Shadow dragon comes out

The evil spider knight that was left with only two legs looked at its enemies and swore to kill them even if it cost its life.

Even if the evil spider knight did nothing, it was going to die anyway. So, why waste its life without killing its killers?

"I, the eight-legged spider knight sacrifice myself to summon the Azik, the king of the lower nether realms, to descend onto this land. Please, take revenge for this loyal servant of yours."



The huge evil spider spoke in a loud tone and just as it finished its words, the land below the evil spider started cracking and rumbling sounds could be heard by Beck and others in front of the main portal.

"Is someone from the nether realms going to descend here, right now?"

Harper frowned and asked others about it because he could guess what was going to happen after hearing the evil spider's words.