**Warning this chapter can and is dark includes rape-murder drugs**

**Also CIA I'm sorry**

Jin rushed at the moment after he kicked open the door he was greeted by disgusting sight bandits were everywhere many of which had women in which they were in the middle of raping others were stuffing their nose with crack, injecting themselves with heroin. It was a disgusting sight Jin almost threw up just at the sight of what was going on everything stopped when Jin entered the bandits weren't happy with the newcomer and the way he entered the building they felt disrespected and by all gods they should have been. a decent-sized portion of the bandits decided to take action and opened their grimoires and started to cast Jin saw this and opened the grimoire he just wanted to be safe and when he saw a large array of spells coming his way everything from water to large metal spears was coming at him. he like usual he countered using his spell "Almighty Push" to counter the spells but this time not all of the spells got countered so he was forced to move and dodge before the dust could clear out he decided to cast a spell himself so he poured more mana into his attack and fired "Almighty Push" again he managed to hit a couple of the bandits that were coming his way to attack him by now all of the bandits were coming his way so before he could get overwhelmed by sheer numbers he casted another spell "Divine Obedience" this time he was able to clear out a decent amount of the bandits some were able to reach him so it turned into a brawl and Jin was dominating by now the bandits were realiszing Magic and Their fists wont get them anywhere so they started to bring out their weapons why they didn't think of that previously is a wonder to Jin but we don't judge here in order to dodge the slowly evolving but still dumb as fuck bandits he casted a spell "Decrease" on himself allowing him to float up to the sky preventing him from getting injured and from then on it was a rinse and repeat process dodge their longe range attackers and strike back with one of his own it was only after everyone was defeated did things get complicated...

Turns out there was a boss fight he should've expected by now all of the women have escaped the half-destroyed building and were watching from a distance out of curiosity. It was then a screaming man could be heard "WHOOO DID THIS!!" the boss has been awoken as you could see a large burly man enter the scene turns out he was the boss of this operation. he saw and properly assumed he was the one responsible for the damage down to his building and to his lackeys the boss was not happy and murder was the only peaceful option for Jin to get out of this situation. but Jin was never one to give up hope especially if there was a strong opponent to face. so he did what anybody would do (not really) pick a fight instead of using a magic attack upfront he used mana to increase his body's durability and strength and went for what he thought was his biggest advantage in close-quarters combat.

you see though he is blind for 10 years he trained everything he could about his body as much as he could he refused to let his disability get in the way of his dreams. from technique to strength he worked to the point of what he considered would be the best but after this fight, he would realize he is nowhere near the top. Back to Jin

Jin was quick to realize that none of his attacks were failing to land giving the boss time to cast a spell "lightning creation magic: Chains of Zeus" Lightning chains flew towards Jin covering his arms and legs restraining him forcing him to kneel. the Bandit boss started to get cocky thinking that victory was his and so did Jin. Jin was in a situation where every time he attempted to move the already painful chains got 10x as bad of pain The "Bandit" Boss was walking towards him and the Hostages who stayed were Grimacing at the thought of the sight of what was about to happen. Jin looked at the boss who by now was standing in front of him weapon in hand with a look to kill. Jin closed his eye in fear he didn't want to die his grimoire acted weirdly it started to turn to a new page and it acted a spell without the use of Jin's casting. A gravitational field covering Jin as the Bandit boss's sword swung down the attack got blocked and the boss was ent back Jin was now looking at his Grimoire and noticed he didn't only 1 spell he decided to try out the 2nd new spell he then pointed his umbrella at the boss and cast "Gravity Magic Gravitational Bullet" as a condensed beam of Magic flew out of the tip of the umbrella the bullet ripped through the bosses chest but not killing him. This aggravated the boss as he cast yet another spell "Lightning Creation Magic Heavens Armor" as his body was covered in a suit of armor and rushed Jin. Meanwhile, Jin who was watching this development was praying this new defense spell can outlast his opponent's attacks and luck wasn't in his favor as his defense only could handle 3 of the attacking Bandit Bosses attacks as the Boss was preparing for the final killing attack the battle was disrupted after a chant was heard "Dark Magic Dark Cloaked Avidya Wild Slash"