Aisha Crimson

In the meantime of the main battle, the remnants of the Crimson family, Argo's wife, and her two children were trying to escape to a safe location. In the streets they passed through, there were no people at all. They all ran away far from the southernmost part of the city, in the hope to find protection in the other areas of the Capital.

The Crimson family was running desperately,

"Mom, they almost got us!" The six years old eldest child of the woman said, worried that they couldn't make it out alive. His breath was becoming heavier and heavier as they continued fastening their pace.

"Surround them!" The strongest one of the black robe men who were following them ordered.

"Stay close to me." The mother said, as she realized that they couldn't run anymore, while counting the pursuers. She saw twenty-one of them, of whom only eight were at the heaven level, while the others were of lower levels.

"Your escape ends here," The same man said proudly, as he smiled, thinking that an ordinary woman could do nothing in such a situation, "If you surrender, we will try our best to give you a fast death." He continued, as he started grinning, while the others were laughing.

In front of him, there was probably one of the most beautiful women he had ever seen... blond hair, white skin, golden eyes... She had everything every woman could have ever desired to have. All assassins' eyes laid on her, filled with lustful desires.

"If you think that I'm powerless, just because I'm a woman..." Said the mother of the children, as she started walking towards the man who spoke such outrageous words, "I will show you... what it takes to be my husband's wife!"

At that moment, as she pointed her right hand against him, the assassins felt strange... as if a sudden fear was rising inside of them. She wasn't bluffing. Her tone was more serious than ever,

"Wasn't she just a normal person?" One of them wondered as he took two steps back.

"We never received information that she had fighting abilities," Another one answered, "We must end this quickly!"

Suddenly, an electricity flow enveloped the woman. The assassins were watching her with eyes open wide, as they couldn't believe what they were seeing,

"KILL HER IMMEDIATELY!!!" The strongest man between them screamed, as his worry continued increasing. The men started attacking straightaway, preparing for the worst.

"You will never have my children... None of you shall survive," She said, as the electricity flow around her became stronger, "Secret technique... THUNDERBOLT OF FEAR!"

In a moment, as she spoke those words, they realized the mistake they have made, by underestimating such an expert. They thought they would have killed her easily, but, at this point, they knew that to bring her down, they would have had to give their best.

A huge thunderbolt utterly destroyed an area of two hundred meters in front of her. The electricity could still be felt in the air, making the enemies still feel some electric shocks even after the thunderbolt attack ended. Three of the eight heaven level experts died instantly together with other six lower-level cultivators, while the strongest assassin, who was the person the woman was aiming for, tried to stand up again after being crushed on the ground by such an outstanding move,

"You... I know who you are... how can you still be alive??" The man the woman was looking down on asked in fear, after she came closer to him, stopping just a few steps away. A protective layer of electricity was left around her children. No one was moving, as everyone was waiting, to understand what was going on with their group's captain.

"I'm Aisha Crimson.... the last survivor of the Thunder family that the Red Moon cult massacred twenty years ago. Do you remember me??" Aisha asked provoking him, making the doubt of the captain true.

Eyes wide open, with trembling voice, the man replied,

"H-How could I forget the daughter of that awful person? How were you able to escape from that place when you were just ten years old?!"

"The person who you call awful was MY FATHER! I saw you kill him in front of my eyes!!" She answered in complete anger, as she remembered what she had felt that day when her face had got stained with her father's blood. Aisha prepared to strike again, pointing her hand at the sky, "Even if I had to die here, I would bring you all down with me!" Threatened the woman.

Everyone understood what they were talking about. The Thunder family... a once powerful family of the Celestial Empire's southern region, that met its demise in a red moon night like this one. They were feared and respected because of their Thunderbolt secret techniques.... techniques that were all stolen that night by the same cult. No one thought that the Thunder Lord's disappeared daughter could have still been alive.

"EVERYONE! IN BATTLE FORMATION!" The man ordered, understanding that, if he had to face Aisha's secret technique again, he would have been killed on the spot, "THUNDERBOLT SUPPRESSION FORMATION!" He screamed. Everyone got into position, creating a huge circle around the three people, as a powerful formation was being established.

Suddenly, Aisha felt her strength being reduced by almost half. She immediately turned and looked in the direction of her children, as the layer of electricity protecting them was now too weak to be able to sustain the attack of an expert. She had to act quickly,

"Lightning Steps!" In half a second, she covered the distance of twenty meters that separated her from them.

"Do you remember this formation? It is the same we used on that same day to defeat the Thunder Lord." The assassins' captain said with confidence, even if a bit of fear was still inside him. The formation was kept by the low-level cultivators, to leave the remaining five Heaven-level experts to deal with her directly, "Finally we have the occasion to end what we started twenty years ago, by putting an end to your life." The captain continued, as the woman was standing still in silence, thinking of a way to defeat them while protecting her children.

She decided once again to strike for first,

"Lightning Steps!" In the blink of an eye, she rushed forward in the captain's direction, as if she became lightning herself. He didn't even have the time to react, that she was already in front of him,

'Holy sh*t, she is still so fast.' He thought as he moved his arms to protect his chest. At the same time, Aisha had already prepared the next move. She clenched her right fist tightly,

"Thunder Strike!" A huge punch hit the man directly on his arms protecting his chest, as he was sent flying for one hundred meters. The sound was that of an explosion, with a strong flow of wind generated from it.

At the same time, the other four experts rushed towards the children,

"Finally we have got you!" Said one of them with an unsettling smile on his face, as they got almost on them, while the children were paralyzed in fear.

"LIGHTNING SPEAR!" Screamed in anger Aisha, whose face was terrifying, after seeing her children were in danger. A sudden light enveloped her hand, forming a spear of lighting. In a fraction of a second, the spear was launched against the man who talked. At the moment he turned to see what was coming, it was already too late. The man was pierced through from side to side, spitting an enormous quantity of blood from his mouth. The wind pressure blew away the other three experts who were trying to get closer to the children. A second later, they looked for their companion with their eyes, "Oh God... isn't she just a Heaven level like us?" One of them said, after seeing the lifeless man impaled against a tree just a few meters away from them,

"HEY! Are you using the formation properly?!?" Another one asked angered to the other speechless low-level cultivators controlling the formation.

"Y-Yes, it is functioning perfectly! There is nothing wrong with us!!" A young levy of the cult answered, as his voice trembled a bit, because of the gaze aimed at him.

"I said..." The woman started saying, as she slowly raised her head again, "None of you shall survive."

Looking at her and seeing how sure of herself she was, all the experts realized that her skills were leagues above theirs.

'Without the formation, we would have been already all dead.' The captain thought as he got back on his feet again, feeling his arms still numb, "We must work together to kill her," He said to the other experts, "Otherwise she will kill us, one after another."

From that point on, she had to face all of the remaining four experts, but the situation was disadvantageous for Aisha.

Time passed and she didn't even have a second of rest, due to the continuous attacks from the four assassins,

"You are becoming annoying," She said, while fighting, to the four men that she perceived as if they were insects not even worthy to face her. One of them was able to injure her in the abdomen. It was a deep wound, but, at that moment, she was too focused to feel any pain,

'If only there wasn't the formation...' She thought as she looked at the men controlling it. Feeling her gaze on them, they got wary of what could come.

The weakest of the experts tried to take her by surprise from behind her back, but, when he got close enough, she instantly turned and looked directly into his eyes,

"Secret technique... Lightning Nightmare!" A bolt of lightning suddenly struck directly from her eyes into his brain. His saliva started flowing out of his mouth, with his eyes turning red because of too much blood afflux diverted towards them, as he tried instinctively to bring his hands to his throat, through which air didn't pass anymore. He was under complete mental shock as if his brain melted in an instant.

"DON'T LOOK INTO HER EYES, OR YOU WILL END UP LIKE HIM!!" The captain screamed to the others, after seeing something he had never seen before.

"Only three are left..." She said as the enemies took some steps back, trying to understand what she did.