Pretty Little Slave- Chap 9

Together their muscles twinged and contracted in pleasure as they finished while watching each other. Looking for validation, Kitten stepped to the side while her pleasure juice slid down her leg and moved the camera down to the small puddle she made while dripping on the floor.

" Very well done job," Master stated in a snap-ish manner, "now clean up and please be ready for me when I get home." Master tapped the button and ended the call with a quick movement of his wrist.

He pushed his chair away from his desk and started rubbing his knees, pondering about the situation that had just happened before he jumped on the video call to de-stress. The Society wants to claim his daughter as one of their slaves, to have her work in the halls and in the cuff rooms... The possibility that he would see her there posed a problem. The pure mention from the Headmaster to pluck and threaten her position in life was intolerable at this point, Nathaniel had to make a decision very fast. Scooting closer into his desk, he opened the internet browser. With some quick clicks around the screen, he made the decision to bring Kitten a friend. What did he want? Brown hair, long black hair, or maybe piercing blue eyes or soft almond brown eyes? Hopefully this friend gets trained quickly. His mouse hovered over a female who was much shorter than Kitten, with a sly smile, and broad shoulders she seemed to have the spirit to be the one. Together the girls will bond and he will sell them as a bonded pair, an offer the Society cannot refuse.



Even though Master turned off the camera. I continued to pleasure myself. I came so hard whenever he was watching me in his office at work. I love when he likes to be naughty in public. My fingers swiftly rub over my clit as pleasure rings through my body. It's sensitive and swollen and I just love pushing myself to the point where I just can't take it anymore. I have already made such a big mess on the floor, my legs and feet are covered in cream and juice. I love when I get this way, it's so dirty and naughty! My fingers are going in and out of my tight little hole and my other hand is doing wonders for my clit. Reaching the point of orgasm again, I shake a little and have to take a seat to regain strength to clean my mess. Sitting on a small chest to the side of the room that has the best light, I lick my fingers clean because I love the taste of myself. There's something devilish about cleaning up with your tongue. I walk out into the hall naked and grab some spray and a couple towels from the bathroom. Things must get clean before Master gets home!

Everything is tidied up and put together well into the later hour. I'm sitting in the room passing time by folding up some laundry on the bed when I hear the door open and keys jingle when Master puts them in his pocket. He's doing something in the other room I'm not sure of, rattling items he was holding and placing down his bookbag. I get up and decide to greet him walking through the hallway.

I find him digging around in the refrigerator, with one hand on the door, and another holding a new bottle of whip cream. I purr in surprise to myself, things are going to get sweet! "Is there anything I can help you with Master?"

He turns back to look at me with a warm and wicked smile, "yes, hold this for me," he says, handing me the chilled bottle of whip cream. "I've got another friend coming for you."

Grabbing the bottle, I smile in anticipation. I wonder what he has planned for tonight?

Master closes the door to the refrigerator and takes a seat close to the island. He looks at me with his piercing eyes. Oh those eyes! I've only ever known them... Aside from Akita. My thoughts scramble. What if I had run away with him? How would life be with a different Master? My rampaging mind was stopped as Master addressed me.

"Could you cook me a meal Kitten? The guest will be here at 8 sharp. I want to be fed before we get to playing our antics." I nod in response and pop a slight smile. I know Master loves when I cook, he swears it's better than any takeout. Whipping out pots and pans, I grab the ingredients needed and start cooking. I only have just a little over two hours. We have to eat and I have to clean by then in preparation for the guest!

I just finished setting the table down as Master walks into the room. Much to my surprise, he pulled out my chair, putting his hands on my shoulders, and made me sit. He served both of us, me first and then himself. Sitting down, he crossed his legs as he began to eat.

"Kitten, first, this is delicious. Second, I will tell you the rules for tonight. They will be loads different than what you are used to. I want you to take charge and have fun. We have our first usual rules my Cat, and I will add a couple more. Do not speak to me unless spoken to, yet you may freely speak to our guest."

He finished his sentence and it landed with surprise. I was shocked. Communicate with another freely? This person must be of high value. Master took another bite, smirked, and continued.

"I will be joining in, but mainly will watch. I will be there to guide you throughout the process."

The clock is now 7:45pm and we finish our food in silence. I'm ridden with anticipation! What could be going on? Whatever it is, my pussy is already getting wet just thinking about possibilities.

He places his dishware in the sink and grabs the bottle of whip cream off the counter. "Clean up please." He commands as he walks through the hall towards our playroom.