
I am going to have a break for a little while, the break might be temporary or permanent, I don't really know.

I first started this Fic as a way to alleviate some of my boredom and to use up all of these ideas that I've had in my head ever since I have started reading light novels and fanfictions. It was my first ever time writing something like this and I didn't plan for it, just going with the flow, which had lead to some major mistakes in plot-holes and forced events.

The idea of going on a break has been in my head ever since I've started the Greyjoy rebellion and it has only grown since then. I was starting to dislike my OC and the way that things are turning out, writing this story isn't really as enjoyable as before and now feels more like a chore instead.

I don't know whether it is due to burnout or that I've just started to become less and less passionate about the fic, but I feel a break is necessary. I may come back after a while to resume, I might even re-write it, which is very unlikely or I might ditch the fic altogether and properly plan for a new one. I will let you all know if I do choose to leave it permanently.

If some people are disappointed about this, then I am sorry, however I believe that people would rather watch this fic stop here then see it slowly lose quality and sense as I continue to write it dispassionately.

Although I have said all of that, I have had a lot of fun writing this fic for around the last 8 months or so, thank you for all the support and encouragement people have given me along the way.

Goodbye, for now.