Chapter 118 Every move

The following morning they shared their news with the family and everyone was very happy for them, Caleb however was skeptical as always but he still supports him, after dropping her off at work and making sure she was fully guarded he went to the police station and asks for the detective that was assigned to their case.

"What exactly are you doing about that man?" He demand as soon as the detective took a seat opposite him. "as I've explained before Mr. Jackson, there's really not much we can do at this point." The man said in a frustrated tone. "Like hell, there isn't. He's constantly harassing her. She has to be under twenty-four-hour guard because he keeps trying to get to her and listen to this. I transferred these from her phone." He took his phone out to locate the messages and played them for the detective.

After a few minutes, the man sighs and leans back in his chair. " Those are indeed very disturbing messages but again we can't arrest him based on a few threats." "Seriously, even after him constantly telling her how he wants to kill the abomination she is carrying inside her, you still can't do anything?" Fabian demands.

"We'll pay Mr. Edwards a visit, talk to him again and get him to back off, I know to you that's not enough but that's all we can do, warn him, now I really have to go. We'll contact you as soon as we have spoken to him." The detective said and after bidding Fabian goodbye he left the office.

Fabian growls in frustration as he storms from the station, got in his car, and drives over to Amara's place of work. Fifteen minutes later he was walking towards Jermaine who was one of her guards and also his cousin. "Hey, what did the detective say?" Jermaine asks when Fabian came to a stop in front of him.

"What do you think? The same damn nonsense. They can't do anything." Fabian said through clenched teeth. "That lunatic is out there making threats and planning God knows what and they can't do anything. Well to hell with that, I'm not going to sit around and wait for him to make a move when that move could very well end the life of my child and the woman love, so I'm going to put a few of our guys on his ass as well. I want to know every move he makes and in the meantime, if he or anyone that he may send comes at you and you have no choice then take them out got that?" He orders. "With pleasure cuz," Jermaine said with a sinister smirk.


Ty was doing research on his laptop when a video chat request came in. He pause his research, answer it, and saw that it was Caleb. "Hi, my ass wipe of an older brother, what's up?" Ty asks in a teasing tone. "Ha-ha-ha very funny but I guess I deserve that." Caleb snorts. "How are things going with you and Maya?" Ty asks again.

"It's getting there but enough about me, how are you holding up, being away from your wife for so long?" Caleb asks. "Aaaaaah I'm about ready to tear my hair out, I mean I know it was going to be hard and they do keep us very busy here but trust me, brother, I missed her like crazy." He groans.

"Twice I've thought of just quitting this training and coming home but as much as she misses me she flat out tells me to stay and finish this damn thing once and for all, so I will. We talk a lot on the phone and laptop both day and night, she is always so interested in my studies. She wants to know about all the cases we have to figure out and I mean every little detail and I love telling her about it all but I long to hold her, kiss her..."

"Make love to her and whispers sweet nothings in her ear." Caleb finishes rolling his eye. "I know brother, I know and you'll soon, you've already been over there five days now, only a few more to go." "Yeah except one day here Is like a week." Ty snorts.

"So about Fabian's good news?" Ty said changing the topic. "Yeah, I'm happy for him," Caleb said dryly. "Yeah you're just jumping for joy for him aren't you?" Ty asks in a sarcastic tone. "Hey, hey come on now, I'm happy for him alright, make no mistake about that, it's just, I'm in no hurry to walk down the aisle alright."

"Can I asks you a question brother?" Ty asks in a serious tone. "Sure." "Do you love her enough to actually marry her?" "Yes and I will, I just don't want to be rushed into it and another thing she was a virgin when I met her, and ever since then I've been trying to train her body to handle me and she was doing okay but now she has locked me off totally, so how am I suppose to train her," Caleb asks.

"She no longer believes in sex out of marriage because she got baptized so if you want to continue training her then you'll have to marry her." Ty states. "Ugh, fine but after Fabian's wedding, I'm in no hurry." Caleb snorts.

"You do remember the promise you made to God when Janice was in the hospital, don't you brother?" Ty asks. "Yes and I'll honor it but not yet, marriage first give my life to God after, anyway got to get back to work, holler at you later bro." "Alright take care."

thank you for reading

A word of prayer

Heavenly Father I want to live in an environment

where I can dream big dreams, oh Lord

A place where I can dare to trust you

for more.