Chapter 214 Freaking Scary

"Trust me, I going to make sure he doesn't." Caleb sneers coldly. "I mean to see a man Samson's size charging at you, that would throw anyone off their game, and then to shoot this person, I mean come on, you would expect him to stop, clutching his arm, fall to the ground or something but no, this man keeps coming. Christ, I would probably drop the gun and run." Jason chuckles.

"True, I can't put my finger on it but from the moment I met that guy, there is something freaking scary about that dude, and I know scary," Caleb said. "I know you do but overall, Jayden is the one we really need to be concerned about right now. Some of the guys are in the waiting room if you want to go join them."

"So what you're telling me is that Samson single handily saved Janice, again?" Caleb asks. "I guess I am, yes." "Where is he? I need to thank him." "Okay, follow me," Jason said walking down the passage.

"We heard what happened," Jared said breathlessly to Jessica as he and Christian came to a stop before her in the hospital hallway. "Yeah, those two just can't catch a break but thank God Janice and her baby are going to be okay. She was badly traumatized and they had to sedate her to get her pressure down, she's still sleeping, and Ty is still with Jayden in the I C U. Thank God for his protection." She said in a relieved tone.

"Yeah thank God and Samson, how is Samson?" Chris asks. "Oh Samson is also going to be okay, the bullet went through the flesh of his bicep. He was treated and he can go home, thank God for him, if it wasn't for him only God knows what would've happened to Janice." "Where is Samson now?" Chris asks.

"He's in the waiting room with the guys. His very hysterical wife went to fill his prescription." Jessica chuckles. "Glad I miss that one, thanks, Jessica," Chris said hugging her. They then went in the direction of the waiting room.

Half an hour later Samson was about to go meet his wife in the parking lot when Chris approached him, running his fingers over the bandage. "You okay?" He asks in a soft tone. "I'll be fine." "I can't believe that fucker shot you, how I want to rip his bloody head off right about now for attacking my little Janice and scaring your flawless skin," Chris said biting his bottom lip.

"Oh no, you don't need to go ripping anyone's heads off. Just relax okay, I'll be fine." Samson said with a smile. "I'm sorry this happen to you." "Better me than Janice and her baby, okay so um I need to go meet my wife before she blows a fuse, I'll call you later okay."

"Okay, thank you, Samson," Chris said hugging him. "You know I would do the same for you right." "You would seriously take a bullet for me?" Chris asks in disbelief. "In a heartbeat," Samson said with a wink as he turns and walks away.

"You would take a bullet for the faggot will you?" Maya asks with disgust as Samson was about to walk past her. "Are you forgetting that you have a wife and kids? What about them? Did you even think about them when you were running toward a man with a loaded weapon?" She asks again.

Samson stops but said nothing. "You've feelings for her too, don't you? Yeah, all of you do because she's so damn irresistible and you call yourself a man of God, please." She said sucking her teeth.

"Are you finished?" Samson asks when she didn't say anything else. "No, you should be treating that faggot like the abomination that he is, not standing there making promises on how you would take a bullet for him, that's disgusting, your wife deserves better." She said in a hostile tone, hands on her hips.

"All this hostility that you're harboring in your heart for Chris and Janice isn't doing your soul any good, the only thing it's doing is pulling you further and further away from God. Is that really what you want? To be so far from God that you can no longer hear his voice or feel his presence around you?" He stops, took a deep breath, then continues.

"For the sake of your soul Maya, drop this hate, do it now before it's too late, I'll not argue with you about this but I'll pray for you." He said before walking away from a fuming Maya.

"If you continue to entertain that faggot, you will end up in hell, mark my words!" Maya screams after him.

Thank you all so much for reading

And for your patience

I appreciate you all

Verse for Thought

(1 Peter 1 verse 13-16)

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