Chapter 105 Skipping lunch

Scott's friends were waiting for him by the wall when he arrives at school on Tuesday. He fills them in on his weekend while giving them the gifts he brought back for them.

As Jasmine steps slowly from the vehicle she saw Scott talking and laughing with his friends. She had liked the fact that he kept in touch with her while he was abroad. He had called her yesterday evening to let her know he was home but she hadn't heard from him since.

So far he was a good friend but after what happened yesterday she was now beginning to wonder if the price of being his friend was one she was willing to pay. She thought of going over to him and telling him what happened but after seeing Andrea's arms around his shoulders she turns away and went toward her class.

Scott checks his watch for the tenth time as he glances toward the parking lot. He was wondering where Jasmine was when the bell rings, sighing in disappointment he said goodbye to his friends and went to class.

As soon as the lunch bell rings he quickly pack away his books and head in the direction of her class. When he arrived at her class door he saw her slowly packing away her books while the other kids were piling out of the classroom.

When only a few left he went in and pat her on her shoulder and she literally jumps in fright or was that panic. "Ooops sorry, didn't mean to scare you." "Hi there." She greets him with a tight lip smile, not like the smiles he usually gets from her, something was wrong.

"You okay?" He asks in concern. "Yep fine." She said not looking at him. "I was looking out for you this morning, I didn't see you come in." He said opening his bag and taking another small bag from it.

"I saw you though, you were busy with your friends so….." She shrugs her shoulders but said nothing else. "Okay let's not talk about that anymore. I brought you something." He said handing her the small bag.

"You didn't have to." "I know but I wanted to, so look at it, tell me if you like it." He urges with a smile. She opens the bag and took out a black jacket, she hold it up and admire it, this time with a genuine smile.

(Closing down, buy England get Scotland free) was written and she laughs as she read it. "Now that's a bargain." She said laughing harder. "So like it?" He asks. "Love it, thank you, Beck." "My pleasure, now come let's get lunch." He said walking to the door but stop when he realizes she wasn't following him.

"what?" He asks with a puzzled look on his face. "You go, I'm skipping lunch today." She said putting on the jacket and sitting back down and he knew he saw her wince. "Jazzy, what's wrong?" He asks coming back over to her.

"Nothing really, I'm just not really hungry that's all." He knew something was wrong but how was he supposed to get her to open up to him. "Okay, then could you please walk with me to get my lunch?" He asks softly. "Okay." She slowly gets up and walks with him to the lunch area.

I'll be right back just need to use the bathroom." She said and walk away from him before he could say a word. "I'm surprised to see her in school today." One of his friends said standing next to him.

"Why is that?" Scott asks. "She was rough up pretty badly by Andrea yesterday. I came on the scene after it happened but her hair was all messed up and her knee was bleeding." He said and Scott felt something run from the crown of his head to the sole of his feet as he glance over at Andrea who was sitting with his other friends.

He then walk in the direction he saw Jasmine went and saw her just coming out of the bathroom. He walks over to her and hugs her tightly and felt her wince against him. "I'm so sorry for what you went through yesterday but as much as it is possible, I'll make sure it never happens again." He said taking her hand he lead her back towards the lunch area and right over to Andrea.

He grabs Andrea by her arm and drags her to her feet. "Apologize now." He said in a cold tone. "You heard me." He snaps. "Do it now or I'll make sure you don't graduate." He sneers.

"Yeah right not because your mother is friends with the principal doesn't mean you have any power here." She sucks her teeth and sits back down. "Okay then." Still holding Jasmine's hand he walks away.

"Alright, alright fine, I'm sorry I beat up your new shiny pet." She said with a smirk. Scott didn't even blink he just turns again and continues walking.

"Okay! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, do whatever you want to me, just don't report me, please." She said her head down. "Do you accept her apology?" He asks Jasmine and she nods.

"Okay then but if you so much as look in her direction again, you won't get a second chance to apologize." He said to Andrea and walks back towards the lunch area still holding Jasmine's hand.

Thank you all for reading

Prayer for thought

God I thank you that you have better

Things in store for me than I would

Choose for myself.

(Phil 4 vs 19)