Talent Evaluation Ceremony

In front of the adventurer's guild, there were many people standing and looking at the small magical stage constructed by the guild for the sake of the 'Talent Evaluation Ceremony'.

"Everyone, currently, the guild master is away on some kind of mission. So, please calm down and wait until he comes back before complaining about the mages guild's improper dungeon run."

Manager Carl shouted at the crowd who were seething with anger towards the mages guild.


"How can he not be here at a time like this?"

"The mages guild not only made the participants kill each other but even opened an evil portal."

The guild leaders and the family heads shouted back at Manager Carl as though they were not going to leave that matter until the mages guild is severely punished for what they had done.

"Before that, let's finish the talent evaluation ceremony in the presence of the Aerilon firmament's adventurer's guild master."