Chapter 186 Baby Shower

"I knew it! I knew you two were more than best friends, you nasty, disgusting perverts. People like you should be put to death." Maya said in a scornful tone. "Alright, that's enough drama queen….." Chris began but she cut him off.

"Don't you dare speak to me with that disgusting mouth of yours, and you, you had the nerve to call me out when I told Janice the truth, always running to her defense and all this time, you little shits, there's a special place in hell for people like you,

You people are an infectious disease, going around infecting everyone, people all around the world are questioning their gender because of you people, I wish I had the power to rid the world of the lot of you…."

"I've heard enough, listen you bitch…." "Don't, the only reason I'm not outing you two to everyone out there is because I don't want to ruin Amara's baby shower and also the fact that my husband is the most homophobic person I know, and judging from how close you two are, I'm going to guess he doesn't know what you are

Now I know for a fact that if I go out there right now and tell him he would rip you limb from limb and I really don't want your disgusting blood on his hands, so I'm going to let you walk away.

But I don't ever want to see you disgusting pigs in this house again or I'll set my husband on you, now get out." She sneers in a cold scornful tone. Chris turns to leave but Jared grabs his arm.

"You're not going to just take her word for it, are you? Caleb flew to Atlanta to get away from this nightmare." Jared said angrily. "Alright I gave you a chance, now I'm going to make my husband…." "Wait, we're leaving," Chris said in a low tone.

"Chris, come on, she's….." "I know, but I can't take that chance, let's go," Chris said heading towards the door.


Samson was on his way back to the house with a few more supplies when he saw Chris and Jared standing next to their vehicle a few blocks from the Jackson's gate and Chris appears to be having a panic attack.

He came to a stop behind their vehicle, got out, and walked toward them. "Hey, you guys alright?" He asks in concern. "Not really," Jared said in a tone that clearly says something was very wrong. "What happened?" Samson asks. "Maya knows we're gays." "How?" "It was my fault, I had my hands around his waist and I was kissing his neck, he always told me not to touch him like that when we were at the Jackson's. I messed up and now….."

"It would've happened sooner or later," Chris said standing up and sucking air into his lungs. "You heard her; she said she knew we were more than just best friends, that means she has been watching us and to be honest her level of hostility did not surprise me," Chris said taking deep breaths.

"She was very hostile baby." "Yeah I know, I also know she has had it in for me since I royally gave her a piece of my mind." Chris snorts. "And why did you give her a piece of your mind?" Samson asks.

"Well because I was tired of her attacking Janice every chance she got." "Wait, she was attacking Janice?" Jared asks in surprise. "Well not physically, just verbally." "Care to elaborate?" Samson asks.

"Well, one Saturday Janice and I were having a conversation in the churchyard during lunch when miss nosy came over telling Janice how she should know better and how she should remember to exercise reverence because it's still the Lord's day and how we shouldn't be laughing and having secular conversations, and yes she had a point so I let it go.

"Then one afternoon Janice was playing with the kids outside when again miss nosy came over saying how Janice shouldn't get too close to Tyrone because he had two criminal genes running through him and how he may spread that gene to the others, again I was about to say something but Janice stopped me

Two days later Janice and I went shopping and as soon as she opened the front door miss nosy jumped down her throat saying how Janice should spend more time reading her Bible and less time buying meaningless material things, needless to say, I've had enough, so I gave her a piece of my mind and damn was she pissed." Chris snorts again.

"So this was payback," Samson said shaking his head. "Yep, a bitch isn't it. The Jackson's home is my home away from home and now I've been banned from going there again." "Not to mention Caleb's wife now knows the truth, so how long will she keep it from him?" Jared asks sounding even more worried than he was before.

"So what's your next move?" Samson asks. "We're going to head home, then out of the country for a while so I guess that dance session will have to be via face time," Chris said sadly.

"Alright, I'll head back to the house and see what's going on there and let you know alright?" "Thanks, I appreciate that," Chris said hugging him before getting into their vehicle. "Hey and don't worry about Janice, I've got her back," Samson said patting Jared on his shoulder.

Thank you all for reading

Food for thought

It's not enough to know God with your head

You must know him in your heart.

(John 17:1-5)