useless. If we could teleport by ourselves that would be great. I shut everything down before teleporting to my Honda Civic. Two other cars pull out behind me and in the furthest one I see two people bickering. 'Those two will always fight,' I think to myself as I pull out and head towards home.


Bruises are just starting to form on my ribcage when I get dressed to head out again. Training today was not a very good idea on any of our parts.


"I'M COMING MOM!" I run downstairs and find pizza on the counter.

"How did training go?" Mom asks. My parents know that I'm Hurricane and who the rest of the Elemental Four are. They know because they helped get us all of our equipment.


"Is that a good or bad thing?"

"There was another small argument between the twins. They need to get it together. Otherwise everything will fall apart."

"I get that. Now, get some food and get out of here. You can't be late."

"Yes ma'am."

Quickly grabbing a few slices, I make my way back upstairs to make sure I have everything I need for the night.

White gloves? Check.

Whistle? Check.

Marching shoes? Check.

I check the locks on the windows of the small reading nook like area in my room before grabbing everything I need and going downstairs.

"Bye y'all!" I pull my car keys off they're hook and head out the front door. "I'll see you at the game!"

A chorus of "Bye Cel!" echoes through the house. The drive to school is fairly short, especially since all the students live within a small radius of it. I park my car and head into the band room.