Jade Lynx

Unlike when he was breaking into Lesser assassin rank, Lucas had already thought about the spirit beasts he had to assassinate.

To be more specific, Lucas was focused on the next two skills that he would get by becoming a General Assassin.

'Night Cerberus and Jade Lynx. I want a skill from each of you.'

Lucas muttered the names of his next assassination targets/

Night Cerberus is a spirit beast that has a minimum strength of rank 3 the moment it was born and as long as it lives for one year, it will reach rank 4. Also, after 11 years of its birth, it would naturally become a rank 5 spirit beast.

Because of how easy it would become stronger, many experts tried to tame this Night Cerberus; however, it will rather die than becoming a pet for others.

'If not for its middle-head that was very proud, I would have tried to tame it as it would make a good guardian spirit beast for my Hellmore family.'