The Rise of a Man

"My Lord, please adopt me into your family. I am willing to serve you with my life."

For some reason, maybe it's been 2 days, he kept asking me to make him a member of my family.

"I told you, I am not your lord. What exactly are you doing here?"

"No, My Lord, you do like to humble yourself. I know that this ability of mine is no greater than yours, but I am useful to you and am ready to make me your subordinate. That way, I will be of use to your life, My Lord."

He said that while looking down, looking like he was serving the king.

"Oi, Ryuki..."

Hearing Hiyori's voice behind me, I glanced at her and saw that she was dripping with sweat.

She was terrified since this man woke up. It wasn't just she who was frightened when I returned home from the city, Fred and the others were terrified too. They all felt an aura so strong and sinister about this man, it made them both fearful and wary.

And now, since Fred, Kevin, and Dinda left for the capital, I have to protect Hiyori, Gevin, and Revin from this man. Just because of this, I didn't sleep well because I was always woken up by a frightened Hiyori.

"I beg you, My Lord."

He looked at me with his dark red eyes mixed with yellow. It was scary enough to look at, in fact, I almost took a step back.

Having jet black hair as well as a few strands of red hair, this man was not a good man. In my opinion, this man is a man I should stay away from. Because of that, I kept refusing to make him a member of my family.

"If you bring me-"


Before I could finish my sentence, he disappeared from my sight, and suddenly reappeared with a pack of cigarettes in his hand. He's so fast, I haven't even blinked and finished my sentence.

"Here, My Lord."

To be honest, I was confused this time, how could he know my wish and carry my wish so quickly. It's either me making the wrong wish, or I'm being too soft on it. Or maybe, he can read my mind?

Oh shit... danger, this guy is dangerous.

"Hey, how did you know my wish? Are you..."

"Yes. Sorry for my impudence, for having read your wish. I can read minds, that's a bit of my strength. If you forbid me from using that power, I will seal my power."

What the hell is this guy? Is this serious? And again, rather than that cool cloak? It's not mine.

This is the first time I've been a little scared. I was not like this before, even to be afraid of the president, I have never been afraid. However, a man like this scared me a little.

Looking back, right at Hiyori who was behind me hiding, I asked her something.

"Oi, where did that black robe come from? Did you give it to him?"

"I don't know, he did wear that robe this morning."

"I think you gave it to him and kept the black robe a secret from me."

"Why would I keep it a secret, huh!?"

"Because you don't want to see me in that robe."

"How could it be!''

"My Lord..."


Hiyori was surprised to hear the man's voice which was so heavy and sharp, it made me turn to the man.

"Hey, that cloak…"

"Yes, this is my robe. This robe is made of the skins of greedy humans who are being tormented in hellfire."


"Oi, Ryuki, this guy is dangerous. He may be a demon, you have to exorcise him now!"

How am I going to kick him out if you keep holding onto my shirt?

A white coat clad in a dazzling black robe already looked like a butler. He was wearing that robe, and it suited his appearance perfectly. However, when I heard that the cloak was made of human skins, I fell silent and no longer thought the cloak was cool.

"My Lord, please adopt me into your family. I am willing to do anything for you, and will always be loyal to you."

You've said that many times. But what can I do, if he wants to be like that, I will make him my subordinate. But... of course with difficult conditions.

"Okay, if that's what you want. But, I have one request for you to carry out now. Are you ready for that?"

"Yes, I am at your service, My Lord."

Currently in this country is entering the dry season, so I have to make a suitable order for him.

"I asked you to find some cool armor for this girl. She needed cool armor to deal with the long dry season. And if possible, beautiful leather armor that can withstand various weather conditions. Are you able to get it?"

"Yeah, I'll find it right away."

"Oi Ryuki, what are you doing?"

At least I want to repay her for having paid for my life. In this way, I am not indebted to her.

"Then I'll excuse myself."


As he disappeared, I turned around and saw Hiyori lowered her face.

"What did you do that for? I still have good armor though, so there's no need."

She spoke but didn't look into my face, looking bashful.

Since I had made a firm determination, I made that request to the man. My determination is simple, and I have thought about this carefully, which is to go on an adventure in this world with her. This way, I can find my purpose in life and find the mastermind behind the appearance of the Red Hot Moon, which made me summoned in this world.

With my new name, Ryuki Valkoinen, I will be adventuring in this world.

"You and I will become adventurers. Do you want it?"


"We are going to the corners of this world, filled with incomparable freedom, having fun until you forget how hard it is for you to live, and doing many things. Do you want it?"

"But what about Dinda?"

"She is currently in school and lives there, we can visit her any time. Therefore, instead of having to destroy the logs, it's better to just be an adventurer. Don't you want to?"

"I would, but..."


"You're bound to be involved in something dangerous in this world that you don't know about."

"Don't worry, I'm strong even though Class E. Haven't you seen my abilities?"

"Yeah, that's true, but..."

I know everyone judges by what has been determined, and Hiyori has determined my strength by what the crystal ball has determined. Because of that, she doubted me.

But for some reason, even though she looked doubtful, her tail was constantly swaying left and right.

Without her knowing, I was behind her and pulled her tail.

"Awww, it hurts, it hurts… what are you doing?"

"Don't doubt me. If you are like that, I will be angry and hate you."


"If you want that, just say yes, don't hesitate like that."

"Yes, I want to be an adventurer."

"Good. Now, I'm going to give you Whiskas. Wait here a moment."

I walked away from her, then came back with a red scarf in my hand.

Covering her neck with this scarf, she thanked me.

"Oh, that suits you."

After I said that, she mumbled which I could hear.


Maybe I gave her something wrong that's why she mumbled like that. But after that, she suddenly smiled at me.

"Thank you, I'll take good care of this scarf, even though it's hot."


"By the way, is this Whiskas called?"

"U-Uh… no, it's not Whiskas. The Whiskas…"

For some reason I gave her useless information, telling her what Whiskas was.

"Oh, I see. So why did you give it to me? I'm not completely a cat, I'm also human, I can eat like humans, not just fish. Therefore, don't judge me this is a real cat, Ryuki!"

She was angry, and I ignored her and just left her.

"Oi, don't ignore me!"

When I arrived in front of this house, I was surprised by the appearance of the man.

"I have returned, My Lord."

Very fast.


"Here, according to your orders, I have made leather armor of the highest quality."


Damn, I didn't expect that he could make it this fast.

I took the leather armor from his hand, then gave it to Hiyori who was still mad at me.

"Try to use it!"

"Thank you for giving me this armor."


She took the leather armor from my hand and headed straight for her room.

When I turned around, I was again surprised to see this man already in front of me.

"My Lord..."


"Am I fit to be your servant? I've made the leather armor with a bit of my magic, and took some skins from them."

"They? Who is that?"

"The monsters I have killed."


I subconsciously scratched my cheek, at a loss as to how to respond.

When I put the cigarette in my mouth to get rid of this confusion, he thrust the fire at me and lit the cigarette.

"Thank you."

"It's not much, My Lord. Whatever you want, I will do."

Should I have him just to die? Or, should I go back to sleep?

"Very well, My Lord, if that is what you wish."

Oh shit, I forgot that he can read my mind.

"No, it was just my joke. So, what do you want?"

"I want to be a member of your family, My Lord."

"Okay, I'll adopt you into my family."

After I said that, his body suddenly glowed with a black aura that was so strong and terrifying. And to make matters worse, black wind, black lightning, black fire, black water, and black earth appeared all around this house, destroying all sorts of things. But strangely, this house was not destroyed.

"What's this?"

Sweat fell on my face, I am really scared now.

My eyes suddenly became blurry for a moment, even my head was so dizzy, I was on the verge of consciousness for a moment. However, because I was able to maintain my concentration and flow of breathing, I was able to stand up straight and not fall unconscious.

"Oi Ryuki, what's wrong..."

Hiyori came out of her room, surprised to see the man shrouded in the black aura. And then, she fell and sat down languidly from being so shocked to see that.


Since I had to endure all this, I took a chair and sat there smoking a cigarette and waiting for this to end.

What have I done? Did I make a mistake by adopting him as a member of my family? And, why did the weather suddenly turn bad? Actually, who is this man? Why does he want me?

After wondering that to myself, the aura and bad weather turned back to normal. And then, the man revealed himself and flew with his black wings so wide that they shattered the walls of this house.

"Ryuki, he is…"

Hearing Hiyori's stammering voice and she was shocked to see the man, I just smoked my cigarette and prepared a plan to run away if anything bad happened to her.

A moment later, the black wings disappeared, sending his feet to the ground. And then, he approached me who was sitting on this chair.

"My Lord, I, Leonard Valkoinen, am at your service."