[Bonus chapter] Crime Nights+ (ii)

Powan family was a joint family of one elderly couple, three daughters, two sons, and their wives.

The elderly couple was in their late forties. The elderly son was in his late twenties, and his wife was the same age as him. The second son was in his early twenties, and his wife was the same age. The eldest daughter just hit 24, the middle daughter was 22, and the youngest daughter was 19.

The name of the elderly man was Reis. He was the chief of the private company. The eldest son's name was Soros, and he worked as an engineer. The youngest son's name was Konoris, and he recently got a job after completing his master's degree.

  All the brothers and their wives got along with their sisters and parents. It was a perfect family. It was a happy and perfect family until Leon decided to break into their house and chose them as his next target.