Chapter Forty one Truth Revealed

Susan was packing away the dishes when her doorbell rang; she went to see who it was and pauses; bites her lips and took a deep breath before opening the door. "Hi Tyler, what are you doing here?" She asks nervously.

"I need to talk to you," Ty said firmly from her doorstep. "I don't see what we could possibly have to talk about." Ty could see how uneasy she looks but this couldn't wait. "Can I come in?" "Tyler…I….um…." "Susan please, this is very important."

"Okay….come on…in …then," She said moving aside. "Are your kids' home?" He asks. "No, they are having a sleepover at my mom's, why?" "Susan, it's obvious to me that you and Martin know something that I don't and it's about the child that Kayla lost. I need you to tell me because I can't seem to get a straight answer out of your husband." He took a deep breath and continues.

"He said that only the two of you know the truth and if he won't tell me then I'm praying to God you will." "I….really don't know ….what you…are talking about." She said walking over to the window and turning her back to him.

"Susan, Martin has been throwing a lot of accusations at me ever since I came back from Japan, now at first I tried to ignore him but then he began to really irritate me but now I'm getting really concerned about the things he has been saying." He said walking over to her.

"Susan please tell me what's going on. These accusations are very serious and could very well get me fired." He pleads. Susan began pacing her living room and biting her nails. "Pretending you are clueless about what this is about isn't going to make what you did any less horrible." She said without looking at him.

"Oh for the love of God please don't do that, every single time I try to get a straight answer out of Martin that's what he does, he speaks in riddles, riddles that makes absolutely no sense but still rip into me like sharp knives, so please, don't you start, what did I do that was so horrible Susan? What did I do?" He demands when she said nothing.

"This is what I know, you left for Japan the Sunday, and Kayla showed up here the Monday morning crying her eyes out." She said playing with her braids. "And," Tyler urges her on. "She was a wreck and she told Martin and me that you found out that she was cheating on you and that the child she was carrying wasn't yours," She continues in a solemn tone.

"Wait, I found out that she was cheating on me when I caught her in bed with another man," Ty confirm. "Well according to her you knew before you went to Japan, so you gave her fifty grand and told her to get rid of it and if she didn't you were going to leave her," She continues despite the shocked look on his face.

"She was so in love with you that she felt like she had no other choice but to have the abortion because that was the only way she could save the relationship. Tyler felt his knees buckle and he grabs the back of the sofa for support. Susan saw how shocked he was and rush over and grabs him by the arm.

"Why are you acting so shocked? You were the one who ordered her to have the abortion." She said annoyed. "Susan I didn't….I didn't…..Susan I ….couldn't….I could never do something …..Like that….Kayla could never…do something… like that…. She wouldn't…. deliberately take the life…of an innocent…child," He stutters as he struggles to catch his breath.

"She did Ty, I was there, I sat next to her for three days at her house while she cried her eyes out, why are you acting like it's the first time you're hearing all this? Three days Ty and you never called or check up on her, not once and now here you are acting like this is news, come on Ty please...." "It's…not true…. Susan... none of it….I…didn't… I would never….oh God this can't be true…. This can't be true …can I …please have …some water?" He asks as tears poured down his face.

She let go of his shaking body, ran to the kitchen, and return immediately with a sealed bottle of water which he took and open with shaking hands and took a few sips. "Thank you," He whispers sinking in a chair and for about ten minutes he just sat there not saying a word, silent tears running down his face. He then took a few deep breaths got up and walks slowly towards the door. He then stops and turns back to her. "Thank you for telling me the truth." He said softly.

"Wait, where are you going?" She asks. "Where do you think," He replied. "Wait, I'll drive, you shouldn't be driving right now." She said grabbing her house keys and closing her door.

Half an hour later They came to a stop at Kayla's gate, he took a few more deep breaths, and steps from the vehicle, for a few minutes he just stood there staring at the house. The house he had bought for the two of them to begin their lives in, the house she had been cheating on him in for God's knows how long.

Taking a deep breath he walks slowly towards the door, he then uses his keys to open it, and steps inside with Susan right behind him. He felt extremely nauseated, Susan watches him closely and his actions clearly told her that this was indeed news to him and he wasn't handling it well.

This wasn't an act, he really didn't know, but if that was true then…. could Kayla really be this deceitful? Stupid question; it was Kayla so why should she be surprised, that girl was capable of anything.

"Could you please…. call her for me?" Tyler asks and wipes his eyes. Susan felt sick as she walk towards the foot of the stairs. She and Martin had been judging him wrong all this time, had Kayla really made him sound like a monster when she was really the monster?

"Kayla! Kayla Get down here, now!" Susan barked angrily. "Susa?…What….the hell…What are you doing here?… And how the hell did you get in my house?" Kayla demands as she descends the stairs slowly, she gasps and froze as she saw Tyler standing a few feet away. "Ty… what are you…doing here?" She asks glancing nervously up the stairs.

"I'm here for answers Kay." "A….about what?" She asks again in a nervous tone. "Is it true that you had an abortion the day after I left for Japan?" He asks in a calm deadly tone. Kayla's eyes bulge in shock as she glances from Susan to Tyler. "What…no….that not true…who told you that?" Kayla demands, hands on her hips. "I did, and please don't tell me you're going to stand there and deny any of this because I was there, I saw everything."

"Is this true Kayla!" Ty demands. "I knew from the very beginning that I would regret telling you and your loud mouth man anything, I should've just kept my big mouth shut." She said more to herself than to them.

"Kayla! Ty shouts drawing her attention back to him. "No…um…I mean yes…yes it's true but baby you've to understand, I did it for you." Ty ran his hand over his head and face while making an agonizing groan. "For me! You took the life of an innocent child for me?" He asks in disbelief. "Yes because I know that it wasn't yours and I didn't want you to raise a child that wasn't yours, not to mention you are a brilliant doctor so you would have figured it out sooner or later, and then I would have lost you and I couldn't let that happen." She said defensively.

Susan watched and listens in shocked silence. Tyler sank in the sofa as a sharp pain ripped through his chest. "You had this all planned out before I left for Japan, didn't you? That's why you wanted me gone so badly, wasn't it?" He asks coldly. "Well, I couldn't possibly do it with you here." She mumbles. "That was why you didn't call me or tell me about it, that was why you kept stalling, preventing me from coming back the very next day, which I was planning on doing; you needed time to recover," He said as tears pour down his face.

"Oh my God." He choked out and sobs. "Now all this makes sense, oh my God Kayla! How could you?" He cried shaking his head. "Ty I'm sorry but I had no choice." "No choice! That's bull Kay, you had plenty of choices but abortion should never have been one of them, that shouldn't even have crossed your mind." He sneered coldly.

"Ty could we please not do this now," She said glancing up the stairs again. "Like hell! You killed my child!" "It wasn't your child Ty." "It doesn't matter! I would've loved it regardless, f y I Kay you're not the first woman to cheat on me. We are doing this now! So let's review your choices, you could have chosen to be faithful to me, to be truthful to me, spend time getting to know me instead of how much money is in my wallet." He sobs.

"Because if you had you would have known that no matter whose child that was I would have loved it with all my heart. You know how badly I wanted a child Kay!" He shouts angrily.

"How Kayla….how could you do something like that…something so horrible." He asks as he continues to sob. "So wait, let me get this straight, you have been lying to everyone all this time, you lied about everything Kayla, everything?" Susan asks in disbelief.

"Where did you get the fifty grand you showed us?" Susan demands. "She was supposed to use it to come to me when she felt better, not to kill my child." He sobs. "It wasn't…..." She began but stops when Ty fixed her with a cold stare. "Did you have a paternity test done?" He demands. "No." "So there was no way you could have known that child wasn't mine Kayla."

"I don't believe this, all this time you had us believing that Tyler was a heartless monster who gave you some money, demand you have an abortion, and high-tailed it to Japan so he wouldn't have to deal with it; when the real monster is you," Susan said through clenched teeth.

"So I'm looking at this two ways and either way it makes you a despicable and disgusting person. One is that you killed an innocent child to keep a man in your life, if I had to make a choice between keeping my child or keeping you, then you would so get left. As much as I love you if you couldn't be with me because the child wasn't yours then I would've walked away from you in a split second.

"And two, you killed an innocent child to cover up what you did because it was all about what you wanted because you're selfish. You choose me and my money over a child that was a part of you, you were its mother and you killed it." He sobs.

"I knew you weren't perfect Kay, I'm the first person to admit that you have a lot of faults but I never thought you were capable of doing something like this; I can't do this anymore….I just can't, I'm done." Ty said as he got up and slowly move towards the door but then a man angry voice behind him stops him in his tracks.

"A who dat in a mi house a mek so much noise at this time a night?" He barks. Ty turns and glares at the thick muscled man standing at the foot of the stairs in only his underpants. "Your house?" Tyler asks angrily. "My house, a dat me say, me a pay rent fi dis, a who you?" The man asks. Ty snorts and half laughs as he shakes his head.

"And I suppose you're going to tell me next that the child she's carrying is yours?" "A who da fool ya man, of course, is my pickney, a who you fi come in a mi house a question me?"

"The fool here is you, dude. I don't know where you're paying rent for but it's not here because this is my house! My parents and I bought this house; it's in my name not yours and not hers." Ty said his heart racing wildly. "This house was supposed to be where we start our life together as a couple but she made that impossible because she was too busy lying through her teeth and spreading her legs with every man that looks her way." He said with scorn, grabbing the ring she bought him off his finger he flung it across the room.

"You are free to go do whatever you want, with whoever you want because I'm done with you and another thing, I want you out of my house! And so help me, Kayla." He sneered with both hands in a fist. "If you harm this child you're carrying in any way, I swear, I'll make you regret it for the rest of your life!" He shouts before storming out. Susan sucked her teeth at Kayla and follows Ty but as he reaches his vehicle she saw him collapse to the ground.

Racing over to him, she grabs him and tried lifting him off the ground but she couldn't move him, she then saw two men walking by and call to them to help which they did, they lay him on the back seat.

She then asks them to stay with him and ran back towards the house to call Kayla who was in a very heated argument with the man. "Kayla, Tyler has collapsed; I need you to drive us to the hospital." Kayla rushes towards the door but then hesitates as she looks at the man that was now glaring at her angrily.

"Kayla, we have to go now!" Susan shouts running back towards the vehicle. "I'm sorry Brandon, I'll explain everything when I get back, I promise." She said as she grabs her house keys and a coat and ran towards Tyler's vehicle. "Is he okay?" Kayla asks as Susan sat next to Tyler; puts his head on her lap, then puts the oxygen mask over his face.

"You know how bad his episodes can be so stop asking me stupid questions and drive the damn car." Susan snaps. She then began pleading with him to take deep breaths as she frantically dialed his father's number.

Miss. Mona was about to leave the master bedroom when she heard Mr. Jackson's cell ringing. She picks it up and answers it. "Hello, Mr. Jackson?" The person on the other end asks. "This's his phone, he's downstairs." She replied. "Please tell him that Tyler has collapsed and we're on our way to the hospital, please hurry."

Miss Mona rush from the room, down the stairs, and into the dining room where the family was having dinner. "Tyler has collapsed, he's on his way to the hospital," She said out of breath. Everyone was up and rushing out the door before she could finish the sentence. Janice ran to the kitchen, grabbed Faith's traveling bag fling a few items in it, and ran after them as they all ran towards one car or the other.

Martin had just finished with a patient and was taking the docket to the nurses' station when he saw his wife pacing the corridor. "Susan, Susan! Baby, what're you doing here? Are you ok? Is it the kids?" He asks in panic. , "No…No, it's Tyler, oh God Martin we were so wrong, he didn't do it Martin, Kayla lied, she lied about everything." She cried.

"She did the abortion but didn't tell Ty about it then when he came back she lied and said she had a miscarriage." She sobs. "Hold on a minute, that can't be true, he had to have known, he gave her the money to have the abortion, we saw the money Susan, we saw how distraught she was, that wasn't an act Susan, he's just pretending to be innocent, he's as guilty as sin."

"No Martin, he's not, he collapse after we confronts her not too long ago, she would have denied everything if I wasn't standing right there. They rushed him in that room over there, I'm scared Martin, I really am." She continues crying and he held her tightly. "Are you sure about this baby?" he asks. "Yes, I'm a hundred percent sure that she lied, about everything?" She sobs in his shirt. "Well if that' the case then we're just as responsible for him being here as Kayla is."

"Where's my son?" Mr. Jackson demands as he and his family rush down the hall. "He's in that room over there," Susan answered shakily pointing to the room. Mr. Jackson nods and went running towards the room. "Were you with him when he collapses?" Mrs. Jackson asks.

"Yes…Yes..I…was…um here could someone take this?" She asks holding Tyler's firearm in her hand. "I took it off him when they brought him in here." Caleb move to take the gun but Fabian cut him off. "Hell no, a deadly weapon in your hands, not a good idea. I'll take that," Fabian said taking the weapon from her. "As if he needs it, he's a walking weapon," Anna said scowling at Caleb. "Let's go in the waiting room and you can tell us what happened Susan." Mrs. Jackson said leading the way.

Thank you all for reading

Food for thought

Pray not for a life free from troubles

But for triumph over troubles.