Heavenly guards

Ares wasn't looking good, he thought that the demon was strong, but not this strong. The demon currently had the upper hand.

Ares was doing everything he could, but it wasn't much. If he had all his original power he could've killed this demon before long ago, unfortunately, he didn't and was struggling.

Ares also hadn't fought anyone while he was on earth so he was quite rusty.

The demon also seemed to notice this and used it to his advantage mustering all his remaining energy to attack harder.

Ares wasn't able to block these attacks, he was on the brink of Collapsing and the heavier attacks didn't help. Ares thought he should try and retreat.

Ares was ashamed of himself. Ares the legendary God of War, had to retreat.

Ares then tried to run in the direction he came at full speed, but unfortunately, he was unable to escape the demon and was cut off.

The demon attacked again and when Ares tried to block, his sword was knocked out of his hands.

The demon raised his hands to attack again " It's over for you!" Ares realized that he was too exhausted to do anything and could only accept the attack.

The great God of War. Once thought of as one's the strongest God's being taken out on earth, by a demon of all things.

When Ares had Lost all hope, he heard voices of people in the distance "Exterminate the demon."

When Ares looked carefully at the people, he saw 4 people wearing golden armor. Ares ' face was one of Disbelief, What are the heavenly guards doing here?

Immediately Ares recognized them from the Distinctive armor that they have. The heavenly guards are always the first people sent if someone was attacking heaven.

Many people want to be heavenly guards because it could give you lots of respect and benefits. The long and short of it is that the heavenly guards are very important figures. They are also in a position not many people get because of the requirements and the strength it takes to be a Heavenly guard.

Ares didn't understand what was going on or why they were helping him but he didn't reject it.

The demon looked simultaneously shocked and horrified by the arrival of the heavenly guards "How could they be here!"

The demon then tried running away scared to fight but was kicked back by one of the guards.

The once intimidating demon, now looked like a baby after a nightmare.

The guards started to attack the demon from all sides. The demon wanted to fight back but fear was taking over his body, rendering him unable to move.

Even if he did fight back, It wouldn't have mattered. The guards' strength combined was too much for the demon to handle. The demon now looked like a child getting bullied by the older kids.

Ares had a lot of thoughts running through his head right now. He looked at the whole situation weirdly, even though he was being helped by the guards he wasn't very happy.

Ares had long since been kicked out of heaven and banned from ever going back, so why would they be here helping him. He thought they may have a different motive for helping him.

Ares and the heavens didn't have the best of relationships, not wanting to find out what would happen after the fight he wasn't keen on sticking around till the end.

Ares looked for the right time then took off, faster than people could track.

Ares was still exhausted and every step was painful, but he didn't stop. Not knowing what they would do to him after they killed that demon.


In a dimly lit room, two people were sitting around a table.

The two people were sitting with their arms crossed. It was a deathly silence, "What should we do?"

The man who said looked quite old and had a calm look on his face, but the man sitting across from him was not as calm "What do you mean! We just got orders to send our men to go and retrieve Ares, Aka the traitor!"

The angry man seemed like he was about to go on a rant, so the old man quickly injected himself and said "young man, do you know what happened?" The old man said.

"Didn't he get spotted doing something with a demon?" The other man said

"That is correct, now do you think he did it?" The old man said

"Of course!"

"But why." The old man said again

Annoyed by the old man's nagging, he said "would you get to the point already!"

The old man sighed and looked up as if he was Reminiscing, then he said "You weren't alive when Ares was here so I'll tell you what happened 300 years ago."

The angry man had calmed down considerably and was very interested. The man had read many stories and many people told him that Ares was treacherous to heaven.

He was pretty young compared to the old man so he thought maybe this old man knew something he didn't.

"As I said before, Ares was one of the strongest God's and in his prime, he could even rival the ruler."

This greatly shocked the man and reasonably so because The ruler, as his name implies, rules over God's.

He is very well respected and many people think of him as the strongest God, so for Ares to be able to rival him is impressive.

"As you may know the ruler also has a daughter, Mystic." The old man said

"Of course!" The other man said passionately, everyone knew her. Not only was her father the ruler but she also has incredible beauty. Almost every guy wants to date her.

Every guy who had the balls to go to mystic was immediately shot down, she doesn't seem interested in anyone romantically.

"Mystic didn't like anyone until Ares came along. He seemed to quickly sweep her off her feet."

"It was amusing to see the girl who never liked anyone fall in love so quickly. They both liked each other a lot…. But unfortunately, the ruler didn't like Ares at all."