Chapter 9

At night, the barbeque has been prepared and most of the students are enjoying their barbeque together for the dinner. While Dan, he was busying taking photos of the students having fun. "Oi Mr. President, come on, let's eat stop taking photos~" said Dong Hoon teasing him. "Okay okay~" said Dan as he took a seat next to Dong Hoon and his other friend.

"Yah, should we play games later?" asked Haru as he drinks a can of soda.

"Oh my god, YES WE SHOULD!" shouted Dong Hoon with full excitement.

"You guys can go ahead, I have things to do~" said Dan refusing to play the games with them by knowing that they are gonna get drunk tonight. "Then, should we both hang out? It's been a while we didn't have a small talk~" said In Ha tries to hang out with Dan as he refused to play games with the other boys.

"Sorry In Ha, I'm not free…" answered Dan and finished his coke and left the table leaving them. Meanwhile, Lia was having the barbeque together with Liyli and she can't stop praising how good the food is.

"I wish we could be a student forever~" said Lilyli suddenly.

"Why is that?" chuckled Lia

"Think about it, if we have become an adult, we might be too busy with working and can't even have our own break… it's our senior year and we're gonna graduate soon…" said Liyli as she eats the sausages.

"Speaking about it, have you found a company for your internship yet?" asked Lia and Liyli.

"Yup. Got an email from them yesterday and I got accepted. Guess where?" asked Liyli as she raised her eyebrows.

"One of the tv station in South Korea?" guessed Lia "it's TVS Company!" said Liyli in excitement.

"Oh my god, isn't that the tv station company that you really wanna work with?" asked Lia and Liyli nodded. "Yup! Later on, you might see me as one of the announcers in that tv station~" said Liyli happily imagining she's working in the tv station.

"What about you?" asked Liyli in curious.

"I got rejected… I need to find another company before next month…" pouted Lia sadly.

"That's okay, I pray that you will get a call from another company before next month~" said Liyli and Lia was so grateful to have her as her friend. No matter how sad and happy she is, Lily will always be there for her. No, they always have each other.

At midnight, both Liyli and In Ha had fallen into slumber, but Lia was busy typing on her laptop for her new story. While she was too busy typing on her story, her phone beeped and she got a text from Dan.

"Are you asleep?" asked Dan

"No, what's wrong? You can't sleep?" replied Lia

"Come out to the pool for a while, I wanna show you something…" said Dan.

*to the pool?* thought Lia but replied an 'ok' to Dan and straight away took her jacket as it's getting colder in the middle of the night and left the tent slowly without making any noises scared if she wakes Liyli and In Ha up. One thing that she forgot to do is to turn off her laptop. As soon as she came out from the tent, the noises that she heard from other students getting drunk was not there anymore. It was pin drop silence. The only thing that can be heard is the sounds of the cricket as camping site is in the middle of a forest.

While she was walking to the pool, she saw a familiar figure was sitting near the pool and it was Dan. As she walked near him while embracing herself. Even though she put on her jacket, the weather was just too cold for her.

"Dan," called Lia

Dan, who was lost in thought, noticed that Lia had called for him and called her to sit next to him.

"Lia-ah, come here~" said Dan and usher her to sit next to him. Then, Lia walked towards him and sat next to him. Dan noticed that she was trembling.

"Cold?" asked Dan and Lia nodded.

"Sorry I asked you out suddenly…" said Dan as he takes off his jacket and put on Lia.

"It's okay Dan, aren't you cold?" asked Lia in concern and was about to give his jacket back.

"That's okay, I'm not that cold~" said Dan and he fixed his jacket on Lia.

"What did you wanna show me? Is it another photo?" guessed Lia playfully. Making Dan laughed at her guesses.

"No~" chuckled Dan "look at the sky…" added Dan and both Lia and him looked up at the sky and it really amazed Lia.

"Wow, there are so many stars…." Amazed Lia as she looked up at the sky with a smile plastered on her face. Dan can see it how much she loves stars. He remembered on the day they went on a site visit, eating the Dalgona and Lia told him the reason why she likes stars.

"I remembered that you like the stars so much so that's why I called you here… thank god you're not asleep yet." Smiled Dan. Then, he saw Lia extended her hands in the sky trying to pick one of the stars while smiling.

"Do you think I could have it one day?" asked Lia "I mean, do you think I could achieve one of my life goals one day?" asked Lia as she turned to look at Dan who was sitting next to her.

"Hmmm, could you tell me one of your life goals?" asked Dan.

"Writer. I wanna be a writer…" answered Lia in her lower voice. "Do you think I can be one of the most successful writers?" asked Lia again.

"You will, I promise." Answered Dan with a smile. Then, both of them did not utter any word and just admiring each other figure. Dan went near Lia and give her a kiss. The kiss was just enough to let them know that both of them like each other.

Without both of them knows, someone was watching over them and took a photo of them.

On the next day, Lia woke up and saw that no one was in the tent and guessing that both Liyli and In Ha had gone to take a shower. While she was walking to the shower room, she noticed that a few female student won't stop looking at glaring at her like she has just committed a crime.

*is there something on my face?* thought Lia as she entered the shower room. A few minutes later, once she's done showering and went out from the shower room, again, she saw they were looking at her. Then, she heard one of the female students said something towards her.

"Stalker." Said the girl and that made Lia stop walking.

*what?* thought Lia weirdly. As she walked near to her tent, a few boys and girls walked near her and said,


When Lia reached her tent, she saw Liyli was looking at her phone with a surprised face.

"Liyli, what's wrong? People keep on looking at me and said I'm a freak and-" but before she could finish her lines, Lilyli had showed Lia her phone screen.

"OMG LIA, LOOK!" said Liyli and showed Lia the news that she just read on her phone. It was actually a news from their Haneul forum page and most of the news and rumours will be posted in the forum. Therefore, what surprised Lia the most is that she saw her name, and a few photos of her.

'[ATTENTION] a student from urban planning department got seen went out with the student council president and caught kissing last night! What surprised the most is that she wrote a story about them on online novel. All of you can go and read her story at and she goes by the name 'silverstar'.'

Right after Lia read the title, she saw a photo of her went out with Dan, a screenshot of her online novel she's currently writing and also, a photo of them at the pool last night.

"Oh my god Liyli," said Lia as tears was pooling in her eyes.

"Who did this?" asked Lia.

"I never told anyone I'm writing a novel, and I never know that there are people who followed me around whenever I hang out with Dan… Liyli, how?" asked Lia and she starts to tremble. No wonder people has been looking at her weirdly calling her a freak, and a stalker.

"Lia, calm down." Said Liyli as she brought Lia to her bed trying to calm her down.

"Let's think… is there anyone hating you now? I mean… jealous seeing you and Dan or something?" asked Liyli. But before Lia could answer, In Ha entered the room.

"Yah, you write a story about you and Dan? What a freak." Said In Ha as she crossed her arms.

"Yah, are you the one who exposed her?!" shouted Liyli in mad.

"Are you accusing me?" asked In Ha and rolled her eyes as she can't believe that they're accusing her. "I was dead asleep last night and I don't even know she went out and kissing Dan. So how? Do you have any proof?" asked In Ha as she gritted her teeth in fury.

"Then who will do it other than you?!" shouted Liyli again.

"Enough!" yelled Lia feeling annoyed with their shouting and heard Liyli accusing In Ha. And her tears that was pooling in her eyes are streaming down her face and she ran out of the tent hiding herself from everyone.

"LIA-AH!" called Liyli and tried to look for her. While she was looking for Lia, she saw Dan was running towards her. "Liyli, have you seen Lia?" asked Dan while panting and she knows that Dan was also looking for her.

"I don't know Dan but right after I had a fight with In Ha when I accused her for doing that to Lia, she just yelled at us and she ran out of our tent while crying. But I don't know where she is hiding right now Dan… please, help me look for her…" pleaded Liyli feeling worried about her best friend. "Alright, let's look for her." Said Dan as he starts to look for her around the camping site.

"LIA-AH!" shouted Dan hoping that Lia would have called for him.

*just where are you Lia?* thought Dan in worried.