Knight Champion

'Huf huf'

'Huf huf'

All the young squires breathed heavily as they sat on the ground while looking at the rank 3 earthen grizzly bears they killed.


Soon, small yellow-coloured orbs came out of the corpses of the grizzly bears as they entered into the young squires who killed them.

'They killed a rank 3 spirit beast in just half an hour.'

Porter, who was observing everything from the start, nodded his head at the battle prowess shown by the young squires.

'Looks like they were blessed with the skills.'

Even though Porter knew that they gained the skills, he didn't bother them as he silently collected all the corpses and he stored them in a space ring.


Just as Porter was waiting for the young squires to open their eyes to ask them about their skills, he heard someone call him.

"Family head."

Lucas' voice was etched into his mind and Porter knew it was Lucas who called him.