Making a Family Name (3)

"I returned this scarf. In advance, thank you for helping."

"You're welcome. By the way, how is Dinda-chan's condition now? They are fine?"

She asked that. She seemed familiar with them.

"Oh, that's how it is."

"I didn't think that you survived there."

That sentence made me a little angry as if she wanted me to die there.

"You expect me to die there?"

"That's not what I meant. I was just amazed that anyone was able to fight the crocodiles in such dark conditions. Although I hear from the rumors circulating about you, which says that you are humble to say that you did not kill the crocodiles but nature killed them, I believe the ability is there. Also, even if the Guild says you're a Class E category, I don't believe it."


I just confirmed the sentence, because for me now is not the time to hear her ramblings. Because of that, I was so indifferent to the sentence.

"Well, whatever you do, I believe in it."

"The reason?"

"Umm, maybe because you are Pelastaja."

She said that and smiled at me, and I just nodded.

"Are you sure you trust me? I've killed a lot of humans, I could kill you someday. Therefore, don't just believe it."

"Even if you kill me, I will still believe in you."

The owner of this inn is quite stubborn, even though she is a woman.

"Up to you. Most importantly, I have returned your scarf."

The scarf was very useful at that time. Thanks to the scarf, I was able to ward off the fire that was aiming at me. Maybe if no one had the scarf, I'd take it and use it as a harness for my horse.

Watching her keep stirring the glass with the spoon in her hand, I turned around and intended to leave after returning the scarf. However, she told me to stay here.

"Wait here, don't rush to leave. Wait a minute, I've made you something. Because on second thought, I have to give this to you."

"What are you going to give me? And, why did you give it to me?"

"Well, maybe because I could guess you'd make it out of the forest, so I made this for you. Wait a minute here!"

She just left after saying that.

Judging by her appearance, she was probably a witch, who possessed various kinds of magic. But if you look at this place, she is also the owner of this inn. And as far as I know, what I know from my subordinates who often play fantasy games, women seem to be likely to hold many things, maybe they can be called mysterious women.

Therefore, I don't want to get involved with her or cooperate with her if she asks me something. In other words, I don't want to know her.

"Thanks for waiting."

She had something in her hand, it was a hand-knitted red scarf.

"Here, for you. I made this with great pain and limited time. Therefore, take good care of this scarf."

She held out her hand to me, handed the scarf to me, and I accepted it.

"Ah... Yes."

"Think of this scarf as your achievement for saving Catrine and Dinda-chan."

There is a sense of wanting to reject it, there is also a sense of guilt when rejecting it, the two feelings are mixed. But since she said she made it with great difficulty, obviously I accepted the scarf and didn't say I didn't need it and stepped on the scarf.

"Yes. In that case, I-"


"What else now?"

"Are you here with Dinda-chan's onee-chan?"


"Could you not tell she I was here?"

I just kept quiet, didn't ask why she asked that. Then, she continued.

"I don't want my identity to be revealed. After all, it must be troublesome, right? If they had known I was here, they would have asked me to teach at that school. For the time being, I want to guard this inn."

Without asking the reason, I just nodded and said, "Yes!" just.

"Excuse me, Hiyori is waiting for me."

"Yes. Thank you. Wish you a great family member."


I was silent for a while, then turned to leave the inn.

"Strange woman."


Up the stairs, arriving at the 2nd floor of this Adventure Guild, I saw Hiyori already there chatting with the receptionist, Carolin.

"You're taking too long."

As she approached me, she saw this red scarf that I was holding.

"What's that? Did you buy it?"

"No, this was given by someone in exchange for the scarf earlier."

"Umm… Who is that person?"

"Just a weird woman. I don't know her, don't even know her name."

"Oh, I see. All right, since I've sold the logs, what would you like to drink?"

"I do not..."


Her cheeks puffed up, indicating that I wasn't happy if I refused.

"Okay, I ordered a drink that is not strange. Maybe beer."

"Well, good. Here, your cigarettes."

Hiyori was so kind to me. She is like a girl who cares about my life without me asking. So good, even if I'm bad, I can use it for this and that.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

Carolin came over, and Hiyori immediately asked her to bring me a drink.

"One beer for Ryuki, Carolin-san."

"Okay, please wait, I'll get it."

Apart from being a receptionist, it seems that she is also a waitress at this place. What a wonderful woman, having double jobs.

There, where Hiyori was sitting earlier, the crystal ball was visible. It seems they have prepared all this for me. And strangely, unlike the first time I was here, this time not a single adventure enjoyed their drinks. Not even below.

"Where are the people at?"

"I also do not know. When I first entered, I only saw the receptionists here. Maybe they were busy with their quests, or something happened…"

"Oh, I see."

"Rather than thinking about that, let's go over there!"

Pulling my hand, Hiyori led me to this table.

The fun was so obvious, even though I just wanted to make my family name. She was so happy, and so was Fred. Weird, so weird. Even though I made a surname because it was just for fun, but their response was excessive.

Sitting here, looking around the empty surroundings without any activity, feeling the atmosphere so quiet, I played this crystal ball by rolling it on this table, and Hiyori got mad at me for that.

"Don't make fun of it!"