Jaime's back

A/N: In one of my previous chapters I mentioned that the population of the Westerlands was around 800,000. I have decided to change this number to around 2.8-3 million, no definite answer as the context behind it was an estimate. I have done this mostly because I believe that I have portrayed Westeros to be smaller than it actually is and future projects I have in store would not be possible with a smaller population. Also the fact that in the books Kings Landing has a population of 500,000, which makes the West seem tiny in comparison.


"How did they do, Captain?" I ask Captain Marden, the new Captain of my guards. He previously was a Redcloak in service to my father, well-respected and liked as well as having a good head on his shoulders. My guards needed a leader, one who had experience in fighting and commanding men, I couldn't have that position as it would take up too much of my time and I lacked either of those qualities. Marden is not as young as he once was, favouring a beard stoked with grey and an assortment of wrinkles around his eyes.

He came into my service as a means of securing his wealth whenever he retired, hoping that he might be granted a small plot of land or any other handsome reward for his long period of stalwart service. He wasn't ideal, he was neither incredibly strategic nor a master swordsman, conventional was probably the best word to describe him. However his experience meant that he knew a lot of people able to fit into roles of leadership within my guards, whether they were veterans of the rebellion or hard taskmasters.

"It went as expected my Lord." Marden replied, "We managed to make it there and back before the hour of the nightingale. The men are tired and are earning some rest, I think we should slow down the training today, don't want to push them too hard they break now."

"As I have said before Marden, if you believe the men to be near breaking point then you can start to ease on the training. Anyway, there were no problems then?" I ask, the training had been slowly increasing, always pushing my guards to their limits. Several people had even quit this last fortnight, though the holes they left were filled just as swiftly. I had tasked Marden to take the guards on a 20 mile march, twice a week at anytime he wished. I want the guards to get used to the spontaneity of it and for them to get used to travelling long distances, most had never even left Lannisport before.

"There was some trouble, a fight had broke out between a few of the new replacements and a couple of the original recruits. I've had those involved in the squabble flogged." Marden told me, showing me a list of names of those responsible.

"Good, I also came to tell you that I wont be able to come here that often for a while, I'll most likely be in Casterly Rock for most of the moon." I tell him, father received a raven from Deep Den a while ago that they had hosted Jaime, it shouldn't be that long before he arrives at the Rock. My guards were stationed within a decommissioned barracks in the eastern side of Lannisport, father would not allow any of them within the rock until they were properly disciplined.

"I will see to it that the men will be in a better shape the next time you see them, my Lord." Marden said to me before I headed off to the stables with Monty in tow.


We were all lined up waiting for Jaime to come through the Lion's Mouth, well the term 'We' doesn't quite mean as much as it did several years ago with only Tyrion and I, as well as father with a retinue of guards and important members of the household. My uncles were absent, Kevan was busy, Tygett was probably with his pregnant wife, Darlessa Marbrand and Gerion was no doubt wandering the streets of Lannisport for his own leisure. Aunt Genna was at the Twins with her husband and children and Cersei was Halfway through her pregnancy at Kings landing.

As Jaime was coming here as a royal envoy, who acts on behalf of the King, that means he must be treated with great respect, even if he is our brother or doesn't want to go through the traditions. Lining up like this was not really necessary, however I'm sure father thought this good practice if the King ever comes to Casterly Rock, despite how rare that might be.

The click-clacking of hooves on the cobbled pathway of the Lion's Mouth garnered our attention. Riders emerged from the gate wearing red-accented plate armour atop coursers bearing red leather barding. Redcloaks, no doubt a few from the garrison in King's Landing. Jaime rode not far behind, dressed in the colours of House Lannister instead of the white of the Kingsguard, I'm not sure if that is even allowed.

When he dismounted, it was easy to see the differences in him then when I last saw him. He was taller than before and more filled out, looking more like a man instead of a boy. "Father" Jaime said as he bowed, Father gave a nod of his head, no doubt still angry over him choosing the Kingsguard instead of being his heir. Jaime moved down the line to Tyrion and I, stopping before grabbing both of us into a hug. The last time Tyrion had seen Jaime would have been before he was named as Kingsguard to the Mad King, little over five years ago.

"Look at you" Jaime said to me, "Your look more fearsome than me." He was obviously gesturing to the scar on my face, I just shake my head at his poor jape whilst trying to resist scratching it, I only ever felt the ned to itch it when someone brought it up. I miss what Jaime says to Tyrion but it has the effect of making Tyrion laugh and tightening his hug around Jaime. Jaime was closer to Tyrion than I, maybe because he saw him as the more vulnerable of the both of us.

The sound of a throat being cleared rang out, father still standing next to us, his glare was more than enough to bring the three of us out of our hug. "Now that it would seem that you are all caught up." father said, "Why don't you get dressed into something more suitable Jaime and meet me in my study, you too Cerion." Our father turned his head towards Tyrion, "You still have a lesson with Maester Creylen, be sure that you don't miss it." father hissed out through clenched teeth, with that he made his way towards one of the doorways that lead into the Rock.

"So" Jaime said as he turned around, "I heard that you have been doing quite a lot in the time I've been away." Jaime said to me. "You can show me them after we meet with father, if you wish." I nod my head and smile, it would be a good idea to introduce Jaime to my guards.