Chapter 7

"Alright class, that's all for today and I'll see you all after mid semester break." Said Professor Kim and he left the lecture hall. "Guys, are we having any discussion today regarding on the data that we have collected yesterday?" asked Donghoon towards his groupmates. "Yeah, we should. Let's discuss in the library-"before In Ha could continue, Dan cut her lines.

"Sorry guys, me and Lia are not free today… I'm driving her to the hospital…" said Dan as he stands up but got stopped by Donghoon.

"Wait. Is she sick? She cried yesterday…" said Donghoon feeling worried about her.

"Her dad got into an accident and broke his leg so we are visiting him today…" answered Dan and Donghoon nodded.

"Okay then, we can discuss it tomorrow…right, In Ha?" asked Donghoon but he saw that In Ha looked so annoyed.

"Yah, chill… he was only accompanying him…" said Donghoon tried to calm her down.

"Shut up." Mad In Ha as she leaves the hall.

Meanwhile, Lia, who was packing her things, noticed that Dan was waiting for her in front of her seat. "Dan… what's wrong?" asked Lia as she stands up.

"I know you're gonna visit your dad… come on, we'll go together… I'll drive you there… plus, I think it might rain outside…" said Dan when suddenly she heard a thunderstorm. Lia couldn't make an excuse and decided to agree with him.

While they were on their way, both of them were being silenced and the only thing that can be heard is the sound of the rain and the music that was playing on the radio with a lower volume.

"Has your dad awake?" asked Dan as he broke the silence.

"Yeah… my mom said he woke up this morning…" answered Lia and Dan was glad to hear it.

"Thank you Dan for driving me there… I'm really sorry we have to cancel out discussion today…" said Lia feels very sorry to her groupmates. She had to leave early yesterday and today, they had to cancel the discussion because of her. She felt very guilty right now.

"There's no need for you to be sorry… I'm sure they understand you… don't worry about it, alright?" said Dan softly.

"Plus, we can discuss it tomorrow and this Friday, the student council will have a camping. It's an annual event that we will do during our mid semester break… we will have a few students from each faculty to join the camping… since I'm the President, I want you to join the camping too representing our faculty… how about that?" asked Dan as he steer the steering wheel.

"W-what, me?" Asked Lia in surprised. To be honest, she has never joined a camping before, even during her school days. But now, camping with the other students from other faculty and she will be the representative from her faculty? That's a big no for an introvert person like her. She hates attention and she hates being in a place with lots of people.

Dan, who saw how worried and anxious she is when he mentioned it, he stops the car when the traffic light turns red and take a look at her for a while.

"Lia," called Dan and Lia turned her face to the left to look at Dan.

"Why not you treat this as one of the memories that you will have during your study days? Come on, it's not that bad… I'll be there and also, I saw the list name, your best friend Liyli will be there too… so why not you think about it and inform me tomorrow, okay?" said Dan. He is so soft spoken towards her and Lia likes it. He never raises his voice at her. Whenever she's scared, or being worried about something, he would talk to her softly, trying to assure her that everything will be okay.

"Okay, I'll let you know tomorrow…" said Lia and smiled.

A few minutes later, finally they've arrived at the hospital. As soon as she arrived, she saw Liyli was in the room talking with her family.

"Liyli, you didn't tell me that you're coming…" said Lia. Lilyli who saw her best friend straight away hug her. "I'm sorry I wasn't here last night and help you…" pouted Liyli.

"That's okay… Dan was with me last night… he helped us a lot~" said Lia

"Oh… so is he here today?" asked Liyli and Lia nodded.

"Yeah, he told me he wanted to buy some food…" answered Lia and a few minutes later, Dan arrived with two plastic bags in his hands. "Oh my… you bought a lot things…" said Mrs. Han as she took he bags from him.

"It's okay Mrs. Han… it's for you and Mr. Han... And also for Lia's younger siblings too… they can eat it if they're hungry…" smiled Dan.

"Well, thank you very much Dan…" thanks Mrs. Han and was grateful to know that Lia has a friend like him apart from Liyli.

"How are you dad? I was so worried about you yesterday…. Pouted Lia as she hold her father's hand.

"I'm okay sweetheart... I just broke my leg… I'm fine… sorry I got you so worried…" said Mr. Han trying to assure his daughter that he is fine.

"How did this happen, Mr. Han?" asked Dan.

"I don't know… I was walking while looking at my phone when suddenly, a man took my phone and ran away… I was about to chase him when suddenly, I didn't see a motorcycle coming on my right side and I got hit by the motorcycle." Explained Mr. Han.

"You got robbed too?!" surprised Lia and Mr. Han nodded.

"Dad, next time don't look at your phone while walking and please, be alert with your surrounding... robbers are everywhere…" said Lia in a serious manner.

"Arrasseo… don't worry, I promise." Said Mr. Han.

While all of them were talking, both Jun ah and Mina has just arrived from school. As soon as they entered the room, both of them were surprised and happy to see that their father has awake.

"DAD!!" exclaimed both Jun ah and Mina in unison and straight away hugged Mr. Han

"You got me worried…" cried Mina and Mr. Han wiped her tears.

"I'm okay…" said Mr. Han

"Dad, you know how she won't stop saying that you won't wake up? Aishhh this girl got me so annoyed." Said Jun and that makes both Mr. and Mrs. Han laughing hearing their little arguments.

"Hey you two, we're in a hospital now. Behave please." Said Lia as their elder sister. Then, Jun ah saw Dan was with them too. "Oh, hyung!" greeted Jun ah "thank you for last night… if you're not here I bet my sister will be crying a river because she's scared~" teased Jun ah

"Yah!" yelled Lia as she was about to punch him.

"Unnie, is he your boyfriend? He followed you everywhere~" asked Mina loud enough for both Lia and Liyli to hear. "Eyyyy no… he's just a friend~" said Lia but Mina noticed that her sister's cheeks are turning red.

"Then why are you blushing, huh?" teased Mina

"Because she had a crush on Dan!" said Liyli trying to expose her and Lia hit her arms lightly.

"Yah, stop it!" said Lia and shook her head. Then, all of them were chatting together till evening before Liyli excuse herself to go first because she had a part time job and her shift at the café starts at six in the evening later. Later, both Lia and Dan excused themselves too, and Dan offered both Jun ah and Mina to drive them home too.


It's Thursday and a day before they go for a camping. Two days ago, after thinking for so long, Lia finally decided to join the camping too. He texted Dan in the middle of the night and told him that she will be joining the camping too. However, she doesn't know what to pack for the camping. She was about to call Liyli but she won't pick up. Probably because she still had her evening class or she's at the café for her part time job. Then, Lia decided to call Dan to ask him on what to pack. When Lia was about to hang up, Dan picked up the phone call.

"Lia, what's wrong?" asked Dan

"O-oh, hi Dan!" greeted Lia feeling so shy suddenly.

"Do you need any help?" asked Dan.

Lia saw that he was in his room and a pile of clothes was on his bed and Lia assumed that he was packing his clothes too for tomorrow.

"Are you packing now?" asked Lia as she sits on her chair.

"Yup." Answered Dan. Then, he noticed that Lia wanted to ask him something and he was guessing probably that Lia might confuse and do not know what to pack as it will be her first time go for a camping.

"I'm guessing you need help on what to pack, am I right?" asked Dan suddenly and that made Lia startled. *am I that obvious?* thought Lia.

"Y-yeah… I don't know what to bring…" answered Lia.

"There's no need to bring anything… just bring your clothes and a few snacks if you want. It's a glamping site… everything has been prepared… even the tent~" said Dan.

"Really?" asked Lia as she sound so surprised and Dan found her cute. She really thought that she had to bring all those camping equipment and need to set up everything on her own later.

"Yeah, no worries… don't worry too much, you're gonna have a lot of fun later~" smiled Dan tries to assure her that everything will be okay.

"Thanks Dan." Said Lia and smiled too.

Then both of them were having a little conversation about things that had happened to each of them today since both of them couldn't meet each other due to different class schedule as it was an elective class. They talked for a while till Lia said that she had to go and start packing her clothes. After she had done packing her clothes, Lia turned on her laptop to start writing about her new chapter. It's been a while she hasn't updated a new chapter.

"Dear Dahlia"

"Chapter 6"

Both Dahlia and Daniel starts talking towards each other when they got paired with a mini project for their class. Both of them starts to hang out with each other and even shared some small things that had happened to them. One day, as soon as they've finished their lecture for that day, Dahlia got a phone call from her sister saying that her father got into an accident. Dahlia was too panicked, not knowing what to do, she instantly squatted down and cried. Daniel who was standing next to her, was surprised by her sudden action.

"Dahlia, what's wrong?!" asked Daniel in worried.

"We gotta go to the hospital Daniel… my dad got into an accident." Cried Dahlia.

With that, Daniel straight away drives them to the hospital. As soon as they got there, luckily nothing serious happened to her father. What Dahlia noticed is that, ever since they've reached the hospital, Daniel did everything for her family. He helped them. By registering, and even bought some drinks for her family, especially her mom to calm her down. She was thankful to have him by her side. After a few hours her dad got out of the surgery room, Daniel saw that Dahlia looked very sad. She was about to cry, but he can see that she was holding her tears no to cry in front of her family. So Daniel took her out from the room and he hugged her.

"It's okay. You can cry, I'm here…" said Dan as he caressed her hair gently.

With that, she cried in his embrace.

"Thanks, Daniel." Said Dahlia.