System Fragment

'Looks like nobody is around. Time to open the gift boxes.'

After saving the three adventurer's squads during that day, Lucas found a desolate place in the Baron grounds of the myriad primordial forest to open the three gift boxes he got from the mission.

'System, open the gift box.'

Without wasting any time, Lucas ordered the system to open the gift boxes.


    Opening the first gift box. The host received an intermediate spell scroll.

'What? An intermediate spell scroll in the first gift box itself?'

Lucas was surprised to get such a good item and without wasting any time, he crushed the spell scroll.

Unlike others, Lucas didn't have to worry about the type of the spell because of the system as he could learn any basic and intermediate spell within no time.

Soon, Lucas felt the pain in his head because of the infusion of knowledge regarding the spell.
