Entering [Monster Boss Room] again


Lucas raised his brows when he heard the system notification and muttered, 'But still, one million diamond coins are a little too much.'

He seemed a little unconvinced with the price on the information of the Barren firmament and asked the system, 'Can I buy the information in parts? Like, I want to know the information on the places where the dungeons or treasures or evil portals are formed.'


        No. The function doesn't allow the fighter to buy partial information on the firmament.

'Sigh…looks like I have to wait a lot of time then.'

Lucas sighed with the system notification as he shook his head.

Even though Lucas seemed to have a lot of gold coins and would earn more gold coins from the fighting arena, he knew it would be harder for him to keep the winning streak.

'Even without any information on the gold level fighters, I can tell they will be monsters who are very hard to defeat.'