Chapter 174 Amazing curves

Two days later Caleb greets Jayden outside Janice's door and was about to go in but Jayden stops him. "Hey cuz, Kayla showed up here twice, trying to get inside, she posed as a friend of Janice because she didn't think I knew who she was. What do you want me to do if she comes back?" Jayden asks.

"Whatever you need to, put a bullet in her head if it's necessary." Caleb orders in a cold tone. He was about to open the door when he saw Kayla walking towards them. "This bitch has a death wish." He said as he walks towards her, his fist clenched.

"Bitch, tell me you're not stupid enough to try and get in that room?" He sneers angrily. "Cool it, big boy, I only want to talk to the street rat." She smiles, then wince as her cut began hurting. He grabs her hands and drags her down the corridor.

"I don't have time for this, now you listen and listen well, if you attempt to go near her again and I'll make you wish you were still in that room with those men, got that, don't cross me bitch, I'm a lot more heartless than those men." He said pushing her away from him roughly.

"Seeing how strong your feelings are for the street rat, maybe we could help each other." She said with a smile. "You could help me get back with Ty and then you could have the street rat, all for yourself." She suggested but he just snorts in disgust. "This was never about me, you stupid bitch." He sneers over his shoulder as he walks away from her.

A few minutes later he enters Janice's room and found her sitting up in bed. "Hi," he said with a smile. "Hi, did you scare her off?" She asks in a worried tone. "For her sake, I certainly hope so." He said pulling a chair closer to her bed. "Where have you been for the last two days?" She asks.

"Around, fine-tuning your protection detail and giving you some space." He said with a smile. "B t w didn't I teach you to defend yourself, young lady?" He asks handing her a muffin. "I thought about it but he said that he would hurt me and my child if I did." tears welled up in her eyes and his heart was filled with compassion for her.

"Hey, it's okay, you did the right thing, so when are they going to send you home?" "I don't know, my pressure is still high and the fact that Kayla is here isn't helping." She sighs. "Hey, do me a favor and stop worrying about that bitch and focus on getting out of here okay."

"I'll try, I promise." She said softly. "Caleb, why did he do this to me? Was it something I did? Something I said?" She asks tears running down her cheeks. "No, this was not your fault, unfortunately when you have a family as big as mine, there's bound to be a few disgusting perverts hanging around." He snorts.

"But why me?" "Have you looked in the mirror lately?" He chuckles. "I don't understand?" "Honestly, I think the idiot was more focus on your looks than anything else." "He attacked me because of how I look?" She asks fresh tears running down her face. She then slowly breaks off a piece of the muffin and brought it to her lips and he couldn't stop a groan from escaping his throat as her lips slowly part to accept the muffin.

"You even let eating a piece of muffin look seductive." He said with another groan and her hand which held another piece of muffin froze in mid-air and return to the dish. "What?"

"Janice, you don't even have to try and be seductive, sexual seduction is who you are, and that's not a bad thing, trust me." "Me?" she asks in wide eye shock. "How do I put this delicately, you have an innocent virgin personality that clashes with those Pamela Anderson boobs and that J Lo butt and those amazing curves." He sighs.

"And it's not like you're going out of your way to be seductive, sensuality is literally running through your veins." He said biting his lips. "Maybe I should change the way I look." She mumbles with her head down.

"That's not possible, and as sensual as you are that doesn't give anyone the right to attack you. Yes you have a rocking hot body but you're also sweet, warm, caring, timid, and gentle and there's nothing I or anyone else would change about you." He smiles massaging her hand.

"And based on everything you've been through, you're also incredibly strong." He said laughing at the puzzled look on her face. "I don't feel very strong right now," she said biting the inside of her mouth. "Okay, so you may not feel very strong but the fact that you've survived all that you have proved that you are." He said with a smile. "Strong on the inside, soft on the outside, like a soft double chocolate fudge cookie with peppermint filling." He chuckles.

"I like the sound of that, thank you." She laughs softly. "That's because he's very good with words, trust me, I have the emotional scars to prove it. Now, if you've finished hitting on your sister-in-law could you step outside so I can talk to you." Maya said from the door. "I wasn't hitting on her." Caleb snaps defensively. "Of course, you weren't." She said in a sarcastic tone and walk back outside.

"I'll be right back." Getting up he walks out the door. "I should've known I would've found you here. I haven't seen you in two days, you don't come home, or answer your phone but yet you find the time to come here and sweet talk your sister-in-law." She said in a hostile tone.

"What did I do that was so wrong? I only stopped you from beating up your cousin so why are you angry at me? Why are you always so eager to be the punisher when it comes to her? What about me? Or your daughter, don't we mean anything to you?" She asks angrily.

"Say something damn it!" she growls through clenched teeth. "Are you done?" He asks in a flat tone. "Is that all you have to say… know what…fine, yes… I'm done." She snaps. "Good." He said walking away from her. "Caleb! Come back here, I'm not done talking to you." She shouts. "But I'm done listening." He said over his shoulder.

Thank you all for reading

Verse for Thought

Chances are the people who get under your skin aren't trying to complicate your life; they're struggling to cope with their own. "Be gentle with one another, sensitive. Forgive one another as quickly and thoroughly as God forgave you."(Eph 31-32).