Seth Goldhammer (End of volume 1)

In the main branch of the assassin guild, Alverton firmament.

"Ghost snake, congratulations on successfully becoming a tier 1 higher assassin."

An old man with a face full of wrinkles congratulated the middle-aged man standing in front of him.

"Thank you, Supervisor."

The middle-aged man was none other than Ghost snake, Lucas' third sovereign henchmen.

When he heard the  old man's words, Ghost snake respectfully bowed to the old man in front of him as he asked, "If you don't mind me asking, can you tell me whether I can regain my previous position as the guild leader for one of the assassin sect branches?"


The old man raised his brows for a moment; however, in the next second, he revealed a slight smile on his face as he said, "Your achievements of killing rank 5 spirit beasts in the Silverstone town was confirmed by the other two guild leaders who escaped from the Silverstone town together with you."