Declaration of Kingship

Arguments were thrown around the room as the many lords and well-renowned knights bicker with one another, each trying to pin the blame of the attack on Lannisport on their political rivals whilst exaggerating their feats in the defence of the city. Despite what one would think, Houses Lannett, Lanny and Lantell, all distant kin with each other as well as cadet branches of House Lannister, did not join together to repel the accusations from others, but pointed the finger at each other, locked within some form of triangle of blame.

"I didn't see you on the battlements, Norwin. No doubt you were cowering away in some poor man's pantry." Lord Erwin Lannett declares, a poor jape at the expense of Lord Norwin Lanny's weight. Arse-lickers and sycophants who surrounded Lord Lannett, howled with insincere laughter.

"Of course you wouldn't have seen me on the walls, you weren't there. I saw your men pissing themselves when those bird-shit covered fucks landed on our shores, didn't take long before they ran, fleeing for their lives. It seems your cowardice is as contagious as I've heard." Lord Lanny throws back, the face of his adversary turns a fierce shade of purple in a mix of embarrassment and anger. Whilst no great warrior due to his weight, Norwin Lanny was far from a coward, unlike one of his distant cousins.

This was just one of the arguments occurring within the hall, I only took notice of this one due to my close proximity to them. I would've jammed my fingers in my ears due to the pounding headache I have received from all this shouting, if it wasn't for my shoulder. I roll it back in discomfort, wincing at the throbbing pain when it reaches a certain angle, getting hit repeatedly by a shield would be responsible for that.

The attack on Lannisport was considered to be a victory for House Lannister. The Ironborn lost a total of twenty-six ships, a higher loss than the eleven decommissioned Lannister ships they had sunk in the harbour. The dead hadn't been counted yet, though it is clear to see that they suffered far more than us. My Lionguards had a few casualties, seven dead and two wounded to such an extent they will have to retire, funerals and pensions would have to be arranged. Should one of my guards die, then his family will receive his pay for the next twenty years. Those who have to forcibly retire shall still receive their wages as pension until the day they die. Of course, I would now have to recruit men to fill those empty positions.

Most, if not all of these casualties happened when we had flanked the Ironborn. My cavalry had penetrated into their sides and caught them by surprise, however they were quick to adapt, resulting in a dead lock between our forces. Seeing that we had them trapped, Victarion Greyjoy had ordered a retreat and led his men through the houses and alleyways of Lannisport, resulting in us cutting down more of his men at the expense of his escape.

Still, despite it being declared as our victory, the attack was a heavy blow on the Westerlands. The city hadn't been so badly assaulted since Dalton Greyjoy's sacking of the city in 130AC. Whilst wreckages of Iron Fleet long ships remain on the seabed and its respective crews corpses float in the water, this posed a mental attack on the West, an attack which succeeded in unsettling its inhabitants.

Father was sat at the head of the table, scanning his eyes at everyone sat at the table, not getting involved in any of the conversations around him. I could tell he was getting more annoyed as the seconds pass and the bickering continues, the long durations of time I spend with him every week has enabled me to read him better than most.

"Enough!" My father calls out, gaining the attention of everyone in the room and putting and end to their shouting. "I did not summon you all here to squabble like children. Most of you are Lords, act in a manner befitting your title when in he presence of your liege." That sudden awakening and almost father-to-child like scolding had those at the core of prior arguments holding their heads in shame.

Now that he had everyone's attention, Tywin demands "How were the Ironborn capable of breaching the harbour so swiftly?" No-one said anything for a few seconds, some didn't have an answer to his question and others didn't want to draw my father's attention. It was left to Uncle Kevan to answer my father, "The boom chain held them off for a time, My Lord. However, they had some men swim under the chain and climb onto the harbour, they then managed to take one of the towers and dropped the chain."

"Whole lot of good that did." Someone mutters under their breath, I looked down the table to see that it was the Commander of the Lannisport City Watch. Whether he meant to say it or not, it is unclear due to the large amount of alcohol he's consumed, it was still a slight against me as I was the one to implement the chain.

I can handle criticism, insults, anything of the sort. I wasn't so hot-headed or prideful that I would take every jape personally, I tend to laugh it off or just ignore it. However this was different, I couldn't afford to have my authority questioned by someone in front of my future vassals, even more so when that person is a knight.

"Despite what you may believe, Ser. My fortifications are not automatic, it requires men to operate and defend it, a task that I am sure was your duty to fulfil. Yet, I have reports from my men that say that you were confined in your barracks, laying in a drunken stupor." I tell him, my last comment has him placing his drink on the table, as if trying to disassociate himself from it.

Most if not all of the Lords on the table laugh or chuckle at the knights expense, I understood why sycophants did what they did but it was tiring to be on the receiving side of them. I look up to the other side of the table to see father give me a small, discrete nod of approval.

"If this meeting is interrupting your drinking, Ser Howell, then I shall see to it that you will be unburdened by the duties of Commander of the City Watch, so you are free to drink whenever you please." My father announces, essentially removing the knight from his position. It took Ser Howell a minute to realise what he had said, whether it was due to his drunken mind or just being slow, he got up and made to leave the room with everyone watching.

"I received a raven from Pyke early this morning." My father says, withdrawing a small note from his pocket. "To all Greenlanders." Father scoffs as he reads it out loud. "I hereby declare that I, Lord Reaper of Pyke, Balon Greyjoy, as King of the Iron Islands, King of Salt and Rock and Son of the Sea Wind. The time of the Kraken is nigh, and with it, He Who Dwells Beneath The Waves shall rise up and drown Westeros in salt and sea, blood and iron. I, King Balon Greyjoy IX, King of the Iron Islands pay for my crown with nothing but the Iron Price."

The room was silent after that declaration, that is until my favourite uncle opens his mouth, "Well, that was ominous." Gerion says, "If being King fails, he can always turn to becoming a playwright." I felt the corners of my lips rise at his words, though they fall at the glare Gerion and I received from Tywin.

"There is no doubt that every keep, castle and city throughout Westeros has received a similar raven. I wouldn't be surprised if they've attacked somewhere else as well, that fleet was too small if Balon Greyjoy has the confidence to defy the King." Father continues, "Knowing the King, the only way this will end is by putting this upstart and his family to the sword. I want every Lord and Landed Knight to start recruiting men, it wont be long before we march to war."

Muttering spread throughout the room, discussing the repercussions of going to war and most importantly, how to benefit from it. "Leave, all of you." Tywin tells us all, but stops me as I get up, "Not you, stay."

As everyone makes their way out of the room, he turns to me, "It would seem you were correct in your assessment." I tilt my head at his statement, "What do you mean?"

Father scoffs, "Don't play stupid or take me for a fool. You think I wouldn't notice you bolstering the sea defences of Lannisport these last few years?"

I saw no need to beat around the bush, "I found it odd that the Ironborn were importing more wood these last couple years than they have in the last fifty. I saw no harm in implementing a boom chain, even if they weren't going to attack."

Tywin hummed as he heard my answer, "I heard that you performed well yesterday. You raised the chain, cutting the Ironborn off and then flanked them from behind. Quite an accomplishment for someone who's never lead men into battle."

"I was only doing my duty, House Lannister is responsible for the people of Lannisport." I reply, there were many benefits for relieving Lannisport of its attackers.

"Hmm. When Robert Baratheon calls the banners, I want you to ride at the head of the Lannister host." He tells me. To say I was shocked would be an understatement. "I don't want to commit too many soldiers to this war, I wish to see our forces come out relatively unscathed, we already have our blood in line for the throne. I know you are still inexperienced, it is my hope that this war will toughen you up, so I will have both of your uncles, Gerion and Tygett, accompany you and advise you on military matters. You will be commanding a force beside the Lords of Great Houses, I trust that you will not make a fool of yourself and tarnish the reputation of our house."