Chapter 148 Provoking

Chapter song: Imagine Dragons

Samson had just picked up some pastries from Mrs. Melissa and was about to leave when Caleb and his cousins enters the kitchen. "My money is on him," Caleb said folding his arms across his chest. "Excuse me?" Samson asks with a puzzled look on his face.

"I think it was you that beat Edward's ass, which means I owe you a drink," Caleb said with a smirk. "Sorry dude, wrong guy." Samson laughs walking towards the door. "Thank you again, Mrs. Melissa, my kids are going to love these." "You're welcome, son." She said with a smile. "Son? Adopt him too did you?" Caleb asks narrowing his eyes at his mom. "Behave yourself son." She said in a firm tone which tells Caleb to back off which he did, but then he decides to follow Samson and tease him some more. "Please, I know it was you, so just admit it, come on admit it. You came to Janice's rescue once before so maybe you decide to do it again, yes?" Caleb asks.

"No, wasn't me, sorry." He said as he approaches the front door. "Well, the police think it's one of us and you're guilty by association so they're going to want to question you as well," Caleb said in a mischievous tone. "Been there, done that, they can question all they want, I've nothing to hide," Samson states over his shoulder.

"Yeah right, You're a vault full of secrets that I can't wait to uncover." Caleb smirk. "You know what they say about curiosity right?" Samson asks putting the pastries on the passenger seat. "Mmm-hmm, You're really going to have to bring the heat if you want to take down this panther, my friend," Caleb said in his most intimidating tone but Samson just laughs and shakes his head.

"There's more than one way to skin, a cat, my friend," Samson said with a wink before he drives off. "Why do you enjoy provoking that man so?" His mom asks from behind him. "How can I not when he makes it soooo easy." Caleb laughs.


"Is it my imagination or are your clothes getting tighter?" Ty asks pulling Janice into his arms. "Nope, it isn't, they're getting tighter. I actually bought three new outfits since I've been here." She pouts. "I like you in tight clothes or no clothes." He laughs kissing her lips softly.

"I know." She laughs sitting on his lap. "I heard that someone beat Edward's ass though," Ty said with a chuckle. "Yeah and now the same police that couldn't do anything to protect Amara is now harassing your family." Janice snorts,

'They're wasting their time because my cousins are all denying having anything to do with it. Caleb however said that his money is on Samson." "Is he seriously still hounding poor Samson?" She asks.

"Not as much as he use to but in a way yes, he's still at it, in a teasing way but annoying just the same." Ty laughs. "But still, Samson is too holy to beat anyone's ass." Janice laughs. "I agree, he's always praying and quoting scriptures. Although he's physically capable of giving someone a proper beating but mentally, nah." Ty laughs.

"So what's on my kitten's agenda today?" He asks. "Oh, we're all going shopping, Mrs. Alice needs some things for her shop and I need some things for the wedding and even though we're going to miss it I still need to get your mom's Mother's day present and then I need to be back here for my four o clock online class." She giggles as he nibbles her neck. "Oh yes the grand double wedding, Just a week away, man time flies, shoot, speaking of which I better get going, I need to complete as much as I can before we head home, I love you kitten, please be careful out there." He said kissing her passionately. "I'll baby, see you later and remember to get your mom's present on the way home later and a present for Jessica, she's now the mother of a bouncing 6lb baby boy." She reminds him with a soft laugh. "I'll kitten bye."

Ty groans and runs his hands over his face as he ends the call and puts the phone in his jacket pocket. "What was that about?" Jason asks in concern. "That was Martin, first he wanted to apologize for the call he made to me when he all but told me to distance myself from Tyrone. He said Mrs. Watson has recently enlightened him on a few things and second, he wanted to alert me that Kayla has been found." Ty states.

"Bloody hell, where is she?" Jason demands. "He said she is in a hospital in the country area, she's unconscious but with everything that I just went through with Janice being Kidnapped Mrs' Watson didn't want to burden me with any of this but he felt the need to put me on my guard." Ty snorts.

"Alright, well she's unconscious and she's out of town so not an immediate threat but if I know that bitch well and I do, sooner or later she'll no doubt be going after Janice again," Jason said in a worried tone. "As if we didn't have enough to worry about." Ty snorts.

Thank you for reading

A word of prayer

Heavenly Father, today I can respond boldly

and with confidence, because I have your

favor, thank you for opening doors

of opportunity for me.