Chapter 194 Distant dream

By chance, Caleb's eyes wandered to the driveway and he saw Ty's both hands curled into tight fists. "Shit." He swears and took off running towards Ty. "Easy brother, calm down, calm down," Caleb said in a soothing tone rubbing Ty's shoulder. "Get. Her. Away. From me." Ty growls shrugging Caleb's hand off his shoulder.

"Come on," Caleb orders grabbing her hand. "The truth hurts but it's still the truth." She shouts as Caleb drags her into the house. "You just don't know when to shut up, do you?" He asks aggressively.

'I was only…." "Don't." He sneers. "Dinner has been over ages ago, what the hell are you still doing here? And didn't I tell you to stay the fuck away from my brother?" Caleb demand.

"I was putting Annalee to bed." She said her head held high. "Why are you putting Annalee to bed here?" "I want her to spend the night here." She said in a calm tone, even though she could see the rage boiling inside him. "Why?" He growls.

"Because I'm your wife and I have needs and as my husband, it's your job to fulfil those needs and I would rather her not be in the house when you're doing it." She states.

"Get your fucking bag, now." He orders in a frigid tone. He then rolls his eyes, shakes his head and growls as he watches her sway her hips as she strolls away.

"I know that look brother and whatever you're thinking of doing, don't," Fabian warns. "I know she can be a colossal pain in the ass but hurting her won't solve your problem."

"Oh, so you were planning on hurting me, were you? Maya asks hands on her hips. "I may not be able to get full custody of our child because of your corrupt lawyers but if you so much as put a scratch on me, I'll ruin your reputation to a point where opening that security company will only be a distant dream, so go ahead Caleb, hurt me, see what happens.

"That's what I thought." She smiles victoriously when she saw defeat on his face. "Now you're going to be a good little husband and give me exactly what I want and you're going to make sure I'm very satisfied." She said grabbing his crotch before walking away.

"You find this funny brother?" Caleb sneers through clenched teeth as he noticed how hard Fabian was trying not to laugh. "Oh there's no doubt about it, you're extremely pissed off right now brother but you can't deny that you're also a little turned on." Fabian teased wiggling his brows and making a deep chuckling sound in his throat as Caleb growls, grabs his keys and stormed from the house.


"And now?" Jared asks observing the grin on Christian's face. "What?" Chris asks innocently. "Hm-mm, that smile is saying a lot more than I'm extremely sexually satisfied right now. What gives?" He asks drying his hair. "I just got off the phone with Janice, seems like Maya got a taste of her own medicine." Chris laughs. "Meaning?" "Well because of her disgusting behaviour towards Janice and Ty, Caleb has banished her from his house," Chris said his grin growing wider.

"Boom! In your face bitch." Jared shouts doing his victory dance. "Karma is a bitch." Chris laughs. "So does that mean we can go home now?" Jared asks crawling onto the bed beside him. "Nah, she'll be expecting that, besides, this is my birth month, we won't be doing much work this month.

Instead, we'll bring this project to a close and go have some fun travelling and performing with Scott and the guys." Chris said still grinning.

"Okay, then birthday boy……have you spoken to Caleb yet?" "No, I've been dodging his calls because if Maya was right…." "Which I highly doubt." Jared cuts in. "True but if she was then I'm in for one hell of a beat down at my coming out party," Chris said in a worried tone.

"Like I'm going to stand aside and let him hurt you?" Jared snorts. "That's just it; I don't want you to stop him. Let him get it out of his system. That may be the only way I'll be able to live in peace afterwards." Chris adds.

"There's no way I'm going to stand there and let him hurt you, no way in hell and I may not be alone because Samson isn't going to just stand there and let him hurt you either." Jared fumes.

"Caleb can be a raging bull sometimes but he's no match for Samson and I think that's the reason he friended Samson, even he doesn't want that guy for an enemy." Jared laughs.

"But I really don't want the two of them going at it because of me," Chris said biting his lips nervously. "Thing is, there's no telling what is going to happen once you're out. So I would say hope for the best but prepare for the worse." Jared advised.

Thank you all for reading

Verse for Thought

(Don't make friends with people who have hot

Violent tempers, you might learn their

Habits and not be able to change.

Proverbs 22 vs 24-25)