Death journey Part 1

At that time the sky was cloudy and rain was inevitable. A young girl takes shelter at the bus stop while waiting for the bus to arrive. It was lonely, there was no one there but him and the singing of the frogs that always accompanied his solitude. The clock shows 18:00 WIB, he should be at home, but for some reason, that day he was late. "Tumben just got home," a familiar voice greeted him familiarly as he boarded the bus that had just stopped in front of the bus stop. "Yes sir, there was an additional assignment at school," he replied with a big smile. "Yo wis, hurry up, so I can get home quickly. It's already evening," After a few minutes, "It's true that the bus is empty, sir. Usually at this hour many employees go home," There was no answer from the driver, who he knew as Mr. Sapto. Neighbors near Aini's house, the girl's name. Maybe he didn't hear because Aini was sitting in the third row after the driver. Sleepiness was unavoidable and he fell asleep in the cold air after the rain. Incoming messages with a fairly loud tone woke him up. "Where are you?, at this hour you still haven't come home?," Turns out the message came from his mother. [This story is adapted from Twitter/fullmoon0] "Still on the way ma'am, will arrive soon," (message failed to send) "Ah, forgot to top up the credit," Aini was surprised to see that her cellphone screen showed 11 pm, even though it was clear that she boarded the bus after sunset, so how could the trip that she used to take at most one hour took almost 5 hours.


Still in a confused state, Aini who was half conscious, gasped when she realized someone was sitting beside her, a high school girl her age was fast asleep. Before she had time to digest what had happened, Aini was even more surprised when she saw the bus was full of passengers that she didn't recognize. "What's this? Why is the bus suddenly full? Is this really a dream?," Aini kept talking to herself while trying to calm herself down. Aini panicked even more when she saw outside the window, an area she didn't recognize at all, a bus route she had never seen before and while her eyes were still looking out the window, there was a reflection of the girl's reflection in the window that Aini accidentally saw slowly waking up from the window. sleep. Aini didn't dare turn her head, she only saw the girl's movements through the window. The girl smiled, making Aini unable to hold back the tears. The chair verse that her mother always taught when faced with situations that were beyond reason, Aini couldn't pronounce, she was too panicked, there was no sound that Aini could make apart from crying. Aini looked down, cried, and hoped that all of this was just a dream. Until her shoulders felt cold, the girl touched her shoulder, expecting Aini to turn to her, but Aini kept her head down. "Sis sleep again," the voice sounded faintly.


Aini was shocked, let alone turning her head, seeing the reflection of the girl's reflection from the window, Aini couldn't help it. "Sleep sis, don't make a sound," his voice was still faint but Aini could hear it clearly. Curiosity completely overcame her fear, "Perhaps he meant well," thought Aini at that time. Until finally he dared to look at the girl's reflection from the window, and Aini was surprised when she saw a girl with an almost severed head complete with blood still gushing out and ironically the girl was still smiling. Aini spontaneously screamed as loud as she could, she didn't care what the girl said, she just hoped whatever it was, hopefully it will stop soon. February 2007 "How's Bud, any news?," Budi just shook his head when his friend Yusuf asked about one of their friends who went missing a month ago, Aini. "I should have taken her home, it was really late, but she insisted on taking the bus," Budi regretted when he found out that Aini had disappeared after they had worked on their assignment together. "Well that's not the case Bud, anyways, how would we know something like this would happen. Then it was raining, it's only natural that he chose to take the bus instead of getting soaked on your motorbike," Yusuf tried to calm him down.


"But why is it strange, Bud, if Aini was kidnapped, the kidnapper would have called her parents and asked for a ransom, but so far there has been no news, not even the police have found any clues," Budi was silent. "Is it possible that Aini was kidnapped by spirits?," Yusuf was still guessing with his wild thoughts. "Hush, what are you talking about, Cup, don't be careless," said Budi. "Well in the end, if Aini dies it's also impossible, because until now no bodies have been found..." Before Yusuf could finish his sentence, Budi immediately grumbled and hit his head with a thick book as he walked away leaving him alone in class. "Shall I tell him, okay?" Yusuf said slowly as he watched Budi leave. Budi, who had always harbored feelings for Aini, was really devastated by this incident. He felt very guilty because Aini couldn't have experienced something like this if she had asked Aini to wait until the rain stopped and could take her home. Budi, a quiet young man who is difficult to get along with. When he first came to the city and entered the school as a transfer student, Aini was the only one who was so kind as to befriend him. Now, he can only pray if his friend can return home safely.


Break time arrived. "Cup!!!," shouted a beautiful young girl who immediately made Yusuf smile. "Aiiihh sweet lady, what's wrong?," Yusuf teased as if it had become a normal thing for the girl. "Come home from school, come with me, there's a demon you have to exorcise," "Eh, your cockroach is so light! It's thought to be exorcising demons like expelling cockroaches," "Well, I'm waiting, just watch out if you don't come," "Luckily you're beautiful Lay," said Yusuf shouting as he watched the girl run away from him. After school. Yusuf came to Layla's house as if he already knew what she wanted from him. And sure enough, Layla was ready in front of her house with a big bag. "Come on!," said Layla. "So where?, not to your house?" "To my grandmother's place, not far," "Well, then why bring a big bag, really?," Yusuf was surprised by the large bag that Layla brought. "Hehe, you'll find out later." Arriving at their destination, it was not the beautiful house that Yusuf had in mind, but an empty building that had been abandoned for a long time, weeds could be seen growing around the building. "Lay, I need to emphasize it, I can't exorcise demons, I can only see it, that's also if I'm in a hurry, the rest I don't know anything," Yusuf looked so depressed which Layla answered jokingly. "Hahaha, take it easy Cup, I'm just joking, there are no demons. I want to deliver food to my grandmother, usually my father delivers, but he's sick right now," "Your grandmother lives here?" Yusuf was surprised. "No, it's crazy that my grandmother lives in an empty building, she lives behind her sister, so if you want to enter, you have to pass through this building first," "What is this former building, Lay?" asked Yusuf as they slowly walked past the building.


"The building was a former PT TKI supplier, but since the incident seven years ago, everyone in the building has left and the building has been left alone," Layla said. "What happened?" Yusuf was getting curious. Before Layla had time to answer, Yusuf was surprised by a jet black figure with glowing eyes looking at him through the window in the building. Yusuf seemed to be frozen and unable to move when the figure smirked and looked at him intently. Yusuf was silent, until Layla tapped him on the shoulder. "Wow, did you hear that?, let's hurry up, it's late," Layla pulled Yusuf's hand to follow him. They finally arrived at Layla's grandmother's house, her house was so simple with a combination of cubicle walls and walls like old houses. There her grandmother sat as if waiting for her grandson to arrive. Saying hello, they entered while Layla opened the big package in her bag, two packages. One contains staples and the second contains flowers and perfume. Yusuf was surprised but he did not dare to ask. He just kept quiet. "Aki is there Grandma?" Layla asked because she didn't see Aki Toha, her grandmother's sister in the house. "Yes, he is in the room as usual," said Ira, smiling at Layla's question but her eyes were on Yusuf. "Lalya's friend?" asked Ira's grandmother to Yusuf. "Yes, Grandma," Yusuf replied with a friendly smile. "If you want to go home, it's better from now on, don't wait for the night, if it's late, it's better to stay here," said Ira's grandmother firmly. "We just go home, Grandma, tomorrow we have to go to school,"


"Yes, it's not grandma kicking out, it's better to go home now, don't go past sunset," and they said goodbye at that moment, but grandmother's gaze was still on Yusuf, as if there was something she wanted to say. Yusuf, who was still imagining the figure he saw in the building, didn't pay much attention to it. Only Layla saw the strangeness of the two of them. "Cup, my grandmother is really weird today," Layla started the conversation. "How strange?," Yusuf responded appropriately. "When I play at home, he always tells me to stay even though I come in the morning, but now he seems to have kicked me out," Layla said with suspicion. "Ah, it's just your feelings, anyways what your grandmother said is true, don't go out at sunset, pamali," said Yusuf. They walked forward and finally arrived at the empty building. Yusuf was silent again, he did not dare to look up. But the more he kept quiet, the more curious he became, and when his eyes turned to the inside of the building, Yusuf was surprised when what he saw was a collection of teenage girls lying full of blood in the building. No one is still alive. Yusuf panicked, Layla had walked first. Yusuf tried to call Layla, but his voice could not come out at all. His legs could not move, Yusuf increasingly panicked. Yusuf, a cowardly child whose inner eyes were opened by his grandfather because of an incident as a child, couldn't hold back the water eyes when one of the lying girls woke up. Covered in blood, the girl slowly stood up. He approached the glass door right in front of Yusuf standing, the girl smiled, she waved at Yusuf. And how surprised Yusuf was when he saw the girl was very similar to someone he knew, namely Aini. Layla, who was already walking fast in front, did not see Yusuf beside her and when she looked back, Layla was surprised to find Yusuf lying unconscious. Layla ran to grandma's house to ask for help and Aki Toha, who usually never left the room, finally helped carry Yusuf's body and immediately took him into the house. Grandma Ira didn't ask much, she just massaged Yusuf's big toe while smelling the fragrance near his nose until Yusuf finally woke up.


Joseph's eyes reddened. "Where is this?, who are you?," Yusuf was suddenly shocked when he saw he was surrounded by people he didn't recognize at all. So noisy, and crowded. They gathered around Yusuf until there was a familiar face, again Aini. "Help me," a low voice left the girl's mouth. Yusuf who didn't stop screaming finally slowly fell silent, he listened carefully to the voice. "Forest, help me," was the only word that the girl said until finally Yusuf really woke up and he saw Layla, Nek Ira and the old figure he had just seen, Aki Toha. "Looks like you got a message from the girl," said Nek Ira, who was surprised by Layla. "Who's Grandma?" asked Layla. "Aini," Yusuf answered briefly. "Aini?, our missing school friend?," asked Layla to which Yusuf nodded. "The girl must replace her sister," Nek Ira opened the story that Yusuf and Layla listened carefully. Aki Toha who saw that Yusuf had improved, immediately said goodbye to his room. Nek Ira told me that the building in front, used to be a former TKI shelter, many residents here registered, but strangely, many were rejected. The manager has only one condition. An unmarried girl who is 17 years old. Of course, that's a bit of a burden, considering that there are many girls who marry at a young age or are widowed who find it difficult to find work. So few, even girls outside the village who came here just to register. Nek Ira remembers well, January seven years ago, early in the morning there were two girls who came to the building. One of them greeted Nek Ira, who had just returned from the market.


Grandma, sorry to ask, is this really the PT for the TKI distributor?," the girl asked in a friendly manner. "That's right, madam, where are you from?, want to register?" asked Ira's grandmother. "Yes, Grandma," the girl smiled. "Do you have parental permission?," Nek Ira was a little worried because the girl was carrying a bag that was quite large and accompanied by a small child the age of her granddaughter. "Our parents died when we were little and this is my sister. We just left the orphanage. After I heard a lot about this foundation, I wanted to apply," the girl still with a smiling face explained to Grandma Ira. "Just stop by grandma's house first, at this time PT is still not open, wait at 9 am," said Nek Ira, who agreed with the girl. Just about to pass the building, suddenly a woman came out of the building calling the girl. "Adek whose name is Andini, who called yesterday?" asked the woman, which instantly made the two girls turn their heads. "That's right, it's me," andini, the girl's name, walked over to the woman and said goodbye to Nek Ira. As soon as Andini and her sister entered, the woman looked at Nek Ira with a cynical look and walked into the building. And that was the first and last time Nekira met the two girls. Until one day, came the horrendous news. The bus that was boarded by 13 girls who were prospective migrant workers who were about to go to the opposite city to immigration for passports, had an accident in the forest and killed all passengers, including Andini. Continued...