Chapter 5

"Hi Miss, what can I help you?" asked one of the workers in the photo studio. Lia was still stunned by the photo in front of her. When she was about to ask the worker, she saw Dan just finished talking to the person just now.

"Lia, I'm sorry, I didn't notice that you've arrived." Said Dan as he walked towards her.

"It's okay hyung, she's my friend… I called her just now…" said Dan to Jisung, the worker who was about to assists Lia just now.

Then, Jisung saw the girl in the photo and Lia looked the same and know the reason why Dan was taking care of the photo carefully just now.

**2 hours ago**

Both of them were in the photo studio, arranging the photos that their customers will be picking up today. Till this one photo that Jisung was holding, he got scolded by Dan.

"Hyung, be careful when you hold the photo. It's precious! I'm gonna give it to her today…" said Dan as he took the photo from Jisung. Then, he carefully places the photo on the chair.

"Good." Smiled Dan. *she's gonna love this* thought Dan with a smile

"Is she your girlfriend?" asked Jisung as he went near Dan and crossed his arms looking at the photo.

"She's just a friend…" said Dan slowly. *for now* thought Dan. Jisung who saw him looking at the photo with a smile on his face know that Dan sure got a crush on this girl.

"Okay then… I hope she likes the photo~" said Jisung. Then, he continued arranging the photos and flip the 'open' signboard for their photo studio.


"Alright then, I'll leave you two alone… let me assists the other customers~" said Jisung and leave both of them as he saw a customer was waiting at the counter. Both of them were staying silence for a while.

"I believe you've seen the photo?" asked Dan nervously.

"Y-yeah… when did you take it?" asked Lia curiously and she touches the photo frame while looking at the photo with a smile.

"I took it when we met at the Han River that day…" answered Dan

"Did you like it?" asked Dan as he takes a look at Lia nervously.

Actually, he wanted to surprise Lia but then, Lia has seen the photo first before he could surprise her.

"Yeah, I like it. You're a good photographer!" exclaimed Lia happily and Dan was glad to see her reaction.

"You can have it~" said Dan.

"W-what? You're giving it to me?" asked Lia in confusion.

Dan nodded. "It's your photo.... and the reason why I asked you out today because I wanna give it to you…" explained Dan and Lia just couldn't stop looking at the photo. The sunset, the river, the editing of the photo, she just couldn't believe the girl who was in the photo was actually her.

"It's beautiful…" said Lia admires the photo.

"Thank you, Dan." Beamed Lia.

A few minutes later, both of them bid Jisung a goodbye and Dan was asking permission from him to go home early to send Lia home safely.

"I drive my car today… but… before I send you home, should we take a walk for a while?" asked Dan.

Lia nodded. "Yeah, sure." Said Lia. Then, both of them were taking a stroll at the Yeoiudo Park. Most of the trees there have turned yellow and oranges knowing that autumn is finally here. At the park, there's a lot of people taking a stroll too. There's a couple, a family, and many more. Both of them were walking side by side with their hands brushing against each other.

Lia, who noticed it can feel that her cheeks feeling warm and it has turned slightly pink. *we're not, holdings hands yet so why am I blushing?* thought Lia. Then, she noticed a cotton candy stall in the park.

"Cotton candy!" exclaimed Lia happily. Without she knows, she took Dan hand and dragged him there.

"Ahjussi, can I get the bunny cotton candy please?" ordered Lia. Then, she turned her head to Dan and offered him too.

"Do you want it too?" asked Lia but Dan shook his head with a chuckle. "Sorry, I'm not into sweet things…" said Dan. "I was thinking of treating you something after you gave me that photo…" said Lia sadly. Then, Dan saw the ahjussi was selling a cheesy corndog too.

"Okay then, you can buy me the cheesy corndog~" said Dan.

"Alright~" said Lia feeling happy. All she wanted to do was to thank him after giving him the beautiful photo. What her mom had taught is that if people being nice to her, she had to be nice to them too. And to repay Dan, she wanted to buy him something.

"Here," said Lia as she gave him the corndog while her right hand, she was holding the cute bunny cotton candy.

"Thanks~" smiled Dan as he took the corndog from her.

"So cuteeee" said Lia as she takes out her phone and wanted to take a selfie with the cotton candy. Dan saw how struggle she was, offered her a help.

"Give me the phone... I'll take it for you…" said Dan as he took the phone.

Then, Lia was standing while pretending to kiss the bunny cotton candy. She looks so cute to Dan. For the first time ever, Dan saw how expressive Lia is. The way she looked excited when she saw the cotton candy stall, and they she seemed sad when she wanted to buy him something. He has never seen her like this before.

"Done." Said Dan and gave her the phone so she could take a look at it.

"Oh my, you're such an amazing photographer!" said Lia happily. "Can we take a selfie too?" asked Lia and he nodded. Dan went near her and make a victory sign while Lia was smiling still holding the bunny cotton candy.

"Click!" the photo has been captured.

Then, both of them continued their strolling at the park, walking side by side while Lia is eating the cotton candy slowly.

"Aren't you curious like why I'm in photo studio today?" asked Dan suddenly. Lia nodded slowly. Well, she is curious why Dan suddenly wanna meet her at the photo studio. And when she arrived there, she saw Dan was assisting the customers, helping Jisung and so on.

"I-I am curious… but I don't wanna ask because you would probably think that I'm a nosy person…" answered Lia.

"The photo studio was owned by me and Jisung hyung… we started the business earlier this year…" said Dan as he inserts his hands in his pockets while Lia was listening to him. "We both love photography and we save up some money and opened the business." Explained Dan and Lia was amazed by it.

She admired how passionate he is towards things that he likes and turn his dream into reality. He loves photography, he saved up some money, and he finally managed to open a shared business with Jisung. But Lia? She knows she could never do that. She doesn't even know what she wants. She has so many things that she wants to achieve, but none of it has been achieved by her yet. Plus, she's not even confident, whether she could do it or not.

"Jisung hyung is actually my older cousin… if you're curious to know why we're very close~" said Dan.

"No wonder you both look so close~" said Lia and grinned.

"About your photo… I'm entering a competition." Said Dan. "so while I was looking through some photos and editing it, I saw your photo… so I edited it and thought of giving it to you…" added Dan.

"So have you choose which photo that you're gonna submit to the competition?" asked Lia but Dan shook his head. "Not yet. I don't know which one… because in order to choose a photo, we need a story and justification… but now, I don't have any idea… but it's okay… the last date to submit it is next month. I have plenty of time." Smiled Dan and Lia nodded.

"What will be the prize?" asked Lia in curious.

"Our photo will be shown in a photography exhibition alongside with a famous photographer." Answered Dan.

Lia has read a few things about this before. If someone who is so into a photography and manage to exhibit their photography at the exhibition, it would be a great milestone for them to sell their work and be well-known.

"Then I wish you a good luck~" said Lia and smiled. With that, Dan literally smiled too.

"Thanks, Lia." Said Dan.

Then, both of them got a dinner together at a nearby restaurant and seeing the sky has turned darker, feeling worried about Lia going home alone by bus, Dan decided to drive Lia home. Little did both of them know, while they were having their dinner together, someone was watching both of them from afar.

As soon as Lia got home safely, she hurriedly took a shower. Once she's done, she went to her study table and turned on her laptop wanting to know her readers comment on her new story.

"Daebak. First chapter is already cute!"

"Update soon author-nim~"

"I'll support you author-nim… this story is so cute!"

"Another masterpiece by SilverStar <3"

Lia was smiling reading her readers comment. One of the reasons why she likes writing is the positive comments that she got from her readers. 'SilverStar' is her pen name and most of the reader will mention her by that name. Then, she started to write a new chapter for her readers.

"Dear Dahlia"

"Chapter 2"

Dahlia just got back from the library after studying for the quiz tomorrow and little she did not know, the sky has turned cloudy knowing that it would rain soon. How unlucky she was, she forgot to bring the umbrella. Therefore, she was standing in front of the library waiting for the rain to stop. After a few minutes of waiting, the rain hasn't stopped yet and it's almost half past six. She really has to go home now or else she couldn't take a bus. Peak hour has a lot of people. Suddenly, a kind man offered her and umbrella. It was that guy. Daniel. "Here, take it. I hope you won't be late for the bus… its peak hour, be careful." Said Daniel and left her with his umbrella in her hand. "T-thank you…" blushed Dahlia feeling happy.

Then, she walked to the bus stop while holding the umbrella feeling happy and thank goodness, the bus was not the full of people. She got home with a smile plastered on her face."


While Lia was writing that chapter, it reminds her back to that day. The day when Dan helped her during that rainy day. She was standing at the bus stop nearby her house and she couldn't walk in the rain because she forgot to bring her own umbrella. After blaming herself for being so careless, someone offered her the umbrella and it was Dan. Ever since that day, she had a crush on him.