"It's been to long.''

Ares and Louis were nearly out of the building. when Ares said, "Wait!"

Louis turned his head. He had an annoyed expression on his face as he was bored of Ares, constant staling.

"What?" Not wanting to wait around any longer, Louis spoke with an annoyed tone

"Shouldn't I put something on my face, you know, because people might remember me?" Ares believed that people would still remember who he was.

Louis stared at Ares, and had a weird face, as if he told the most hilarious joke ever, "Hahahahaha, you don't have to worry about that. Trust me, no one will recognize you, Hahahahaha, ever I didn't recognize you, you don't have to worry about a thing, HAHA. My apologies, my apologies, that's just too ridiculous."

"Shut Up!" Ares felt his self-esteem take a hit. At this point, Louis was on the ground laughing.

"Didn't you want to leave! Let's go!" Ares was flustered, but when he began considering everything that happened in the past, he thought this might be for the best. ( I guess if people don't know who I am, there'll be fewer obstacles that I'll have to deal with.)

After a while, Louis finally quit laughing and composed himself.

"Alright, ready." Ares stared at Louis annoyed and said, " I've been ready for a while now! You were the one who wasn't ready!"

"I'm sorry ok, I'm sorry. You don't have to yell." Ares pondered about it for a moment, and said, " Fine, you right, I shouldn't have done that. Now can we go?"

"Yes, yes, we can go." Subsequently, they left.

Once Ares and Louis stepped out, their eyes were subjected to the most beautiful scenery.

(I forgot how amazing this was...If only I nothing happened back then.)

Louis and Ares were walking while enjoying the scenery, and Ares accidentally bumped into someone.

"Oh man, my bad, sorry I bumped you. I gotta go, but you have a nice day." Ares was perplexed, it's been a while since he encountered such a nice person.

"Uhmmm, thanks." Ares didn't know what to say.

By this point, the nice guy had already left, and Ares was left with his thoughts, (Last time I was here, people were so quick to switch on me, it's been a while since anyone acted kindly to me.)

Louis seemed to have noticed how Ares was feeling as well and said " Times have changed, we aren't the same people you previously remembered."

Ares didn't respond, he just kept to himself and thought about what Louis said, ( Have people changed? I doubt it.)

"If you doubt me, then I'm sure you'll change your mind soon enough." Ares turned his head with confusion, ( Did he just read my mind ?! )


After a while of walking, Ares and Louis finally were at the base of The Palace.

" It's a beauty, isn't it!" Louis seemed very enthusiastic, and happy.

Ares however, seemed indifferent about the situation as he said, " Let's just get this over with."

Louis completely dismissed this comment and followed up by saying, " I've only been here once, but I will remember that for the rest of my days. I never thought I would get another chance to come, much less with THE GOD OF WAR!"

"What are you doing? Why are you yelling." Before Ares said anything else, he looked around to make sure no one was in the area. After he checked and saw that the coast was clear, he said " What if someone overheard you."

"You certainly are old aren't you. If you know anything, then you should know that nobody is permitted to come anywhere near The Palace, unless they have appropriate approval from The Ruler himself."

"Oh...you're right, I forgot." Ares was embarrassed, ( Am I getting old? )

As Ares was healing his pride, someone appeared in front of them.

"The Ruler is ready to see you, please follow me." Ares examined the guide and noticed they were a girl. She looked very beautiful, but Ares didn't care too much, however, Louis was the complete opposite. ( He's gawking at her way too much, he's practically oozing from his mouth. )

"She is the prettiest lady I've ever seen in my life, you think me and her would be a cute couple."

Ares responded by saying, " If you knew anything, then you would know that, The Ruler's guide has to continue to sever The Ruler until death, meaning, you and her couldn't be in together."

Louis's goofy smirk drastically changed.

Before things became awkward, Ares quickly said, " You know, you're kinda strange."

Louis turns his head to Ares with a peculiar face. "What do you mean?"

"Well, when I met you I thought you would be more of a professional type, but now I'm wondering if you have split personality disorder?" Ares said jokingly

Louis suddenly had a serious face and said, " That's not funny. you know people struggle with that a lot, you shouldn't jok--"

"Oh My Gosh, you're one of those," Ares said.

"What are you talking about, one of what?" Ares stared at Louis and said, " You're the type of person that can't take a joke, No wonder you can't get girls."

"What do you just say?!" Louis was almost at the point of anger.

Ares noticed this and swiftly took action. "Look, I'm not trying to be rude, all I'm saying is, you should live a little looser. If you act like this for the rest of your life, then it wouldn't be any fun."



After a moment of silence, Louis said, " Did you just try to give me a life speech? HAHAHAHAHAHA, that's funny, haha."

"What's so funny," Ares said with a stern look.


Ares and Louis were still bickering at each other when they bumped into the guide, "We're here."

"Supreme Ruler, The visitor is here." The guide said

Ares and The Ruler were staring at each other intensely, Louis could feel their energy levels increase to almost a suffocating amount. ( W-What's going on. )

"Thank you. Now please escort Louis out of the room." The Ruler spoke in a very articulate manner, but it also seemed sinister.

"Yes sir."

As Louis was walking out of the room, he looked back at Ares and thought, ( I wonder why there was such bad energy between them. )

Louis and the guide finally left and shut the door behind them. Now Ares and The Ruler were alone.

"HAHAHA, it's been too long, hasn't it God Of War!"