FOREWORD: The purpose of this book is to convey to the reader a sense that it is one of the most important and exciting journeys of discovery humanity has ever embarked on. It is the study of the fundamental principles that govern the behavior of our universe. It should not surprise us that significant progress has been made after a journey that took more than two and a half thousand years. But this journey proved to be an extremely difficult one, and the truth often came out gradually. Yet the twentieth century has given us extraordinary new insights, some so impressive that many today's scientists have expressed the view that we can come close to a basic understanding of all the fundamental principles of physics. The understanding that we have the principles that underlie the behavior of our physical world actually depends on some appreciation of its mathematics. Some people may take this as a cause for despair, as they will form the belief that they lack elementary-level math capabilities.
Many people's nightmares remind us of the multiplication table, simple fractions, compound fractions and whole number fractions that we memorized in primary school years. At this point the question comes to mind: If people can't master the manipulation of Fractions, how can they argue well so that they can grasp the research that is going on at the cutting edge of physical theory? I want to be optimistic about this, I argue that people who cannot perform four operations on fractions are actually people who do not realize their potential. While studying with a geography teacher who has completed his first year in his profession, I do not forget his determination. "Mathematics is like a thousand and one nights, you always find a solution by keeping it by the book." Without tales of one thousand and one nights, we have no way of understanding the rules that govern the physical beings around us. The simplification of fractions we learned during elementary school is actually an application of the concept of equivalence relation used in Einstein's general theory of relativity. Every person has the capacity to understand information at all levels if they read enough. What laws govern our universe? How will we recognize them? How can this knowledge help us understand the world and therefore direct its actions to our advantage? 7 KIBUTZ AND TRAUMA Humans have been deeply concerned with questions like these since the dawn of humanity. At first they tried to understand the influences controlling the world by referring to the kind of understanding that can be gained from their own lives. They imagined that whatever or whoever was in control, their environment would act as they did to control events: at first they thought that events were under the influence of their destiny or of beings who acted so well with human impulses. Accordingly, the course of natural phenomena such as sunshine, rainstorms, famine disease, must be understood in terms of the whims of Gods or Goddesses, motivated by such human impulses. And the only action that is perceived to affect these events would be the appeasement of God figures. The understanding that we have the principles that underlie the behavior of our physical world actually depends on some appreciation of its mathematics. But gradually different kinds of patterns began to establish their credibility. The precision of the Sun's movement across the sky and its clear relation to the alternation of day with night provided the most obvious example; but also the positioning of the Sun relative to the stars was found to be closely related to the changing of the seasons and the consequent net effect on weather and thus on vegetation and animal behavior. 8 NECIP ERDOĞAN In my explanations here, I will be more concerned with conveying the idea, beauty and magic inherent in many important mathematical concepts. The idea of a fraction like ½ is simply a kind of entity with the property that when added to it gives the number 1. The magic is that the idea of a fraction allows us to actually experience things directly in the physical world, although they are not measured precisely by pieces of cake. This is a Platonic phenomenon, as opposed to the case of natural numbers such as 1, 2, 3, which measure precisely the myriad entities of our direct experience. One way to see that fractions make consistent sense is to actually use the definition in terms of infinite collections of integer pairs, as noted above. However, this does not mean that ½ is actually such a collection. It is better to think of ½ as a being that has some kind of existence of its own, and the endless collection of couples is only one way we can come to terms with the coherence of such a being. By familiarity, an entity such as a fraction We begin to believe that we can easily grasp it as something that has a product, and the idea of an endless collection of couples is merely a pedantic tool, a tool that, once we have it, quickly slips away from our imagination. Mathematics is not just a cultural activity of our own making, it has a life of its own and often finds an incredible fit with the physical universe. 9 KIBUTZ AND TRAUMA We cannot deeply understand the laws that govern the physical world without entering the world of mathematics. In particular, the above concept of an equivalence class is relevant not only to mathematics, but also to important physics, such as the gauge theory principles that describe the forces of nature according to modern particle physics. To understand the platonic world is to understand the physical world! 11 CHAPTER 1 When I came back to the house I grew up in years later, everything seemed very different to me, did the house get smaller or did I grow up? I used to listen to romantic songs until the morning on short summer nights in front of the window. Years will pass, and my body will shrink, and I will become as light as a feather, so much so that I will glide lightly out of that window that I have never left. As in my dream the previous evening, I will take a bird's-eye view of the city and bless my soul leaving my body. I often think when death will knock on my door, last week twenty-five thousand people died in the world, how will I surrender my soul? Where? Yes, I will lie under this heavy duvet for years and I will sweat. I will see my grandchildren grow up and am destined to live an endless life of painful indifference. I need extra strength to die, the deaths I have witnessed so far come to mind, saying goodbye to life after traveling between two worlds for a week and saying goodbye to life when we least expect it, like watching the news or sending the first spoonful of a hot soup to the stomach. 12 NECİP ERDOĞAN Maybe one should love oneself first in order to die. This may be my biggest shortcoming, not loving people and most importantly myself. Most of the square room, the only window of which opened onto the village, was empty. When I was a kid, my mother used to grow flowers to bridge this gap. On my old writing desk I would repeat the lessons I had learned for four years, transcribing each line in my notebook, the only sound I heard was the sounds of insects walking, sometimes I would look up from the books and stare at the wall-mounted medicine cabinet, allergy-inducing drugs while curing inflammations, allergy-curing drugs. drugs, drugs that are good for post-traumatic behavior disorder, tablets that regulate heartbeat, disc-shaped tablets that look like orange juice when dissolved in water… No matter how hard I try, I try to gather all my memories like pieces of old paper, I can't remember where my youth is. years that include your best days? The round coffee table that I had to buy for my daughter caught my eye, even though she was not a young girl yet, she cried at my workplace. she said. "Stop crying!" I said. "Everyone is looking at you." But he finally surrendered. Two people had forced their way up the heavy-duty stairs. In the heart of the valley stretching from the slopes to the mountains in front of me, there is a foggy lake in front of me, surrounded by a soft warm swamp from which migratory birds take flight from man-size reeds, I will see if I can get up from my bed and reach the window. Besides, I feel old, very old and near death, I have no strength to get up from my bed, walking since I fell means floating dangerously in space; while I'm waiting for everyone to look at me at that time. Shem tries to free her arm from my sleeve that is stuck to my skin, her eyes catch on my bare skin, her fingers caress my skin, when I take off my wet shirt, the boy suddenly starts acting like he is seeing my bare arm for the first time, touching the soft skin of my stomach. Now he too is having a hard time accepting his mature body. I remember the first gift he bought me on Father's Day, I didn't need it, Din... Din: "Come, put your feet on the floor, hold onto the wall and get up, your diabetes medications, antidepressants are waiting for you by the bed, but you don't need it, you just need me. you have pain." The whole Kibbutz had spilled into the garden, awaiting his father's return from his overseas assignment; only he, in spite of everyone, was perched on top of one of the trees like a little ape, watching this curious waiting that did not concern him personally, tired of this waiting that did not concern him personally. What child would remember a father who forgot himself… What adult would really expect him, other than a handful of friends? In fact, the majority were jealous, mostly women; 14 NECİP ERDOĞAN with blue work aprons and legs bruised from varicose veins served for hours in the kitchen, children's house, vegetable garden, warehouse and
colors; only that Şem'in mother was wearing elegant costumes. Sometimes that wasn't enough, her husband, who had disappeared for a seminar, had heightened her freedom-lovingness. "You are not my father." he cried out at last. "You don't give me a tenth of the time you spend on the theory of relativity!" I looked at her sadly as her father, how quickly my daughter had grown, now her breasts were budding. Our workbook, which we shared with Şem, was always kept open on the table, we used to solve simple fraction problems in the first pages, the question types and topics started to change as my daughter got older, we were now calculating the limit of functions, when my daughter was a young and beautiful university student, we would now have smooth manifolds. We were working on fiber bundles, EINSTEIN manifolds. My first daughter, Shem, and her notebook were my sealed box. Shem was more than just a son to me, a business partner, I had just told him that my biological father was a member of the wealthiest family in the world. Only she knew my secrets, Shem was like a gifted girl who was created and grown in my memory, getting better every day. When my children were young, I used to go to seminars all the time, sometimes I attended seminars that were not meant to get away from home, and sometimes I attended geometry symposiums that never took place. I was just a double lecturer who was born from a one night stand with a rogue member of the world famous Rothschild family, my wife and family never knew it, my rich family always supported me and after my class was over I would have a morning at the science center. . The goal of our project was to clone, the adventure that first started with DOLLY in 1996, you all know or have heard of, we wanted people to advance in science or, to say it constrainedly, we Jews, because we are a chosen generation, you know, Einstein was a Jew, he and Newton were It was our aim to clone them and bring them back to life, for Einstein we did it with ease, for Newton it was a great help from a Jew working at the British Museum. "Shem, we need this project as humanity because we are so ignorant!" We know that prime numbers are infinite, but we don't know how they are distributed, for example, the last object we know and use in algebra is the quaternions that Hamilton found years ago, you know the story, Hamilton suddenly discovers hypercomplexes while crossing the bridge and at that moment the paving stone he stepped on becomes a monument. "Shem, have you ever wondered why there are no more resounding breakthroughs in mathematics?" We need new theories, and for that we need to bring back to life such geniuses as Newton, Gauss and Einstein. "Let me tell you the story of Gauss, Şem, when Gauss was in primary school, the math teacher came to the class and started to think about how to spend the two-hour lesson without getting tired. 16 NECİP ERDOĞAN thinks of a problem that keeps children busy and asks the following question: 1+2+3+. ...+97+98+99+100=? Students start work: 1+2=3 3+4=7 7+5=12 Gaussian starts the problem like this: 1+100=101 2+99=101 3+98=101 4+97=101 Fully fifty like this obtains 101 and strikes the final blow: The answer is 101*50=5050. In the first stage, the teacher thinks that a solution found in such a short time is not correct. However, the little boy in front of him is gifted." After listening to me carefully, she wrote down the sum of consecutive even numbers in our workbook. This problem was too easy for a gifted child like him. 0+2+4+6+...+2n=? Since two numbers are common in each term, when we put two parentheses; The answer was found from the equation 2(0+1+2+3+…+n)=n.(n+1). 17 KIBUTZ AND TRAUMA I asked Shem about the sum of the odd numbers, and she stared blankly at the wall with her beautiful eyes, thinking it would be appropriate to find the sum of the small odd numbers first. He began to write with his stylus: 1+3+5+7=? Years ago, like the little elementary school student Gauss, he collected the first and last term: 1+7=8 The sum of the second and third terms: 3+5=8 Finally, 8+8=16 16 is a square number. It is the square of the number four, and the number four is actually one half of the last term. Yes, the uncertainty was gone, now we could express the sum of odd numbers as 1+3+5+7+9+11+…+2n-1=n2. After these simple questions, it would be right to start the problem that will really make us sweat. Shem took the pen and, after doing the gesture I detested each time (putting the pen tip up her nose), wrote the following sum: 2+3+5+7+11=? He asked me to find the sum of the first five primes, the third term being the sum of the first two, and the last term being one less than the sum of the two preceding terms. "I found!" He shouted and started running. "Daddy, think of the Fiobanacci drama!" I was also excited that he ran happily in this way, I did not remember any number for a few seconds. 18 NECIP ERDOĞAN Then I gathered myself, in this series, each term is the sum of the two terms that came before it. The limit of the new sequence we get by taking the ratio of consecutive terms is the golden ratio. 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34,
55, … Golden Ratio: The mysterious number of nature, the mystery that exists in each and every work of the creator! I started to get the ratio of the terms of the series: Of course I couldn't divide 1 by zero, so I divided the second term by the third term. 1/1=1 2/1=2 3/2=1.5 5/3=1.6 8/5=1.6 13/8=1.6 Shem grabbed the pen from my hand and ripped a page from the notebook: It was a constant number for the seven billion living on earth, and it was irrational. number heart was like a woman full of mysteries! "It's getting late, Shem, you must bathe now!" And I point to the lake, as if the lake is just a bathtub belonging to Shem. "Look how dirty you are." says my wife Nes, panting, she runs towards us because if she doesn't hurry, the lake will disappear again, her young mother and father will disappear, but her legs are getting heavy and she is sinking into the dark swamp. "Parents, give me your hand, I'm sinking. Religion, come quickly, interpret the drowning." 19 KIBUTZ AND TRAUMA I don't even remember how many times I've had this dream, I've been on medication for years, I've been having the same dream over and over since I was diagnosed with post-traumatic conduct disorder and then bipolar behavior disorder, it's been the same night since the night my daughter died in my arms. I am living, or rather, I am interpreting life, I AM NO LONGER LIVING! My only friend in this world, God, why did he take him from me? If he comes to my room tonight, I'm thinking of asking him that question. Who can imagine a world not populated by God? Every man should think that he is alone with God. The stories written in the holy book (Torah) point to the different qualities of all people. People rise one step up on the sacred ladder of wisdom in every lifetime. While working on the path of spiritual ascension and striving to change his personal qualities, one should never despair if he sees his situation as worse than before he started working on his spirituality. The most important point of a person's spiritual progress is his request to God. The worst manifestation of egoism is arrogance, the devil's favorite sin. My biological father is a man who has surrendered to his arrogance, believing that money can solve problems instead of looking into his eyes as he grows up to be with his child. 20 NECIP ERDOĞAN From the early days of my childhood, I felt a strong attraction to science. We Jews call the spiritual book "the light of God", and someone who can receive this light is called a "strong man". The light of God is hidden, only those at the level of virtue see this light. I must pray to the Creator to have mercy on us and lift the clouds over all our thoughts that hide it from our hearts and eyes. My dear daughter Shem, I want you to understand the life I lived after I died, that I was an illegitimate child, that when I was only a lecturer who went to the faculty from the outside, with the support of my rich father, who did not want to see me in his secret life, he created a clone center, the babies we cloned. I want you to know after I die what we gave to the families on the kibbutz. I did all this work for the new generation. We must advance in science, you know that, we are an elite race, we will have enemies as long as we exist in the world, the Nazis in the past, now the Arabs are trying to destroy us, and we must always be one step ahead of them, remember that, I find it appropriate to reveal my secret to you, you are on your way to becoming a lecturer like me, geniuses do not live today, we only have Perelmann, let me tell you briefly. Formulated a hundred years ago by a brilliant French mathematician, Poincare, this famous problem has both fascinated and unsettled mathematicians ever since. The Poincare conjecture concerns ourselves and the objects central to our understanding of the universe in which we live. When you go to a play or a movie, ask the person sitting next to you about math and listen to what they say, most people hate it; The pool, interest, age problems, which miss the taste of their youth years, interest, age problems... There are people who love this course, even if they are in the minority. How does a space filled with such beauties get such negative reactions? The disgust some people feel seems to stem from fear. I don't imagine a single book could change that, but if you're a reader with ambivalent feelings about math, I suggest you read more resources, and if you're a student, take more math classes. Everyone was eagerly waiting in the MIT conference hall in 2003, there were people sitting on the floor, the speaker was wearing a dark suit; The bearded, balding, thick-browed speaker began: "I'm not one to talk without deviating from the topic, so I'm going to make a lively presentation by sacrificing clarity." The speaker took a piece of white chalk and wrote on the board the twenty-year-old Ricci current equation. In this equation, the curvature of space has less curvature than regions with higher curvature.
p is seen as an exotic kind of heat, like molten lava, trying to flow into the regions. 22 NECIP ERDOĞAN The speaker asked the audience to think of our universe as an element of a huge abstract mathematical set of all possible universes. In his new interpretation, this equation described the motions of these possible universes (parallel universes) like drops of water rolling from high hills in a vast landscape. As each element moved, the curvature also varied within the universe represented by that element, approaching certain values in some regions. Universes were developing beautiful geometries; some of them bore similarities to the classical Euclidean geometry we learned in school, if only it had stayed that way! How easy would the calculations be then, right? I regret to say that we needed new geometries, and these new geometries created a silent revolution in the history of science. Certain downhill paths caused calculations to deviate, elements along these paths developing mathematically malignant regions that broke off or behaved worse. *** "You're wrong, you're really wrong, I'm not mad at you." said Shem. "You were working hard, daddy, it's true, but always for us! You only came home on weekends, and once you went for a year and came back (you went as a visiting lecturer), I hardly knew you. Father, what do you and your generation of victims of 23 KIBUTZ AND TRAUMA gain with your angry accusations?" I have to admit that at times I also feel anger, murderous anger, against the Germans and all the anti-Semitic… When nothing helps, only then do we realize that only one God can help us, since all our efforts are insufficient to enter the spiritual world. Until this moment comes, no difficulty can bring us to the point of shouting to the Creator from the bottom of our hearts. When we feel that the options ahead are closed, the door to tears opens and we can enter the upper spiritual world through this door. I believe that tonight I will reach the upper spiritual world, buying a few boxes of medicine will open all doors for me, I am so happy to meet my daughter Shem! Shem, God gave us two options for free choice: 1-God reveals himself to us. 2-God gave us Kabbalah. The process of connecting with the Creator is like climbing the steps of a spiritual ladder to reach the highest level by starting from the lowest level. The lower level on the ladder is the world we live in, the highest level is where God is. You can think of this ladder as sets of numbers, natural numbers in the first step, integers in the second step of the ladder, fractional (rational) numbers in the third step, non-fractional numbers (irrational) in the fourth step, real numbers, complex numbers. , quaternions, octonions. Octonions 8, Quaternions 4, Complex 2, Real numbers are 1 dimensional. Shem, all rungs of this ladder exist in the spiritual world. It happens when our qualities of perceiving a higher spiritual level align with the characteristics of that spiritual level. Then our degree of perception becomes proportional to the harmony between our characteristics and the characteristics of that spiritual level. "Is it possible to perceive the upper level, daddy?" said Shem. "All the spiritual levels, from the lowest to the highest, are placed in order. The lower half of the upper position is in the same place as the upper half of the lower position. The lower part of the upper is always within us, but not everyone can feel it. Birth gives life and guides people, but because people do not feel superior, they insist that God does not exist." "Wouldn't it be better if people felt the top position?" "If we see the upper level clearly, we lose the possibility of making an independent choice. Remember the AXIOM OF CHOICE! Since the Creator's desire is to give an independent will to all humans, God must be hidden from the created being. Atheists always attack believers from this point 25 KIBUTZ AND TRAUMA, you say it is everywhere, but we can't see it anywhere! If the creator is hidden, one becomes attached to God without any self-interest. He acts for the sake of his Lord." "It means that the entire process of personal correction can be made possible by the concealment of the Creator." "The moment our Lord reveals himself to us, we become like a clone of him." said Nec. "But shouldn't God reveal himself to enable us to separate ourselves from our selfishness?" "People obey two powers in this world, the body, which is the source of lust, and the Creator, who has the power to bestow. These two conditions must alternate and follow each other. In the science of logic there are only two numbers. Zero and one represent our body, temporary world, and 1 represent eternal life, spirit and creator. Computers use the language of logic, artificial intelligence does not have the number 9, it perceives the number nine as 1001." Shem was suddenly excited. "Yes, Daddy, you told me about binary radix when I was a little kid. I can analyze the number 1001." With joy and excitement took the pen. "The ones digit, the twos digit, the fours digit, and the eights digit. That's it!" "After the Creator combines his altruistic features with egoistic features, he becomes in balance with the person who wants to connect with him. The upper part raises HADIN to his EYNAYİM level. As a result, his AHAP goes down. Previously, the lower part could not feel the higher spiritual state in any way. However, since God concealed his bestowal qualities behind selfish qualities, it was possible for a person to descend to the lower level in order to perceive his Lord. However, since the features of the higher level are perceived by us as egoistic, we do not fully understand the essence of these features. For this reason, nothing seems to give us pleasure in spirituality." said Nec. The difficulty in explaining and teaching Kabbalah stems from the fact that the spiritual world has no equivalent in this world. What we have learned becomes clear with the perception of our spiritual part, we may have to relearn the information we have learned before. Once we understand and acquire spiritual power, we begin to perceive it. Levels endow us with absolute knowledge. To agree on something is to come to the Ahoraym stage, which prepares us for the perception of the Panim stage. Reading slowly enables the development of feelings or containers (words). When the containers are in place, the upper light enters them. Before the word is formed, the light is around us. Generations come and go, but every generation and every person asks the same question about the meaning of life: "How do we get to the road to reality?" The Talmud reads: "You were born against your will, and you will die against your will." How much easier life would be if the Creator was perceived by each of us individually! Throughout our lives, we could perceive the consequences of our every action. We would talk to the Creator and seek his help, question the meaning of life and benefit from his unique knowledge. 27 KIBUTZ AND TRAUMA If we could perceive providence, we would not have any trouble doing even the most difficult tasks. Being aware of the Creator's providence would allow us to see the benefits of acting without our benefit. What is missing in the world is problems in perceiving God. Having this perception should be our sole purpose in life. We must put all our efforts into achieving this goal. Learning the way of perceiving God is called the teaching of Kabbalah. The light of MY HASAD is faith. Faith allows us to connect with eternity. *** We see that since the creation of the universe, human beings have experienced great suffering. How many people throughout history have voluntarily made an effort for spirituality by enduring suffering? Why did God not hear the prayers of people who did not strive for spirituality? People became slaves to their egos and felt that a window had suddenly opened in their hearts that were closed to the truth. People who do not perceive God are in a sense like animals. Paradoxically, the more we try to reach it, the more our desire for it disappears. 28 NECIP ERDOĞAN Birth gives us life and guides us. Since we do not feel this higher position, we often insist that the Creator does not exist. If we clearly see the higher level on which the Creator is above all beings, one loses the possibility of making an independent choice because we see only one power. *** Din stands motionless in front of the kitchen window, watching with amazement the needle leaves are circulating like empty palms begging for a small alms, a gray bird took their eggs, looked by the window before going to bed last night, a lovely couple looking out of the nest in the dark he watched the eggs that looked like eyes, the bird came right away and protected the eggs with his body, but I couldn't protect my daughter, the pink dress on her was covered in blood, my nightmares never ended after that day, therapies, drugs, nights spent alone in the hospital and everyone around me I'm tired of her calling her crazy, we need geniuses to avenge my dead daughter; The Palestinian suicide bomber that destroyed my daughter must be destroyed, not only him, but all Arabs and all Germans, the famous writer Stephan Zweig, saw the success of the dictator Hitler and committed suicide in despair, but I will not make this mistake, the genius we grew up in the kibbutz. clones started working in our science center, they don't know that they are a copy, of course, we can create a biological weapon that only we have the vaccine in the world, or we can make weapons that will wipe a country off the map in an instant. The spring wind will scatter this little bird's nest, and there will be no trace of that gripping life that has been here for a week, pulsating and filling it with a strange excitement. And a nest is the poor eggs and their poor mother. Why did the bird take them away? I've been talking to myself lately, my alter ego, hearing my own voice often and more intensely, especially when no one is around; My thoughts are pouring out into words without any hindrance, my voice comes out of my throat in simplicity. Where is my daughter? Caused? Police reports He says it's not about the suicide bomber but I don't believe it, my daughter is at school right now, she's with her friend or she's walking home right now, her little feet are walking on the sidewalks one by one, I watch her with longing eyes, she just came home from school , threw her bag on the bed and threw her socks in the middle of her room, her mother Nes warned her as always, where is my daughter's heart? Where is the heartbeat that beats next to me and gradually fades and disappears? I remember when I heard the sound of his heartbeat with the help of a device they put in his mother's stomach in the hospital before he was born. How can a love, which is the most natural of love, turn into frustration? I examine his dream with longing eyes, but I must hold on to life, I must live for my daughter Din, my son Avn. Nes tries ways to seduce her, I remember, "Come on girl, let's make a cake together." he says, but meets a distant look, hears a cold voice. "Another time, mom!" I remember the days when he first fell in love; how far he is from his mother and me, the days when he comes from school and shuts himself in his room, listens to love songs for hours and leaves the house adorned with joy… *** Din watches him with a smile that remains on his lips, trying to forget that strange pain, "Enough, stop it now. , let the girl grow up in peace." says my wife Nes. "You would think you wanted to be at your mother's knee every minute while you were growing up." I don't answer, yes, when I was growing up, I always talked to my mother and always shared my problems with my mother, my biological father only sent us checks and I grew up with my stepfather as the fruit of forbidden love. The cat's meow comes into my thoughts now, as my phone starts to vibrate, who knows, maybe they're calling from the science center, a warm fluffy ball crawling between my legs. Where were you? "Enough." says the cat. "Did you hear me, Nec? Enough! You and your silly problems bore me." 31 KIBUTZ AND TRAUMA The cat climbs, as if disturbed by the heat, the scent of the night fires of those camped by the lake hanging in the air. "You have to understand that it's not that easy to find an instanton, Nec. You work too hard with your daughter Shem, and Shem, who makes solving this problem and solving the Yang–Mills equations a matter of pride, may become depressed and consider suicidal." said the cat. I won't answer you cat. In the meantime, the cat rises on the work table in one move, and moves towards the monitor with its majestic weight. Nec believes that the cat is a gifted person. The cat knows that the non-obvious zeros of the Riemann–Zeta function are numbers of the form x+(1/2). But how strange Euclid does not know his postulates! "Don't mess with the fifth postulate, cat." "The fifth postulate? Doesn't it have a name?" asked the cat. "The fifth postulate is the theory of parallels. Every father should counsel his child that to deal with the theory of parallels is to swim against the current." In composing The Concept of Geometry, Euclid took great care to see what assumptions his representation was based on. In particular, he was careful to distinguish certain claims called axioms—these were clearly accepted as true, they were basically points, lines, etc. were the definitions of what you meant by Of the five assumptions whose validity seems less certain but which seems to be true for the substances of our world, the last of these assumptions, called Euclid's fifth assumption, was accepted and felt less clear than the others. For centuries it had to be possible to find a way to prove this from other more obvious assumptions. Euclid's fifth postulate is often called the parallel postulate. "You said that, Nec, remember?" asked the cat. Before discussing the parallel postulate, it is worth pointing out the nature of Euclid's other four postulates. Postulates deal with the geometry of the plane, but Euclid also considered three-dimensional space in his later work. The basic elements of his plane geometry are point lines and circles. Here I'll consider a line extended infinity in both directions; otherwise I will refer to a line segment. Euclid's first assumption effectively asserts that there is a straight line segment connecting any two points. The second conjecture asserts that any straight line segment is infinitely extendable. Its third conjecture asserts the existence of a circle for any center and radius. Finally, his fourth postulate asserts the equality of all right angles. 33 KIBUTZ AND TRAUMA From a modern perspective, some of these propositions, especially the fourth, seem a bit strange, but we must bear in mind the origin of the ideas underlying Euclid's geometry. He was mainly concerned with the motion of idealized rigid bodies and the concept of coherence, which is indicated when such idealized rigid bodies collide with one another. A right angle on one object equals a right angle on another object Equation concerned the probability of moving someone, so that the lines forming its right angle would lie along the lines forming the right angle of space, so that a figure in one body would have the same geometric shape as a figure elsewhere. The second and third postulates express the idea that space is infinitely expandable and void, while the first expresses the fundamental nature of a straight line segment. Although Euclid's view of geometry is quite different from ours today, his first four postulates basically summed up our day. *** I put her food in her bowl, but the cat is in no hurry to eat; he stands between my feet, running from one to the other, this cat is the only memory I have of him. I started to feel that I always live with memories, I am so tired of life, but I have to live for my other children, we used to sit by the lake until it got dark and everyone left, there was your best friend's house and you always wanted to stay with them at night. You asked me to come and get you. Do you remember the days when I took you to school, when we bought ice cream on the way back, sometimes made from goat's milk and sold by hawkers on the street, Şem? When exactly came the moment when the balance between memories and needs for each other was upset? Nothing, no one had prepared me for this, neither books nor newspapers nor mathematics, although it was not visible to the eye, of course I am not the only person in the world to have experienced it at such an early stage in my life, "Enough, enough is enough." says the cat. "You hear me, you have to come back to life now, hold on to your project, science and big dream, this purpose should connect you to life, now take three pink Xanax and go to sleep right away." The cat is very angry with me and when he is angry with me he always talks. Sometimes God comes into my room, a clear light fills the room, the bedroom lights up, but my wife Nes continues to sleep. God tells me to get up and read a book. So I start reading, I start reading the story of the mathematics behind the Poincare conjecture and proof. In order to talk about mathematics rationally, it is necessary to know not only the results but also the people who produced those results. Achievements in mathematics echo the legend of a genius struggling to make sense of a cosmos that is ignored once it finds its way into the popular consciousness. There are individuals whose insights seem to have come out of nowhere and who are pushing science forward. However, although the genius is colorful and mysterious, advances in science are based on the societies in which other individuals live. You know, cat, the discovery of non-Euclidean geometry has created a new world. The Poincare conjecture provides conceptual tools that allow us to reason about the possible shape of the universe. In primary school our teacher taught us that the earth is round, in high school we learned that the earth is flattened from above and below, because of this flatness we say that the gravitational force is greater at the poles and smaller at the equator line. We call this special shape a geoid, and we see that the Earth is round from the photographs taken by orbiting spacecraft. In the past, people believed the earth was flat. People believed that there were people on the other side of the Earth whose feet were opposite ours, walking with their feet up and their heads down. When Christopher Columbus said that it was necessary to constantly sail west to go east, there were people who thought he was crazy. The advisory committee, chaired by King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella, could not believe that this idea was in fact a statement that the Earth was round. The members of the delegation believed so much that the Earth was flat; According to them, the only success Columbus and his crew could achieve would be to feed giant monsters in the open sea as food. There were also those on the committee who believed that there were no reverse-bottomed humans and that there were no giant monsters in the high seas. Although Columbus was sure that the Earth was round, he also had question marks in his mind, he did not know the diameter of Dünya, the only calculation was made by the ancient Greeks. In the absence of knowledge, imagination would come into play. Ptolemy had estimated the circumference of the earth to be twenty-nine thousand kilometers. Some advisers of Ferdinand and Isabella referred to Eratostenes' prediction. This estimate was very close to the present value. Had these few advisors emerged victorious from the debate, the journey would have taken longer and the budget would have been greater. While Columbus was considered brave and wise during his lifetime, five centuries after his discovery, he was considered an imperialist. Columbus believed that the land he reached throughout his life was India. It would take much longer to get to India by circumnavigating Africa, and he always took a shortcut by going west. had reached. Columbus says: "I don't believe the Earth is perfectly round as depicted, it seems to me that the Earth protrudes hard near its stem, it might be a pear-shaped shape, like a round ball with one part like a woman's nipple. And this protruding part is the highest and closest to heaven." The famous explorer felt that the Earth was not perfectly round, with the southern hemisphere being the bulging side of the pear and the northern hemisphere being the weak side of the pear. Therefore, while reaching the Spice Islands in a short time, the journey time would be longer if we tried to go to these islands along the African coast in the southern hemisphere. 37 KIBUTZ AND TRAUMA Two thousand years before Columbus, no one lived on Samos. The island was open to looting from all directions. Byzantines, Arabs, Venetians, Turks and Crusaders. Even today, it is a corner of paradise with its quiet towns, white beaches and fertile olive trees. This paradise corner is where Pythagoras lived. Pythagoras first explained that the world was round in Samos. Pythagoras went on many journeys with his father. He met scholars during a trip to Sur, went to Italy, was a genius who was interested in philosophy as a child, unfortunately we do not have the genetic code and it is impossible for us to copy it. Egyptian priests believed that Pythagoras was a beloved servant of their God Osiris. The details of his years in Egypt are even more blurred than the details of the rest of his life. Pythagoras became interested in Zoroastrianism after the Egyptian years. In the following years, he founded his school; this was more of a fraternity than a school, it accepted women into the school. The Pythagoreans believed that reality was scientific at the most fundamental level, and that philosophy was a means of spiritual purification. The appeal of universal views, the mystery of the east, and the exotic blend of Greek ideas fascinated his contemporaries. Pythagoras believed in reincarnation, at his school he would tell his students about memories of their past lives. He believed the world was round, but he couldn't rest easy without proving it. He did not live long enough to obtain sufficient evidence, but his teachings had reached the time of Columbus. Pythagorean views were passed down from generation to generation with the help of Plato, Aristotle and the learned geographers of the Middle Ages. 38 NECIP ERDOĞAN In the Columbus era, people who argued that the earth was round used the tides, day and night, and the phases of the Moon as evidence, and when you looked along a line in the north-south direction, you saw the Sun from different angles. Now let's close our eyes, go back to the time of Columbus. Additionally, suppose we live on a cloud-covered planet like Venus, how would we infer about the shape of the earth under these conditions? The most important concept for us will be the concept of a two-dimensional manifold (mannigfaltigkeit) or surface. Maps (paper sheets representing points on the Earth) are two-dimensional. A collection of maps that allows all points on the surface to be represented on at least one map is called ATLAS. When you buy a World atlas, you actually get a book of maps. Every location on Earth is found on at least one page of this atlas. The Poincare conjecture claims that the only manifold in four-dimensional space is the sphere. *** Din starts talking on the phone, and when a male voice says his father's name, he suddenly gets startled, "Yes?" he says hastily, as if his own name has been spoken, for some reason he stands up, 39 KIBUTZ AND TRAUMA "Yes, it would be my father." he says and arrives at the hospital in a short time, the doctor gives a disinterested glance; He is tall, handsome, looks younger than himself. "What happened?" "A suicide attempt." says the doctor. "Your father has taken too many pills than he should have, his stomach has been washed, he's fine now." Religion had always felt guarded against death; He thought that his parents would always live and never die, but now he was overwhelmed by his father's wish to die and the fear that in a few hours he might leave the world and deprive him of the thin proud protective layer he had bestowed upon him. As he approaches the exit, it comes to mind that the sick man may not have the strength to walk to the parking lot after discharge; he is definitely sitting somewhere in the entrance waiting for his wife, he has to look for her there, he even seems to see her collapsed body on one of the benches. When he takes his steps towards it, he comes to the side of his unconscious father and the attendant pushing the wheel bed. Hiding behind the curtain, Avn observes his father's neighbors. On the narrow bed lies a newly brought man, his eyes closed, his own age, breathing hard. With her back to Avn, a woman in a red satin blouse pulls up a chair and sits next to the man, holding his hand. Avn suddenly has the feeling that she is witnessing a threatening reality.
it's falling, end of life! He doesn't know that old people, even people his own age, can get sick and die, but he hadn't experienced it in pure nakedness. Embarrassed, he wipes the sweat from his forehead, the doctor walks away and gives instructions to the nurse as he walks. 40 NECIP ERDOĞAN What is this, what is happening to me? He secretly looks around Avn, everyone here; Doctors, nurses, patients and visitors, technicians, management workers, cleaners who do not drink tea can see and understand that he is a son who does not love his father, because he was the one who reached his father late. The bed, which was recorded in the fixed inventory of the hospital with his father, is fixed to the floor, almost like chairs in the sitting corner… "Dad." says the tired man lying quietly in bed. Avn looks around hopefully, as if his father has come from the world of the resurrected dead to embrace his son with open arms. His father stares at Avn again. "Father!" She looks at him with the caressing smile of a small child who is afraid of punishment, seizing her hand. Avn is hiring. "I am the father, your son Avn!" With his father's sad gaze, Avn remembers his youth. My grandfather—my mother, Nes' father—didn't like to talk about his past. He rarely said that he was a Jew, waiting for days on the northern coast of Turkey with the ship STRUMA with people whose stories seemed to be over by the time they were twenty, thirty, or fifty, and that he was one of the few lucky survivors from the sunken ship. We have heard the story of her daughter Nes taking her first steps many times, though. I will never know where my grandfather got on the ship and why he saw salvation in Turkey. Journey- 41 KIBUTZ AND TRAUMA How many days did the voyage take, why did the people on the ship sail to the Black Sea instead of disembarking in Istanbul? If I were in my grandfather's place, I would not talk about it, there are books written about it, we have "Arbeit machtfrei!" There are many historians who have translated the expression. What I'm saying is, I wouldn't be telling this story if I didn't have to talk about myself after my father after my grandfather. My grandfather and his friends must have remembered the Jews who escaped from the Inquisition and took refuge in the Ottoman Empire years ago and thought that history was repeating itself. After I turned thirteen, my father Nec and mother Nes bought me new clothes and prepared them for Bar Mitzvah. I used to go to the rabbi's house twice a week. In our class of ten, all of us would take home the tape of the Torah parts that he sang in the form of hymns, and repeat them over and over. Each time the rabbi would successfully select the student who did not study for his homework, patiently repeat each verse. This man, who lived on the money from the synagogue and the help from the kibbutz, saw us all as his children since he was never a father in his life. Although he had diabetes, he drank tea with three sugars at a time. Almost all of my schoolmates had done Bar Mitzvah. We used to get up early on Saturday morning and put on our blue striped shawl. Every time the rabbi was throwing sugar into his tea, my friend would say that his neighbors had had his leg amputated because of diabetes. The poor thing thought the rabbi would have his leg amputated too. 42 NECIP ERDOĞAN My school was different from the private course offered by the rabbi. My best friend in my class was Armenian, years ago the Ottoman Emperor sent his family to Palestine. We all called him Jonny Bravo in class. While we were tossing Jonny in the air during class break, for some reason we all backed up and Jonny fell to the ground. Jonny stayed in bed for a long time and had to wear a corset. Poor Johnny! He was a very unlucky kid, and when he started coming back to school after this incident, when soda was spilled on his uniform, I poured a lot of cologne on Jonny to remove the stain. At that moment, the moron standing next to us and never participating in the conversation suddenly flashed his lighter and said, "I was kidding!" she began to shout, Jonny was in a ball of fire within seconds. Thanks to Jonny, I learned at the age of thirteen that cologne is a flammable substance. I always felt guilty towards him. Would it make me a racist if I threw him in the air and backed off as a class? This question has been on my mind lately. The only thing we were taught in school was that we should make the Arabs narrow the world. How much would Jonny, as a minority member, agree with these views of the teachers? In his last years, my grandfather started to stay in a nursing home, there was a big armchair on the left at the entrance, opposite the statue of the wife of the businessman who built the nursing home. The poor old men would discuss matters of the country while watching the news in the darkened hall in front of the wide-screen television. 43 KIBUTZ AND TRAUMA Upper floors had long corridors and rest rooms at the end of each corridor. During my last visit, when I told my mother that I was curious about the break room and wanted to go in and have a look, she told me that the room was not suitable for little ones. The resting room was the room where the elderly, who died in their warm bed at night, "rested" until the morning death report was written. The nursing home was almost out of town, with the cemetery next to it, in the morning When the elders, who woke up in joy, went out to the balcony for fresh air, they were faced with the view of the cemetery. There were vines in every corner of the large hall, and the whole place was filled with the smell of cleaning medicine. From where I was sitting, I could see the cleaning ladies, the nurses, the people who came to visit. My grandfather and his friend were talking about how disrespectful young people are and how low their pensions are. Every morning, my grandfather's friend would hand the officer on duty a white sheet of paper with four phone numbers on it, and the officer would dial one of the first three numbers from the pay phone. Years later, the officer and my grandfather's friend, who dialed the fourth number, said after a long phone conversation, "Hurray! It turns out I have another son!" said. My grandfather is a man who speaks little, prefers long-sleeved warm clothes even in summer, sits close enough to cling to the stove in winter, gets up early in the morning and exercises. In the last years of his life, he was stuck in the library at the nursing home. We did not know what he was doing there, his friends used to say that he read until the spring and slept with the first rays of the sun. We understood what he was doing there after he died, and he read almost every book in the library, wrote small letters on the last pages, and included his own memories between the lines. I learned about my grandfather's life between these lines. My father's father remained a question mark for me. My father, Nec, wouldn't talk about it. Reading these notes, having this experience has gone from being just a partner to just an abstract morality, "Arbeit machtfrei!" For me, it was a turning point with the power of the condemnation that a person takes all his life without feeling that the education on the subject is his own. Months later, when Jonny returned to school, I had the courage to go to him, and we had the opportunity to have a short chat in the hallway. Jonny never attributed his accidents to his being non-Jewish. He wasn't afraid of the school bums. Jonny was a hardworking student who won a scholarship to our school. His parents wouldn't throw a birthday party at home, because they lived in a cottage. I learned all this only after months of making frequent trips to their homes. When I went to their house one afternoon, Jonny was not at home, he had gone to dump two boxes of ash from the stove in the garbage. An unfired charcoal was placed in the middle of the square prism-shaped object made of wood without any side faces. When the quilt was laid on the wooden prism, the heat could stay under the quilt. At the first stage, I just put my feet under the covers, hesitantly. Breathing the gas produced by the coal had an effect on me, my eyes suddenly began to close, and I began to think that I would fall asleep until my friend came. Jonny's younger sister, on the other hand, was careful to always stay on the quilt while doing her homework because she knew what would happen to her. In schools like mine, the non-Jewish minority students had their privileges. They were not allowed to attend Hebrew classes, they were exempted from attending the Sabbath, visiting the synagogue, singing the Israeli National Anthem. In kibbutz, we were divided into groups with an older person at the head of each, and part of the day was spent in activities that could be considered normal in such a meeting. Breakfast, football, basketball games, group fights were never missing. In those years, information about the Iran-Iraq War was given in every news hour of black and white television. The first notes in my grandfather's notebook are about the first day he set foot in Turkey. While STRUMA was buried in the dark waters of the Black Sea with a torpedo sent from a submarine, he miraculously crossed the raging waves and landed. As the mountains rise where the sea ends in northern Turkey, my grandfather began to climb rapidly towards the dark mountains, the only color he saw was green. He tried to tell his troubles in the mountain village he first encountered and rested in the guesthouse of the village. He writes that he started to learn some Turkish words in his memoirs after days spent in that mountain village with headache, weakness and high fever. In his notes, my grandfather writes that the rapid rise of the fascists in the German-46 NECIP ERDOĞAN or the Jews were ineffective in this process. When he came to work in the morning, he wrote that he thought that the star of David painted on his door was made by a few fascist clowns, and that he thought it was an exceptional case and how naive it was. The country where he lived for years, his loved ones; He could not imagine that he would have to go on a ship with his clothes on and set off for a country whose habits, history, and language did not know. It is written in my grandfather's notebook that Jewish immigrants who fled the war in Turkey in 1945 and became Turkish citizens had no difficulty in entering the country. For a mathematics teacher who did not speak Turkish, this country was the land of opportunities. Finding a job would not be difficult, and the capital of the modern Turkish Republic had become a center of scientific excellence. Seminars and symposiums on science, art and philosophy are regularly held in faculties. hopes were made. In Istanbul in 1945, it was quite normal in this country for a young and beautiful woman to return to a poor Jewish immigrant who owed money to the hotel where her father and a rich Jew, who was a citizen of the Republic of Turkey, said that it was appropriate for her to marry her daughter. My mother Nes was born in a small apartment of one room and one living room on the street where a chicken farm and large wheat fields are located. *** 47 KIBUTZ AND TRAUMA It all started for me in class when Jonny fell to the floor. The school principal started a disciplinary investigation against us. My father, Nec, had met with the counselor. The guidance teacher explained that the incident was an accident and that the students often joked in this way. Nec was not satisfied with this explanation. He promised me that this kind of incident would not happen again. He did not pay special attention to me or Jonny in the later years, the only subject he paid special attention to was the science center. In the afternoons I would be alone with the maid, Jon would come in after lunch, thanks to me, he played video games for the first time in his life. Jonny had fallen behind in classes and I was trying to help him, I was feeling guilty towards him. After class, the maid brought cookies and hot milk. Jonny wasn't a member of the rich club I belong to. My father always had a lot of money, he took care of the education of the poor children who were brought up in kibutz. He would make the necessary expenses for different experiments in the science center. I never saw Nec's father. My father's childhood was also spent on the Kibbutz, and his mysterious father, who only paid for his expenses, thought the only way to father him was to pay for private school fees. During the summer, Jonny had jumped into the pool in our garden, even though he couldn't swim. When I came to save him, he started to pull me to the bottom with all his strength. The attendants, who wiped the tables around the pool, jumped into the pool without taking off their clothes and got the two of us out with difficulty. 48 NECİP ERDOĞAN Why would a person who could not swim jump from the second floor of a jumping tower? When I took a few strokes and came near him, he was suspended in the water, eyes open awaiting death. Some people love to open their eyes underwater, when you dive to the bottom and evacuate the air from your lungs, you have to wait patiently in the middle of the bubbles until the water brings you back to the surface. Jonny was waiting patiently like this until I came near him, not quite all the way down, but not getting to the surface either. Extending your arms, you push your body upwards and feel the transition from death to life. The blue of the sea is so vivid when you feel the sunlight! My father's life is based on numbers, why did he attempt suicide? I thought of the book Uncle Petros and the Goldbach Conjecture, which I read when I was a kid. Goldbach's Conjecture states that each prime number on the number axis can be written as the sum of two even numbers. Unsuccessful and devoting his life to prove the conjecture, Uncle Petros finds the cure in suicide. Another subject that extinguishes people's joy of life is the fifth postulate. Let us now return to Saccheri's issue of self-contradictory proof. He strove to prove Euclid's fifth postulate. There are many examples in mathematics where the principle has been successfully applied. One of the most famous of these dates back to the Pythagoreans and was solving a mathematical problem in a way that greatly annoyed them. 49 KIBUTZ AND TRAUMA When some problems were solved, it was considered appropriate to keep the solution a secret. The most important of these problems: Is it possible to find a rational number whose square is 2? is the question. The Greeks were beginning to realize that rational numbers were not sufficient for the correct development of their ideas of geometry. Today we do not needlessly worry that a given geometric quantity cannot simply be measured with rational numbers alone. This is because the concept of real numbers is very familiar to us. Although our pocket calculators only express numbers as a finite number of digits, we recognize that this is an approximation that is forced upon us by the fact that the calculator is a finite object. We are prepared to allow the ideal mathematical number to require strictly decimal expansion to continue indefinitely. This is, of course, true even for the decimal representation of most fractions. 1/3 = 0.3333 29/12 = 2.416666 9/7 = 1.285714285714285714... 237/148 = 1.601351351351… The decimal expansion for a fraction is always ultimately periodic, that is, after a certain point the infinite sequence of digits goes to infinity. means that it consists of some finite sequence repeated. The repeating sequences in the examples above are 3, 6, 285714, and 135, respectively. Decimal expansions were not available for the ancient Greeks 50 NECIP ERDOĞAN, but they had their own way of dealing with irrational numbers. What they actually adopted was a system of representing numbers in terms of what are now called continuous fractions. It is not necessary to go into all the details here, but some brief comments are appropriate. Continuous i is a fraction, finite or infinite expression: a + (b + (c + (d +…) -1)-1)-1 where a, b, c, d are positive integers. Any rational number greater than 1 can be written to terminate an expression like this: 52/9 = 5+ (1+ (3+ (2) -1)-1)-1 and less than 1 to represent a positive rational , we let the first integer in the expression be zero. To express an irrational real number, we let the continued fraction expression go on indefinitely. Some examples: √2 = 1 + (2+ (2+ (2 +….)-1)-1)-1 7-√3= 5+ (3+ (1+ (2+ (1+ (2+) (1+ (2…) -1)-1)-1)-1)-1)-1) - 1) π = 3 + (7+ (15+ (1+ (292+) (1+ (1+) (1+ (2 +…)-1)-1)-1)-1)- 1)-1) - 1) As noted above in the familiar decimal notation, it is rational numbers that ultimately have periodic expressions. 51 KIBUTZ AND TRAUMA On the other hand, we can see that rational numbers now always have a finite definition, a strength of the Greek fractional representation. A natural question to ask in this context is: What numbers ultimately have a periodic continuous fraction representation? This is a remarkable theorem, which proved for the first time to our knowledge by the great mathematician Lagrange, that numbers whose representation in terms of continued fractions are ultimately periodic are what are called quadratic irrationals. What is quadratic irrational and what is its significance for Greek geometry? A number that can be written in the form a+sqrt(b) where a and b are fractions and b is not a perfect square. Such numbers are important in geometry because they are the most important rational numbers encountered in ruler and compass structures. Special examples of quadratic irrationals are when a = 0 and b is a natural number or rational greater than 1. The continuous fractional representation of such a number is particularly striking. Including quadratic irrationals gives us a correct path to sufficient numbers for Euclidean geometry, but it does not provide all the necessary information. Numbers like sqrt(a + sqrt(b)) are extensively covered in Euclid's tenth and most difficult book. The Greeks had found a way to describe numbers that turned out to be sufficient for Euclidean geometry. These numbers are actually real numbers in modern terminology. 52 NECIP ERDOĞAN Although a fully satisfactory definition of these numbers was not found until the 19th century, Eudoxos, one of the students of the plateau, the great ancient astronomer, had already acquired the basic ideas in the 4th century. It would be appropriate here to say a few words about the ideas of Eudoxos. First, we must remember that numbers in Euclidean geometry can be expressed in terms of ratios of lengths, not directly in terms of lengths. My father always warned me and my sister Din about this. The first step in Eudoxan theory was to provide a criterion for when an aspect ratio a:b would be greater than a c:d ratio. Eudoxos actually had a real concept of numbers in terms of length ratios. It also provided rules for the sum and multiplication of such real numbers. There was a fundamental difference in perspective, but between the Greek real number and the modern one, the Greeks saw the irrational number given to us as the concept of distance in physical space. Real physical objects existing in this space inevitably lagged behind the Platonic ideal. Maybe it was the Platonic world of ideas that drove my father to suicide. I must read the notebook we have used since childhood, relive its memories until the morning. I remember drawing a square on the first page, something like a square drawn in sand or a cube hewn out of marble, and Din had drawn a circle. 53 KIBUTZ AND TRAUMA My father Nec always said, "The measure of distance in simple geometry will be something to be determined accordingly, it would be convenient to try to deduce the concept of real numbers from the geometric units of an assumed Euclidean space to be given." he would say. In fact, this is what Eudoxos accomplished! My father, Nec, used to say that Jews could be forced to leave the country where they were born and raised at any time, so they should not be content with knowing a language that is not spoken in any other country or laws that are not applied anywhere else, and that they should choose professions that will work for them in any situation. That's why we had to become doctors, engineers, or traders, because that's what will keep you alive, regardless of what our neighbors say about you. People always talk about the Jews, claiming that we have snatched other people's jobs, loaned money at interest, exploited workers, and taken over the world economy. Science and economics, in particular, must be in our hands if we are to survive independently. My grandmother's pregnancy was risky. Diabetes and high blood pressure were causing problems. At that time, the symptoms were quite effective, and deaths due to pregnancy poisoning were common. Little was known about the health of pregnant women about cigarettes and viruses, which means that although the Nazis had advanced knowledge about conducting live experiments on Jews, they did not advance enough... 54 NECİP ERDOĞAN İ
stay satisfied. I'm dreaming while solving the integral; I'm studying physics and mathematics at the same time after I won the university, then I become the youngest professor of the Polytechnic Institute. I always preferred to be alone. I never felt like I belonged in Germany. I persistently stayed away from language, religion and race relations. A person who lives like this has, of course, lost something of his social life energy. On the other hand, by making himself independent from the opinions of others, he did not base his stance on these foundations. Six forty-five alarm sounds and everyone wakes up, mom turns off the alarm, puts water on and washes her face. I lift the blackout curtain and a new day begins in the room, my uncle takes the fountain pen and writes history in his diary, he let me take this pen to school when I was ten but I had to keep this pen a year later, my homeroom teacher only let me use the school pen. We signed diaries and compositions with this fountain pen, and most importantly, I wrote the formula E=m.c2, which went down in history, with this pen. Something happens every day, but I have no cure to tell you, my dear clone, you are living in the future that I always dreamed of when I was young, actually I always predicted the future! Yes, that's right, you can predict the future dear E1, at first this ability sounds great, predicting how the first human colonies on Mars will live, knowing that the distribution of prime numbers will be found, and knowing that the Poincare conjecture will be solved by Perelmann, who is Jewish like me. Would you like to predict what the civilizations on earth will be like in 500 or a million years, but to learn the details of the painful events that await you? Would you like to know the date when your mother or father will die? Don't worry my dear clone E1, I've dealt with this issue for you, if my invention of quantum physics is correct, it will not be possible to predict the future no matter how perfect computers are made by humans, 1905 was the year my life changed for me, the principle behind photocells that convert sunlight into electricity I just published my article explaining it. In this article I have said that light is now made up of invisible bundles of energy called quanta. I explained that light is absorbed when it comes into contact with matter. Newton had also worked on light before me. I'm talking about Isaac NEW TON, the original of your friend clone N1. My article received a great response in the first days, but after a while it turned out that I was right. Quantum physics tells us that you cannot know everything you want to know about subatomic particles all at once. Matter consists of electrons, neutrons, and protons, and what we can know about them is limited by nature. You can only calculate the consequences of events. Yes, quantum physics is my invention, but this invention will not last forever, my dear clone E1, a day will come, the improbable world hidden under the world will be discovered. "After you died, people named manifolds with certain properties after you. An Einstein manifold is a manifold that has a fixed ratio between curvature and metric." said E1. 67 KIBUTZ AND TRAUMA When he got no answer, he began to think that the spirit of the gifted man had left him. "Why me?" he said to himself. "There are many cloned people like me, but none of them talk about soul transformation." "You have to stop them!" said Einstein, the genius physicist back in E1's body, which startled the poor clone. "You have to stop them, innocent people died because of my mistake in 1945, if you don't stop the science center, history will repeat itself, I want you to get together with copycats like you and organize them." E1 seemed to see the famous scientist with his tongue sticking out and graying hair while hearing these words. The person he was closest to at the science center was N1, a replica of Isaac Newton. Every day we would shut up in our room and spend hours studying the Riemann–Zeta function, trying to figure out how the prime numbers were distributed. The science center wanted the solution of "MILLIUM PROBLEMS". These problems represent the deepest mysteries in mathematics today. They think some of these questions will lead to useful applications in effective drug treatments, strict cybersecurity encryption standards. Our simulations with N1 showed that there is a mass gap in the solution of the Yang-Mills equations relative to their quantum version. I would very much like to contact Einstein right now. What are their thoughts on Yang-Mills equations?
is This separation continued throughout the Middle Ages, but began to disappear at the beginning of the new age. After the merger and mutual interaction of the two traditions, science in the modern sense began to emerge. It is based on an effective fusion of the two traditions of scientific thinking and research effort, the technical skills that enable experimentation, and the theoretical work that leads to conceptual thinking. Man's desire to dominate nature and his effort to understand are as old as human history. The birth of modern science awaited the union of these two aspirations. However, even in the life of the first man it is difficult to say that these two wishes were completely separate. Because, the first people used their simple technical skills in their relationship with human-nature, as well as resorted to some irrational ways such as magic. In fact, the purpose of magic is to influence nature: to heal the dying patients, to prevent expected natural disasters, to destroy the enemies, etc. We can find the same purpose in fairy tales or stories about the existence and order of the world that persist in various cultures from place to place. The reason for the creation and existence of the Sun, Moon and stars is imagined as eliminating the fear of human beings in the face of life and death, providing the security and comfort they seek. Even in magic, there was always the idea that nature did not change at will, that it had to obey certain laws. Early humans knew that they could not save themselves from the fact that fire always burns, water wets, the sun is bright, winters are cold and summers are hot. However, magic and myth are not directly the cause of the birth of science. The birth of science was caused by the passion for understanding and knowing, as well as the effort to control nature. "What is the history of science and technology?" We can briefly define the answer to the question as the birth and development story of science and technology. The purpose of the history of science and technology; to examine the emergence, dissemination and conditions of use of objective knowledge and technique, and to provide a certain direction, a way of thinking, and even a broader perspective. The history of science and technology tries to achieve its purpose not by listing the results achieved in various branches of science, but rather by explaining these results in the context of the conditions they depend on. Its task is not to be a catalog study of facts and inventions, but to follow and reveal the birth and development of scientific concepts, theories, techniques and understanding. I was snapped out of my thoughts when Din suddenly entered. "How are you dad? I've been reading the workbook for days, why is it so important to you to solve millennium problems?" 93 KIBUTZ AND TRAUMA Religion had reached everything I tried to hide, the genetic codes of the biological weapon we had created were now deciphered. "I only shared this secret with my daughter Shem, Din." "You don't have a daughter named Shem, the memories you wrote belong to me, you need treatment, you're sick dad!" Religion was jealous of my daughter Shem, I was going to leave the science center to her, Shem was my only heir. My daughter would use our weapon, the vaccine of which is only in the Israeli Government, where necessary, my life may not be enough for this, but I trusted Şem. "Call me Shem, Din, now!" At this time, the security guards and paramedics of the science center had entered, and Din began to cry. "I beg you, don't hurt my father!" Avn was waiting behind the white-coat attendants, avoiding my eyes. He took my hand as if I were a small child and handed me over to the officers. END