Chapter 207 Retaliate

"And to add onto everything that you're now going through you also need to tell your family, now I know your family is massive so let me be clear, your brothers, sister, and parents and you need to do it as soon as possible," Samson said and Caleb looks at him as if he had grown another head. "Are you out of your bloody mind? My father would kill me, I mean lit-ter-ally." Caleb said flatly. "No, he won't, your mother won't let him." Samson chuckles. "She would probably help him." He grumbles. "Your mother, nah, sure they will be disappointed for a while but they love you and will forgive you but trust me Caleb if you don't come clean and fast, the consequences will be devastating and you stand to lose a lot more than the girl you care about."

"Such as?" "The love and respect of your family, for one." "Do I really have to?" Caleb groans. "Yes, yes you do." "I hate you," Caleb grumbles. "I know," Samson laughs.

"They were on their way to the elevator when Chris and Jared enter the hotel. "And where were you two?" Caleb asks hands on his hips. "Out," Chris said with a mischievous smile. "Do you have any idea what time it is?" Caleb asks in a stern tone. "Do you have any idea how old I am?" Chris asks arching his brow.

"Dude please, you're barely twenty-four, and walking around this late with this bad influence is a great cause for concern….." Before Caleb knew it Christian's foot collide with his knocking him off his feet and flat on his back on the floor, knocking the wind out of him. Before Caleb could catch his breath Christian was sitting on his chest, with both feet on either side of his biceps, pinning his hands to his side, with a knife at Caleb's throat.

"Jared is the love of my life and the man I'm going to spend the rest of my life with, so one more degrading comment from you about him and it's going to be you and I and my knives, do we have an understanding?" Chris asks in a cold tone. "Hmm-mm," Caleb said with a small nod. "That's a good boy, love you cuz," Chris said patting Caleb's chest as he got up took Jared's hand, and marched into the elevator.

"That wasn't my imagination? That actually happened?" Caleb asks as a laughing Samson pulls him off the floor. "Yep." "Daaamn, Ty was right, dude got skills, I'm impressed. Is it strange for me to say that I'm proud of that dude right now?" Caleb asks brushing off his clothes as curious onlookers stare at him in alarm.

"Seeing as though you're strange to the core, no." Samson laughs. "Shit, I was knocked flat on my ass with a knife at my throat and I can't even retaliate or be angry about it, now how the hell is that fair?" Caleb growls and Samson burst out laughing.

"Baby I love you and I'm so turned on by this side of you right now but you do realize what you just did right?" Jared asks in a nervous tone. "Yep, I knock Caleb to the ground and held a knife to his throat," Christian said biting his lips. Jared took out his phone and began dialing. "What are you doing?" Chris asks.

"I'm booking us a flight, out of here, now," Jared said in a shaky tone. "Um baby, when Caleb found out that I was gay, where were we?" Chris asks. "Halfway across the freaking world," Jared grumbles, his eyes then met Chris's. "Shit, there's no running from him, is there?" "Nope." Chris chuckles. "Shit, he's going to kill us, he's going to beat us to a pulp and then he's going to kill us," Jared said in a panic tone as someone knocks on their room door. "Let's get this over with then," Christian said walking towards the door.


"This has been one exhausting week." Jared groans falling on the bed. "And nerve-racking," Christian adds falling beside him. "I'm sure he was going to kill us when he walks into the room that night and slammed the door, Christ I almost has a freaking heart attack. Only to realize he was impressed by you? Impressed? Are you freaking kidding me?" Jared asks running his hands over his hair.

"Yeah, that took me by surprise too." Chris laughs. "Your cousin is strange." Jared chuckles. "You have no idea but at least he now knows that I'm not as helpless as he thought." "My baby, the badass; hey epic party though, Samson did his thing." "He sure did, he matched well with all of us, don't you think?" Christian asks. "He sure does and if there was a prize for the best dress male, he would have won. The guy can dress, he can move and he's sexy as hell." Jared said in admiration.

"Excuse me, do you want to have a conversation with my knives or what?" Chris asks in a jealous tone. "Ha, and now you know how I feel when you flirt with him." Jared laughs pinning Chris's hands to the bed. "Actions have consequences, sweetheart," Chris said spinning around and pinning Jared to the bed.

Thank you for reading

A word of prayer

Heavenly Father from now on I will choose

to align my thinking with your word