Chapter 129 Obsessive

"Hey what's up with your friend anyway?" one of the guys from their team asks as he took a seat next to Jason at the bar. "I've lots of friends, who are you talking about?" Jason asks taking a sip of his drink. "Tyler, you two seem very close." "You have a problem with TJ?" Jason asks ready to defend his friend.

"Well not really but out of all of us, he's the only one not sharing a room." "So what? He's a private person." "Yeah, that's not all he's. He's also overly obsessed with his wife. I mean when he's not calling her, he left her voice messages, emailing her, video chatting with her, none stop, god damn, ease up off the chick a bit damn, let her breathe." The guy laughs.

"I'm exhausted and it's not me." He snorts. "Everyone is entitled to their opinions but I think you should stop commenting on things you don't understand," Jason said narrowing his eyes at the man.

"What's not to understand, he's suffocating the poor woman. I invited him to come with us tonight but he turned me down flat." "Christians don't go to nightclubs, Jerry." Jason snaps. "Please as if that's the reason. I bet he's talking her ear off right now, I mean seriously damn give the woman some space." Jerry said with another snort.

"Alright, just stop. Yes in your eyes he's obsessive, suffocating, etc, etc but what you don't know is that she's just as obsessed with him as he's with her, and most of the time she's the one calling him and he always makes time for her." Jason explains.

"So what are you saying?" Jerry asks. Jason rolls his eyes and takes another sip of his drink before he speaks again. "What I'm saying is that Ty and his wife are so in love and are so connected that being apart literally hurts them and until you've experienced that kind of love I suggest you keep your opinions to yourself. In others words." Jason said looking the man dead in his eyes. "Butt. Out." He said before turning back to his drink.


"Hey chipmunk, how are you feeling now?" He asks in concern as she walks from her class. She had called him last night very upset at her mother and he had done all he could to calm her down. "Okay I guess, my mom is a money monster and I'll just have to live with it, what other options are there?" She said sadly.

"Hey look at me, I know it doesn't look good right now but it will be okay, we just have to pray she goes back to being herself and pray for strength for your dad so he doesn't leave you guys."

But what if this is who she really is, and what if my dad just gets fed up with us all and leave? My aunts are really trying to keep things flowing as smooth as possible but I really don't know how much more he can take, I'm scared Scott, what if they get a divorce." She cried.

"Shh, I don't think it will come to that. Have you talked to him about it?" He asks hugging her. "No, I'm too scared. "I think you should, so you can have a better idea where he stands." He suggests. "Okay, I will." "Speaking of which, I may have a few things to take your mind off all that ails you." He smiles.

"Things? Like what?" She asks leaning against the wall and looking up at him. "Well, I'm inviting you, your brother, and your sister to my cousin's third birthday party this Saturday evening. Then there's our annual Easter egg hunt on Easter Monday and then my cousin Fabian's engagement party after that which I'll be dancing at so you have to come. What do you say?" He asks looking hopeful.

"That's a lot of things, let me talk to my dad about them and I'll let you know by tomorrow." She said grabbing his hand and dragging him towards her friends.

Thank you all for reading

And for your patience, life got in the way of writing

Food for thought

The greatest gift a father can give to his children

Is himself.