Pawl's plans for Silverstone town

In the Sunshine town.

"Family head Pawl, is there any news regarding the Silverstone town?"

In the family head's manor, Commander Gill asked Pawl about the Silverstone town.

"Initially, I wanted to use the same method that I used previously to destroy the newly ranked family; however, I am trying it different this time."

Pawl didn't stay about Silverstone town directly; instead, he said that he was trying something new in order to destroy the Hellmore family, which made Commander Gill raise his brows.

In the past, whenever Commander Giill had failed to convince the newly ranked families to swear their loyalty to the royal family, Pawl would take care of the things into his hands.

"And do you mind telling me what you are trying this time?"

Generally, Pawl would indirectly contact the mercenaries and bandits to kill anyone that enters or goes out of the town.