The Royal Wedding

It has been a few weeks since my arrival in Kings Landing, and not much has happened in my life. Jon Arryn came back last week, successful in putting out any sparks of rebellion in Dorne, for now. With him back in the Capital the Royal Wedding is set to take place next week, establishing the Baratheon dynasty.

The war has now come to an official end with the capturing of Dragonstone a few days ago, apparently the Targaryen fleet was destroyed in a great storm, giving Stannis Baratheon the chance to capture the Targaryen fortress. However Viserys Targaryen and his new-born sister, Daenerys had already escaped, infuriating the new King so much that he destroyed everything in his bedchamber, and on top of him still grieving the death of Lyanna Stark it has left him in a thunderous mood.

Cersei hasn't been much better, both of our bedchambers are across from each other, apparently she has only seen her husband-to-be once in all her stay here and in that meeting he didn't even bother feigning interest. This of course left her in a sour disposition, though her mood does a full 180 when around Jaime. All I'm saying is, if ya know ya know.

Speaking of Jaime, he has been much more solemn recently than his typical arrogant self, though I think that being arrogant might be a trait of House Lannister, it seems likely that he is still thinking of the Mad King and killing him, I guess he also has to put up with being called Kingslayer. No one calls him that around Tywin though, except the King that is.

I hadn't been out of the Red Keep too much during my stay at the Capital, if I wanted to roam the streets or the market I would have to take around a dozen guards with me, which sort of ruins it I suppose. I did get too see the Dragonpit and I can say that the TV show didn't do it any justice, the Hill of Rhaenys is nearly hollowed out with forty undervaults that could house a dragon each and still have more room, however the Storming of the Dragonpit has left it in a poor state.

I had lessons with father every day around noon, nothing really deviated from what he would teach at Casterly Rock, however he did avoid some of the more 𝘴𝘦𝘯𝘴𝘪𝘵𝘪𝘷𝘦 topics he would normally talk about, which is understandable considering the fact that it is said that even the walls talk in Kings Landing.

My free time in the Red Keep has consisted of both exploring and reading in the library, The Red Keep has many hidden passageways built by Maegor The Cruel and I perchance came across a few of them. The Library of the Red Keep has one of the largest collections of books in Westeros, only the Citadel and Casterly Rock had more. Jaehaerys I had it expanded after succeeding his uncle, Maegor I, allowing it to home a wide variety of books, scrolls and ancient tomes from even before the conquest.

With the wedding set in a few days I had spent the majority of my time exploring and walking around the Red Keep, I could've read some more but Casterly Rock has nearly all the same content and more. As I was walking down a corridor that nears Maegor's Holdfast I heard a quiet mewling sound come from one of the terraces.

Curious as to what the noise is I turn my head and look through the doorway out onto the small terrace. A black cat is there, sitting on the railing whilst eating a bloodstained Pigeon, which it probably caught by the looks of it. I stand there for a few seconds before slowly walking up to it, causing the cat to notice and hiss at me.

With it facing me I am able to take notice of its appearance, a small scraggy thing, pretty much a kitten. Ratty black fur that is most probably covered with fleas, as well as seemingly having only one ear, gods knows what's happened to it. Seeing its appearance I recognise it as Balerion, Princess Rhaenys's cat.

As I approach the cat I hold out my arm and whisper "Balerion", at that the cat's ears poke up and starts to slowly inch towards me, forgetting the Pigeon. When he comes within an arms length of me I reach out to pet him, whispering his name again, I run my hand lightly through his fur which he reciprocates by leaning into it.

Slowly reaching my arm around I go to pick him up in both arms, however when he catches sight of my other arm move towards him he turns around and swipes its claws at my hand before running off, still forgetting about its food.

Drawing in breath at the sight of three bloody claw marks on my hand, I rise from my originally crouched position and turn around before walking back down a new corridor, seeing the cat put me off of the mood of exploring.

As the days pass it is time for the Royal Wedding, father somehow managed to have the Royal tailor make Doublets and other articles of clothing for the all of the Lannister's in attendance, The Royal tailor is normally only meant to make clothes for the Royal family, which are the Baratheon's now, and the bride or groom.

Father and I both wore similar clothing, a red doublet with gold accents, that seemed to be the colour theme for the other pieces of clothing as well. The other Lannister's wore similar clothes but the colouring was more dialled down and looked less expensive, perks of being heir I suppose.

Of course Jaime wouldn't need any formal clothing as he has to wear his Kingsguard armour during the ceremony.

The Ceremony started with all of the guests heading to the Sept of Baelor, where we were to wait for the bride and groom to arrive in separate carriages. All of the several thousand guests waited below the steps to the sept when the first carriage arrived, a heavy looking thing covered in ornamental gold and scarlet colours whilst being pulled by a team of four horses.

Cersei stepped out with a practised grace and started to climb the stairs to the Great Sept along with father, who was also in the carriage, along with seven guards, to signify the faith and to mirror the Kingsguard. They stopped at the top of the stairs where they waited along with the High Septon.

It wasn't long before the carriage carrying the King arrived, this carriage was much larger than the Lannister one, with a design of Dragon glass, Onyx, gold and other gemstones, However the horses pulling this carriage was in stark contrast with the ones pulling the Lannister carriage, the contrast being that the horses were sweating so much it looked as if someone had thrown a bucket on top of them. Obviously the job might've required an extra horse, or a lighter carriage.

The doors to the carriage were opened by a servant and out stepped the King, well stumbled might've been a better way to describe it. It was obvious he was drunk and the fact that the servant who opened the door actually flinched at his breath was all the proof you need.

Turning my gaze upwards I saw father's jaw clenched in annoyance and probably anger at the King for pretty much embarrassing him and Cersei, speaking of Cersei she wasn't doing much better at hiding her emotions, she still had that smile on her face that she probably practised for years but given the fact that her eyes were trying to dig holes into Robert Baratheon's face as well as that subtle twitch of her left eye, she wasn't doing a great job.

The King slowly ascended the stairs trying to keep his balance, when he reached the top he stuck out his hand to which Cersei placed hers in and then they turned around, towards the crowd, and lifted it, drawing shouts, whooping, whistling and clapping from the crowd of guests below.

The fourteen guards, both the Kingsguard and Lannister guards, lined up on either side and unsheathed their swords and lifted them up and forwards, creating a makeshift hallway for the Bride and Groom to be under. This is a tradition that has been in place for centuries, though it is rare as it only occurs when a king or Queen marries, not a Prince or Princess.

The King was then guided to into the Sept, where he would wait at the altar for Cersei, who was pulled aside into a separate room, where she would wait for all the guests to get into position and then walk towards the altar.

Surprisingly it didn't take long for everyone to settle down, I mean there are around three thousand people in the Sept alone.

Seeing that everyone was ready, one off the septons walked around the outskirts of the sept until he came across a door, on which he gave three solid knocks that echoed around the room, he then backed off and waited by the door.

A few seconds later the door opened and outstepped Cersei, as well as father who would his escorting the bride, who now had her maiden cloak around her head and shoulders. She descended the stairs in a steady, even pace and she arrived in front of the High Septon and her Betrothed.

Father then removed her cloak, which was covered in decorations and markings of yellow lions, for the King to step forward and wrap his cloak, which was decorated with black stags, around her shoulders. Unfortunately he struggled to clasp it on to the clips on her dress due to his drunkenness, which led to them having to settle on it being loose after thirty seconds of failure.

Seeing that they had switched cloaks the High Septon stepped forward, "We are gathered here today, in the home of the Father, Mother, Warrior, Smith, Maiden, Crone and Stranger to bare witness to a joining of two hearts, flesh and soul".

He then proceeds to go through a number of prayers until he says "Look upon each other and say the words."

They both look at each other and say the vows in unison, "Father, Smith, Warrior, Mother, Maiden, Crone, Stranger. I am hers/his and she/he is mine. From this day, until the end of my days. With this kiss I pledge my love." and they both Kiss each other.