Fred's Son Rescue

"Did you see it?"

"Ah, there are 21 lizards there."

"Your son must be in there."

"Such a possibility."

We came to a shallow lake, and behind them was a cave. In stark contrast to that time, they are now in large numbers. Perhaps they were afraid that the kidnapping would fail again, so they numbered in large numbers and tightened their guard.

"There's one thing I'm confused about until now."

Since that trip, I've always been thinking in my mind, why would they want the thing that Fred has, and take his son as a hostage in the transaction. Even Hiyori had experienced this too. I'm curious about that.

"What's that?"

"Actually, what ring is that? Why would they want something like that instead of money?"

"This is an Heirloom that has been passed down since my forefathers."


"I explained about family before, didn't I?"

"Ah, you already explained that."

"This ring is a symbol of my family, Tigrem…"

If you build a family, you will get an Heirloom that will become a symbol of your family. The Heirloom was so useful, it had quite a lot of power.

Because Heirlooms had power, many beings wanted to obtain it, whether it was stealing from the head of the family or killing and depriving the head of the family. There are so many beings who want Heirlooms, they are benevolent and power-blind. Therefore, this object must be stored properly and properly so that no unwanted things happen.

If the Heirloom is given to someone else, not from your family, it is the same as giving your family to someone else. Because of that, the Heirloom becomes a symbol of your family.

That's what Fred said.

"Oh, I see."

Fred and Hiyori get the Heirloom from their father. Their father gave it before they died, becoming the heirs to Hiyori and Fred's family.

Obviously in this case Fred and Hiyori are the heads of their families because they both get the inheritance from their respective fathers in the form of Heirlooms, but they have to give it up for the sake of their families. I think in any world, as long as there is something of value, a lot of people, animals, and plants want it.

Having no sense of care for their fellow-creatures, they will seize it for their benefit.

Yeah, that's what they are, greedy and greedy, wanting what they want regardless of anyone else. Just like my father.

"So, are you going to give it to them?"

"I don't want to give this to them, but what can I do, for the sake of my son being safe, I will sacrifice this."

"I see."

"Now… Thank you for bringing me here. Without you, I couldn't possibly be standing here right now. Thank you."


"See you later."

He walked forward, displaying his belief and decision, bearing the burden on his shoulders as the head of the family.

Arriving there, he was greeted by the lizards and led into the cave.

"Oh my gosh, even though I was here to help him, he just left me. What can we do about it..."

Burning a cigarette for a moment, I approached my horse and leaned on the horse's body while looking up at the sky.

"Family, huh? For the sake of his son, he was willing to give up everything he had. Whatever it is, he's willing to do anything."

Looking down, I saw the cigarette and lighter I was holding.

"I've spent my money on just these cigarettes and lighters. I did not think, the price of lighters and cigarettes is so expensive. Oh my, is there any treasure in there? If there is, I will use it to stock up my cigarette supply."

After saying that, I threw this cigarette stick into the lake, then took the ax from this horse bag, and walked towards it.

Arriving in front of this cave, several lizards approached me, asking about me.

"Oi, who are you?"

Before the lizard came to me, I threw this ax, and the ax hit the lizard's head.

Some of the lizards that saw became panicked, ran towards me, and tried to attack me.

"Oi, what is your purpose here? Who are you?"

"Ah, I'm just a human who wants to save the son of that tiger. Nice to meet you, lowly creatures."

Seen 8 lizards approach me holding a spear in their hands.

Since the lake is quite shallow, I can splash water on their faces and make their vision fade.

Picking up the ax, I started chopping up their bodies mercilessly.

Seeing the spear near me, I took it and made it my weapon.

"A perfect combination, ax, and spear. As long as it's sharp, it's better than nothing."

Attacking them from various angles, making them wonder again about me.

"What's your purpose here, huh!? Who do you think you are, you dare enter our territory."

"Your territory? Oh, I thought this area was the territory of the kidnappers, who only wanted the Heirlooms. Am I wrong?"

"Fuck… Attack him!"

"Oh. Turns out I was right? You must be angry."

Immediately after attacking the 3 lizards, I felt heat behind me.

Seeing that the lizard's hand let out a fire, I thoughtlessly threw this spear at its feet.

The lizard fell, and I ran towards it.

Got there, I stepped on his head.

"Don't play with fire! It's a good thing I was able to prevent you, otherwise what then? Do you want to be responsible if the natural ecosystem is damaged? Don't want to, right? Therefore, don't play with fire!"


"Good. You stay here, or I'll kill you later. Understand?"


When I turned around, I saw lizards coming out of the cave.

"They cheated so badly, calling for help. Even though I'm only Class E, they are scared like that."

Before I walked forward, the lizard behind me stood up, preparing to attack me.

Pulling this ax up is like pulling a car lever, I think the ax I'm holding is hitting his chin.

Turning to confirm that, it turned out to be true, the ax hit his chin.

"I told you, you stay here. Listen to my orders, don't listen from your right ear and then out of your left ear. Geez..."

The lizard died, floating in the water.

"Hey, have you guys ever played boomerang?"

"Shut up! You just give yourself up, or we'll kill you."

I don't know why the lizard was angry with me, even though I was just asking.

"Looks like you guys haven't played boomerang before, huh? What a pity. All right, I'll show you how to boomerang."

There are 5 lizards in front of me, 3 lizards are on either side of me, and if you add up it means there are 11 lizards still left here.

After controlling my breathing, I focused with the arm of my right hand, the hand holding this ax.

"Let's play boomerang."

I threw this ax round to the right, hitting the necks of the three lizards, and it cut their heads off their bodies because of the sharpness of the ax blades, or indeed their soft skin.

As it continued to spin until it came back into my hands, I did the same to the remaining 8 lizards.

Successfully separating their heads from their bodies, and successfully catching this ax, I walked towards the cave.

"It turned out that I was the only one who could boomerang. Next time, when you're in hell, ask to teach you guys how to play boomerang."


In this cave I was warmly welcomed by these lizards, they even willingly thrust their spears at me.

"It's very rude, even though I'm your guest."

"Who are you? What about the guards out there?"

"Since they couldn't be playing boomerang, they were killed with this ax. Well, it's their fault, not mine."

"Fuck… how dare you kill my family."

"Oh, that's your family? I thought they were lowly beings like you."


Several lizards came up to me, tried to attack me but couldn't do that because I dodged well.

"Umm… May I ask you something?"

Since their attacks didn't hurt me, I had to stop and ask.

However, they wouldn't let me ask and instead kept attacking me.

Annoyed, I swung this ax so hard at their spears, sending their spears bouncing.

"I'd like to ask."

"U-Ugh… he's so strong, even though I'm holding my spear so hard."

"Hey, what's your class? A? B? Or, E?"

"Why are you asking that, you bastard?"

"Just wanted to know. And I happen to be Class E."

"E-Eh? How can Class C like us lose to Class E?"

"I see, it turns out that you're Class C. Umm… thanks for the answer. Now, sleep in peace."

Swinging the hilt of this ax at their necks, I knocked them unconscious.

Since they have answered my question, I will not kill them. It turned out to be so good, thank me.

Going deeper than this cave, seeing the burning torches, I kept walking while throwing this ax up.


I heard screams coming from in front of me, right to the end of this cave.

"Is that his son's voice?"

Even though I heard the screams, but I casually walked towards it while continuously throwing the ax up.

When I got there, I saw Fred was already lying there with blood coming out of him and saw a black lizard holding the ring.

"This is good… Even if I don't get the locket, with the ring and other Heirlooms, I will gain power and rule this land. Hahaha. In this land, I am the most powerful being."

Without him noticing, maybe because he was too happy, I was already in front of him.

"Hey, are you sure?"


"If you're so strong, will you be able to beat a Class E like me?"

"Eh? Who are you? An adventurer? Knight?"

"Not both. I'm just your uninvited guest."


He was surprised, looking at me with that face.

Panicked, he stepped back and ordered the other lizards to come over to me.

"Umm… he said strongly, but you backed off instead. How strange you are, lowly creature."