Chapter 226 Horny female

A few minutes later Fabian and Amara enter Janice's room as Caleb was trying to get his emotions under control. Without saying anything Fabian walks over to Caleb and pulls him into a strong brotherly hug which made Caleb break down again.

After a while, Fabian remembered something and decide to try and get Caleb's thoughts off his problems and onto something else. "Hey, by the way, I just found out that Mitch is here, in this hospital right now nursing a stab wound and he's also been guarded by an officer, not sure what is going on there.

I'm planning on stopping by his room later to get some answers." Fabian said. "I said it loud and clear for everyone to hear, that if anyone went after Chris they would've me to deal with but Mitch didn't listen; he still went after Chris, so that stab wound will be the least of his problems when I get my hands on him," Caleb growls angrily.

"Wait, Mitch tried to hurt Chris?" Fabian asks. "Hurt? No, he wrapped a piece of rope around Chris's neck and tried to kill him, kill him, not hurt him. Chris didn't even know who was attacking him, he just stabbed the person so that they would let go. He couldn't believe it when he realized that the person trying to kill him was his very own cousin." Caleb said coldly.

"Shit, so that means they arrested Mitch?" Fabian asks. "Yes, he was charged with aggravated assault but Malcom will be pushing for attempted murder, which will have him serving at least ten years and I'll be right here waiting for him as soon as he is released," Caleb said with a sinister smile.

"Wait, Chris was in this room for over an hour, he didn't say anything about being attacked, but on the other hand he was acting kind of strange, a bit off, I can't believe he didn't tell me, ooh, I'm going to get him." She said grabbing her phone and dialling Chris's number. "Don't be too hard on him, I think he was only trying not to raise your pressure any higher than it already is," Caleb said in Chris's defence.


"Again I must apologize for my idiot brother's behaviour," Jayden said leaning against the big pillow. "I can not believe he went after Janice like that, what the hell was he thinking?" Jayden snaps. "He was thinking about standing up for his little brother," Chris said.

"But going at her like that, as if she hasn't been through enough already? I ordered him to get his ass on a flight and out of this country by the way, I'm going to kick, his, ass as soon as I'm able to." Jayden swears.

"As usual I wasn't there when my wife was being harassed by your stupid ass brother and by the time I arrived at her room and found out what happened Dad kept blocking me from him," Ty said coldly.

"But I know where he lives, so I'll deal with him another time." Ty sighs. "So on another note, I need a few more guys to dance at Zamar's party this Saturday. Samson? Ty?" "Oh no, hell no," Samson said shaking his head. "I shook my tush at your coming out party, and three weeks after that I was still beating your horny female cousins off me, so nope, not going to happen," Samson said avoiding Chris's pitiful gaze.

"But you and I still do our dance exercise at my house every now and then, so if you're not going to dance in public, why bother practising?" Chris asks. "Because my wife enjoys watching me show her my latest moves, from now on, I'll only dance in private, for my wife." "I am so tempted to be jealous of her right now but you also dance with me so…." Chris pouts.

"Should I be jealous?" Jared asks in a teasing tone as Chris's phone rings. "Not at all baby, I'm all yours, I'll be back in a little while, Janice wants to see me," Chris said patting Jared's shoulder before running from the room.

"You called?" Chris asks entering Janice's room and walking over to her bed. "You lied to me." She said sounding hurt. "About what?" He asks surprised. "About why you're wearing that sweater, now take it off." She orders.

"You told her?" He asks Caleb in shock. "Yes, because I've learned from experience, secrets can be deadly, maybe not this one but hey, she would've found out anyway right," Caleb said with tears in his eyes.

"You… emotional basket case, if you weren't in mourning…" Chris swears taking his sweater off and showing Janice the mark around his neck. "I'm sorry Jan I just didn't….." "Want to upset me, I know but someone tried to kill my best friend. Keep something this serious from me again and I'll castrate you. Now get over here." She orders softly and he sighs as he walks over to her.

Thank you so much for reading

Verse for Thought

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